Ancient Romans sculpted blood-red statues to try to scare off the Scots

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The Summerston distance slab from the western end of the Roman Antonine Wall in Scotland was once brightly painted in warning reds, yellow and white. Credit: Hunterian Museum/University of Glasgow

Ancient Romans Painted Horrifying Blood-Red Warnings on Wall Across Scotland

Ancient Romans used blood-red, bright-yellow and stunning white paints to illustrate dire warnings on the wall that separated them from the rebellious tribespeople of Scotland, a new study shows.

***trailer of the movie “The Eagle” about a young Roman officer (played by Channing Tatum) who wishes to find out about the death of his father, who had fallen when his Roman legion, the Ninth, was wiped out by the ancient Scots (Picts, who later merged with the Scots, who were from Ireland)


The painted warnings — including Roman eagles with blood-stained beaks, and the slain, mutilated, arms-chopped-off and decapitated bodies of the defeated victims of the victorious Roman legions — were shown alongside Latin inscriptions on carved stone slabs placed along a Roman rampart in Scotland.

Archaeologist Louisa Campbell from the University of Glasgow says the carved and painted stone slabs would have served as “Roman propaganda” to local tribes-people north of the Antonine Wall, a fortified wall built across Scotland by the Roman legions during the reign of the emperor Antoninus Pius in the second century A.D. [In Photos: Ancient Roman Fort Discovered]

The reds, in particular, were used to paint details, such as the cloaks of Roman soldiers, and to signify the bloody end in store for enemies of the Roman Empire. “The scenes depicted by the iconography demonstrate the power and might of Rome in a highly graphic manner,” Campbell told Live Science in an email.

The stone slabs, placed at intervals along the Antonine Wall, would have promoted the idea of Roman control of the region, both to the Roman armies and visitors from the empire, as well as to the indigenous peoples who lived around and north of the wall, she noted.

The stones were “a very visible message to the indigenous peoples of those regions that Rome is a powerful empire that will not tolerate any challenge to her authority,” Campbell said.

Campbell studied all 19 of the known Roman “distance stones” found along the Antonine Wall, a fortification built by the Roman military to extend their control north of Hadrian’s Wall, which was constructed about 60 miles (96 kilometers) to the south after A.D. 122, during the reign of the emperor Hadrian.

The Antonine Wall wasn’t as long as Hadrian’s 84-mile-long (135 km) wall, but it was still substantial, running almost 40 miles (64 km), from east to west between two deep river estuaries, or “firths,” on opposite sides of Scotland — from the Firth of Forth, today just north of the city of Edinburgh, to the Firth of Clyde, just a few miles west of Glasgow.

Campbell’s research included the two most famous stones from the Antonine Wall: the Summerston slab, which was found on a farm near Glasgow around 1694, and the Bridgeness Slab, discovered in 1868 near the town of Falkirk, at the eastern end of the Antonine Wall.

Both slabs showed grisly carved scenes of Roman cavalrymen running down indigenous northern warriors and guarding combatant tribespeople who had already been captured and bound, Campbell said.

The Bridgeness stone also showed a decapitated warrior in the midst of battle. Both ends of the warrior’s severed neck were once painted bright red to symbolize blood, Campbell’s research revealed. Ancient artists may have also highlighted a carved Roman eagle on the Summerston slab with blood-red paint, she added.

“I would suggest the red on the beak of the eagle (the symbol of Rome and her legions) symbolizes Rome feasting off the flesh of her enemies,” Campbell wrote in the email.

The Roman eagle on the Summerston slab also rests on the mythical figure of a capricorn, or sea-goat – the symbol of Rome’s Second Legion, who defended the wall in that area and who had dedicated the stone to the emperor Antoninus Pius, she said.

Despite its powerful propaganda messages, the Antonine Wall was occupied by Roman defenders only until A.D. 161, when Marcus Aurelius became emperor, and for a few years, from A.D. 208 to 211, during the reign of Septimius Severus.

Archaeologists don’t agree why the Romans failed to establish the Antonine Wall as the northernmost border of the empire, but in the early third century they abandoned it and withdrew to Hadrian’s Wall.

While many stone ruins are still visible along Hadrian’s Wall, many of the remains of the earth and wooden ramparts of the Antonine Wall are now hard to distinguish from the surrounding countryside.

But new archaeological research is helping scientists map the ancient wall. Patricia Weeks, an archaeologist with the government heritage agency Historic Environment Scotland (HES), told Live Science that a survey using lidar technology, which uses laser light to map almost invisible distortions on the ground, along the full length of the Antonine Wall.

Data from this survey had been used as part of a study of the Antonine Wall by Nick Hannon, an archaeologist at Canterbury Christ Church University in the England, to explore relationships between different sites on the wall, and to try to identify any overlooked elements, such as additional small forts, Weeks told Live Science in an email.

The data from the survey and other work by archaeologists is being used to engage the public. Detailed 3D scans of artifacts from the Antonine Wall, including some of the distance slabs studied by Campbell, have been made public by HES at the Sketchfab 3D website.

The survey data and 3D artifact scans have also been incorporated in an educational game about a Roman fort along the wall, and in an interactive augmented-reality tour of the Antonine Wall, to help visitors to the region better understand and visualize the ancient structures, Weeks said.





    Ascolta bene le sue parole! Dice:”Noi che portavano la Riga di lato!”

    E cosa ti ricorda? Chi?

    Questo Cantante Italiano è davvero Romano,simpatizzante della squadra del “Lazio”..Regno di Saturno e degli “Aesir”-
    Età dell’Oro decantata da Virgilio prima del Regno di Giove.

    Ha ragione Alessandro!

    Popolo eletto!Ecco che tutto torna.

    La pagina che ti ho postato ha tanti articoli ben scritti!(conservali)

    Uno scrittore Romano!

    Mi fa tenerezza (Tommaso Paradiso, il cognome è così bello!) porta addosso la Bandiera Americana; mi chiedo il perché? È quel “Ponte” tra l’Italia e l’America?Dato i Simboli e quelle “ORME”: “Il percorso è EGITTO-ITALIA-AMERICA.”

    Forse questo Mondo è pieno di nessuno ci fa caso!

    Ho letto qualcosa su SETTIMIO SEVERO,secondo un giornalista Italo-Musulmano,Settimio era di origine ebraica,il suo

    Arco sembra STRANAMENTE contrapposto a quello di TITO!Perché?

    Ha sollevato una grande domanda!

    Come posso dirtelo? Qualcosa mi dice che andava lui stesso contro ROMA e sotto sotto era suo NEMICO.

    PS:Sono proprio INCAZZATA,Roma è diventata un porcile,ci sono stata due volte e ci ritornerò!Ora è Gestita da una stupida DONNA che pensava di poter fare miracoli(la prenderei a schiaffi)

    L’immigrazione non l’ha fermata (ANZI) ed è tutta sporca e con un tasso alto di povertà!Adoro i Romani(Anche Alessandro DE ANGELIS lo è!)sono simpatici e GENTILI.Mi fanno una tenerezza e adoro il loro accento.
    Quando hanno capito che eravamo del Sud hanno esclamato: “Voi siete i famosi BRIGANTI”! Ho visto una luce nei loro occhi, avevamo tutte le carte in regola per cacciare gli invasori, ma siamo diventati poi una colonia “comunista e capitalista”. Se ci penso..mi vergogno.
    Non siamo più PECORE!

    • Grazie per il commento, l’articolo su Antica Roma e Saturno. Direi che Saturno è anche l’energia della costruzione di cose molto solide. E il padre di Romolo e Remo era il dio Marte. Quindi hai le energie saturnine e marziali che hanno creato un grande impero. 🙂

      Ho adorato la bellissima canzone di Tommaso Paradiso, con il suo toccante amore per quella grande città. Ho visto due volte questo video. 🙂

      (Wiki: “Nato nel quartiere romano di Prati, Paradiso ha frequentato il liceo classico ed è laureato in filosofia.[1])

      Ha un aspetto molto ariano, come un antico romano reincarnato. 🙂

  2. Lo immaginavo che ti sarebbe piaciuto il video!La squadra del LAZIO è grandiosa…va forte!Il suo allenatore “fascista” è con lei da tantissimi anni,lui stesso giocava in questa squadra da giovane.Ha distrutto perfino la Sionista juventus-Che compra le sue partite.
    Per me questa canzone è un inno alla Vittoria..Vibra tutto.
    E l’Aquila, che non è quella “Imperiale” ma quella con la testa bianca Americana(Reale)è il simbolo di questa grande squadra.
    Per me è una stronzata il fatto che la Roma e la Lazio siano due squadre divise.Anche i veri “fascisti” sono tutti nella Lazio,ricordo il casino che hanno fatto quando hanno giocato contro Israele.Fantastici!L’Italia che si ribella ogni tanto…

    Ecco quello che fanno,addirittura una spada?sono i Rari momenti in cui sento Marte;Tolle mi direbbe di controllore la rabbia!cerco di farlo con le persone comuni perché mi si ritorcerebbe come si fa con tutto il Resto?La rabbia la usi per difesa,per completare un’azione,per difendere una nobile causa.
    Si,si può controllare,l’importante è che porti grandi risultati e non solo sofferenza personale.
    In fondo Gesù è nato con questa spada..lui è morto in battaglia.
    Ora le pistole non sono la stessa cosa,non ti permettono di guardare in faccia il nemico!E’ troppo facile uccidere da lontano..e non ti rende migliore.
    Pensavo alla lotta tra animali dello stesso sesso:”Non hanno mai rinunciato a guardarsi negli occhi prima di attaccare! È incredibile quello che fanno.Vivono davvero quel tragico momento.

    • Transl:

      Here is what they do, even a sword? Are the rare moments when I feel Mars; Tolle would tell me to control the anger! I try to do it with ordinary people because it would backfire on me … but how do you do it with all the rest? anger you use it in defense, to complete an action, to defend a noble cause.
      Yes, you can check it, the important thing is that it brings great results and not just personal suffering.

      After all Jesus was born with this sword .. he died in battle.

      Now the guns are not the same thing, they don’t allow you to face the enemy! It’s too easy to kill from a distance … and it doesn’t make you better.

      I thought of the fight between animals of the same sex: “They never gave up looking at each other before attacking! It is incredible what they do. They really live that tragic moment.”

      My answer:

      Whether we kill or seek peace, first we decide what the reality is. Then we can have emotions. 🙂

  4. Ho riletto il tuo articolo su Mk-Ultra e mi è venuto in mente questo video:

    “Si,te ne avevo parlato”.

    Credo sia il Mk-Ultra su queste persone speciali (con super poteri), ma nasconde altro..vero?

    Non so se è stato l’unico regista italiano a denunciare tutto ciò.

    Però lo ha fatto!

    Ovviamente nessuno immagina cosa ci sta dietro, perché non è un film di Fantasia come tanti possono credere.

    È qualcosa che ti arriva dritto in faccia.

    Questo ragazzo “speciale” che tutti aspettavamo e qui per vendicarsi e vendicare la sua Gente.

    Più forte che mai..

    Questo film si snoda in due Tempi.

    Ho visto solo la seconda non mancherà la prima visto che è un film di Realtà.

    • Transl:

      I reread your article on MK-ULTRA, and this video came to mind:

      “You know that I clearly told you all of this in advance.”

      I think it’s the MK-ULTRA on these special people (with super powers), but it hides something else … Is it true?

      I don’t know if he was the only Italian director to report on this. But at least he did!

      Obviously nobody can imagine what actually exists behind this “movie,” because it is not a fantasy film at all, despite what so many believe.

      It is something that hits you straight in the face.

      This “special” guy we all expected was here to take revenge, and avenge his people…..stronger than ever.

      This film unfolds in two stages. I honestly have seen only the second part..but the first one should not be skipped, since it is a reality movie.

    Questa è una versione italiana di “We are the World”.
    50 Artisti italiani hanno partecipato a questo canzone.
    So benissimo che (l’AQUILA) è stata colpita di proposito..come il centro Italia anni dopo.
    Questa canzone ha un messaggio per tutta l’umanità..
    È un bellissimo Messaggio di Speranza.
    “Uniti si può Vincere” perché L’Aquila RISORGE sempre dalle sue Ceneri.

    • Transl:

      This is an Italian version of “We are the World”. 50 Italian artists participated in this song.

      I know very well that the L’AQUILA region her in Italy was purposely hit .. like central Italy years later.

      This song has a message for all humanity ..

      It is a beautiful message of hope. “United you can Win” because L’Aquila [ = the eagle] always RISES from its Ashes. [end]


      My response:

      Thank you for this touching video.

      Several thoughts came to my mind:

      1) how beautiful the southern half of Italy is with its mountains, snow and greenery.

      2) the despicable corruption and laziness in the modern, post-fascist, post-Mussolini Italian state, which led to this huge earthquake damage, which killed 308 people.

      Italy used to be a heavily nordic country, racially, between the

      And when the earthquake came, the one building came down and many innocents were killed, and the other building, constructed in conformity with the building code, was still standing and everyone was alive, not crying and grieving for the loss of loved ones and their home.

      I had many Japanese clients in the 1990s; I taught the American accent in Boston to foreign scientists and medical doctors at Harvard. Japan is, of course, a major earthquake area. But Japan, like the huge American federal state of California, has ordered (my information, I admit, is now 20 years old) that all buildings must rest on huge shock absorbers, which are built into the basement.

      And they must have a huge tank of water on the top floor. The water then sloshes in the opposite direction of the earthquake shock wave, then returns, righting the building again.

      Someday, our beautiful national socialism will make gorgeous Italy so great again, and restore the spirit of the Ancient Romans. Italians back then were just as efficient as Germans! 🙂 .

      …but with much better weather, a fun sense of humor, close family loyalty, delicious food, and more alluring women.

      I know both nationalities SO well. 🙂

      The same is true of France, Spain and Greece. National socialism will restore their ancient greatness, their genes and an efficient state.

  6. Sono io che devo ringraziarti, sempre.

    Provo così tanta rabbia..perché?

    Perché quando capitano queste tragedie c’è dietro un disegno oscuro..prestabilito.

    Sono “Rituali” per rendere più forte il loro potere, che si basa sulla “paura” delle persone.
    Riesco a sentire quando lo fanno.

    Due episodi del genere sono capitati in questa settimana, la morte di un 15enne ucciso (Russo di cognome) da un poliziotto in borghese; stava tentando di rapinarlo con una pistola finta (due colpi, uno dietro la nuca) cosa ti ricorda? e il deragliamento della Freccia ROSSA nel nord Italia.

    Questo “Rosso” che si ripete è collegato a loro.

    La Gente da colpa a “DIO” per tutto questo,senza comprendere cosa(CHI)ci sta dietro.

    E non avranno mai “Giustizia”.

    Dio è AMORE..non ha nulla a che fare con tutto questo MALE.

    Per questo preferisco non ascoltare più nulla e sentire quello che può trasmettere solo “Amore”.

    Tutto questo finirà, DEVE finire.

    Poi solo PACE..

    • Transl:

      It is I who must thank you, always.

      I feel so much anger..why?

      Because when these tragedies happen, there is a dark design … pre-established.

      They are “rituals” to make their power stronger, which is based on the “fear” of people. I can feel when they are doing it.

      Two such incidents happened this week, the death of a 15-year-old teenage boy killed (Russian by surname) by a plainclothes policeman. He was trying to rob him with a fake gun, and got two shots, one behind the back of the neck. What does THAT remind you of? And there was the derailment of the RED Arrow train in northern Italy.

      This repeating of “Red” is connected to them.

      People blame “GOD” for all this, without understanding what (((WHO))) is behind it.

      And they will never have “justice”.

      God is LOVE.. It has nothing to do with all this EVIL.

      This is why I prefer not to listen to anything anymore and to feel what only “love” can transmit.

      All this will end, it MUST end.

      Then just PEACE ….

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