Ancient skulls and figurines that tend to clearly support the reptilian thesis

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Media baron Donald Newhouse (

The skulls that drastically widen to the rear are clearly not CGI, nor the strange figurines, some depicting actual scales. The human-resonance site below says reptilians engaged in rituals, sacrifice, cannibalism, narcotics, demonic possession, and other things associated with, no surprise, our beloved J-Team…. .
Perhaps read this first:

UPDATED Reptilian gloating all over huge Paul VI papal audience hall in Rome; black-magic principle of warning the victim; Book of Enoch: some “humans” are incarnated demons

Resonance in Exoplanetary Hybridization
by Alex Putney

August 10, 2015Ancient statuary from all over the world reveal reptilian influences, especially figurative sculpture traditions from West Africa. Less well known than the refined bronzes of the Ife culture, the Nomoli geopolymer stone figurines from Sierra Leone are ~17,000-13,000 years old and present the same species of giant reptilian humanoids seen at Sanxingdui, China (above), crowned by the DNA double-helix and riding elephants. The scaly texture of reptilian skin is shown by rows of squares that, like the elephant itself, reference Indra: Jupiter.

Belonging to the Paleolithic culture, the cast stone votive figurines of Sierra Leone and other regions of Central Africa are matched in style and design by later cultures during the Holocene period, yet clearly lacking the technical skill of the Atlantean craftsmen. Votive figurines created by the ancient Nok culture of Nigeria and the Sao culture of Chad and Cameroon were simply manufactured from fired clay, yet still display the use of Paleo-Sanskrit votive sncriptions that are an essential element of the older examples.

The ancient artists’ special attention to reproducing the highly unusual facial and anatomical features of the giant reptilian humanoids provide a great variety of solutions to the challenge, each one capturing the same exaggerated eyes, lips and scaly ridges that inspire fear in extraterrestrial abductees worldwide.

The same specific, detailed iconography dominates the artworks of the ancient mound-building ancestors of the Koma people of Northern Ghana. Excavation of small mounds and archeological trenches in the vicinity of the town of Yikpabongo uncovered hundreds of reptilian terracotta figurines (below) and human bones altogether disposed of in mounds and pits ~3,100bp –exactly the same circumstances seen at Sanxingdui!

The Yikpabongo Mounds, Ghana (10.241°N 1.567°W) are located 2,505 miles from Giza, or 10.06% of Earth’s mean circumference, in an area known for clusters of megalithic standing stone circles identified decades ago (Anquandah, 1987). The consistency of the Koma reptilian humanoid figurines with the contemporary Sanxingdui bronzes conclusively demonstrates a unified cultural phase in Asia and Africa.

All documentation concerning rare archeological findings of giant skeletal remains of reptilian humanoids has been repeatedly stolen, hoarded and controlled by monarchies and their government institutions for many centuries, yet a few examples of apparent reptilian/human hybrid skull specimens have been collected, dated and properly reported in the journals of anthropological science.

One such specimen is a fragmentary reptilian/human hybrid skull recovered near present-day Hofmeyr, South Africa that displays the slightly more gracile features of a female (below, left). Sand grains from within the cranial vault yielded thermoluminescence values corresponding to an age of ~36,000bp.

Despite suffering the bite marks of large predators, the very broad, flat facial features of this female cranial fragment may indicate a human mtDNA lineage belonging to the oldest recognized human haplogroup, type L0d2a of the South African Khoisan people, also known as the San.

The post-mortem fracture to the right brow exposed the porous structure of the bone ridge that represents a distinctive type of cancellous bone that is a hallmark of reptilian species, comprising the boney bumps on an alligator’s back and the exotic display features of dinosaur species. The same spongy reptilian bone is also observed on the brow of the reptilian/human hybrid skull from the necropolis at Alacao, Ecuador.

The unusually cancellous quality of the heavy brow bone is reflected throughout the cancellous interior structures and proportions of the rest of the skull, showing bone thickness that exceeds human norms.

Another noteworthy reptilian/human hybrid skull from the Late Pleistocene is the frontal bone of a male specimen excavated with an assortment of flaked bifaces and bladed cores from Lukenya Hill, Kenya (above, right). Eggshell fragments near the skull returned RC-14 dates corresponding to ~23,200bp. Cross-section of the Lukenya skull frontal bone reveals extra thickness and an inner cancellous layer.

Archeological finds dating to more recent periods of human history present the same distinctive combination of craniofacial features that surprised anthropologists studying the African hybrid skulls. The dry desert sands of the Chongos necropolis, situated in the Pisco River Valley north of Paracas, Peru, have yielded many exquisite examples of female and male reptilian/human hybrid skulls (below).

The more complete female specimen (above, left) displays no visible suture between the fused parietal plates, whereas the male presents a well delineated suture between the parietals. Both hybrid specimens display extremely brachycephalic configurations, with the heavier brow of the male (above, right) being unmistakable.

The experimental hybridization process indicated by the remarkable features of these royal Chongos skulls included specialized psychoacoustic techniques for achieving biorhythmic synchronization in subterranean chambers, inducing neurogenesis; generating enhanced neural architecture and cranial volume. The highly symmetrical forms of these Chongos hybrid skulls correspond to the shaped contours of psychoacoustic metal helmets that were used throughout ancient pyramids and temples worldwide.

Skeletal remains of exotic reptilian/human hybrid rulers from Peru display the same features seen among the Late Paleolithic African examples, and find analogous sets of gold-laden royal burials in Asia Minor and the Near East. Brachycephalic reptilian/human hybrid skulls were also excavated at the Byuran site of present-day Armenia, as well as the Tillya Tepe burial site located in present-day Afghanistan.

Terracotta traditions in the Near East have become famous for explicit representations of giant reptilian humanoids in small figurines of the Ubaid culture. A female figurine with nursing infant displays very wide shoulders and narrow hips with glyph texts reading: * upama-as vi raua , meaning “The One…, for the highest from roaring…” (above). A matching male reptilian figurine holding a baton device bears the simple hieroglyphic phrase: * * * ris , meaning “The One, the One… dwindling” (below).

The much earlier Paleolithic period of reptilian cultural influence is also observed among the artifacts of the pyramid-building Ohm civilization of La Manà¡, Ecuador, including water vessels and psychoacoustic whistles that date to ~13,000bp, formed as reptilian figurines with fanged mouths and fully scaled bodies.

Roaring and bearing fangs constitute overt references to the deceptive predatory nature of these giant extraterrestrial intelligences. This expression is reinforced by the paired reptilian figures’ demonstrative hand positions. The largest reptilian vessel recovered at the La Manà¡ Pyramid is a giant psychoacoustic whistle that stands 3′ (92cm) tall and appears to be reaching out to take hold of its prey (above).


Hieroglyphic Sanskrit phrases are embedded in the pure forms of the reptilians’ psychoacoustic helmets, reading: adhi ra , meaning “Delivering granting…” and adhi raua for “Delivering roaring…” (above). The roaring reptilians’ gaping jaws and gold septum spheres together reiterate the same essential Atlantean votive phrase now identified all over the world: * adhi ra , meaning “The One delivering granting…”

Another remarkably complex earthenware vessel depicts a human standing on a reptilian figure, asserting dominance over the technologically advanced predator, offering an unambiguous statement concerning the Ohm culture’s adversarial relations with the visiting giant extraterrestrial species.

The broader cultural context offered by ancient artworks reveals successive waves of visitations by a reptilian species who collectively manipulated the Atlantean high civilization throughout its evolution, having induced 3 major destructions and installed a violent ruling class of giant reptilian hybrids for subjugating populations on all continents using narcotics, possession, ritual sacrifice and cannibalism.

A Caà±amo woman from the Chilean Atacama Desert mummified ~3,200 years ago displays strong hybrid reptilian cranial features, belonging to the giant ruling class that ran high-volume cocaine and tobacco production and trafficking operations for the Pharaohs of Egypt. This fact was verified by intensive study at multiple world class forensics labs after denials by government-paid ‘experts’ and successive cover-up documentaries obfuscated the initial findings, as typically occurs with politically ‘sensitive’ subjects.

Coca leaf chewing has been an integral part of daily life among Andean societies for more than 30,000 years. However, chemical processes for manufacturing the highly addictive narcotic form as cocaine first appeared during the Atlantean period among the followers of Baal for inducing negative spirit possession.

Pervasive cocaine consumption among the hybrid ruling class is confirmed by the many grave offerings of snuff trays and bird-bone snuff tubes found at Andean sites like Paracas, Peru and Tiwanaku, Bolivia, in direct possession of giant humanoid skeletons, often mummified with their hair twisted into long dreadlocks.

Thousands of reptilian/human hybrid skulls have been discovered and collected by governments and their strictly controlled institutions like the Smithsonian, who continue to orchestrate the worldwide cover-up of an exoplanetary mass hybridization project undertaken by reptilian genetic engineers during a 240-year period of experimentation extending from ~3,300-3,060bp. Fortunately, this hybridization project failed.

The giant proportions of most of the skulls from the ancient royal cemetery excavated at Paracas, located in the coastal deserts of present-day Peru, have never been properly analyzed or critically examined by anatomists. Psychoacoustic enhancement of cranial volume is responsible for extreme elongations witnessed at all pyramids, subterranean chambers and cavesites where this experimentation was done.

The highly distinctive brow features of reptilian hybrid skulls were sculpturally rendered in a fine stucco relief carving at the sacred Maya pyramid site of Palenque, in present-day Mexico (above). Palenque, Mexico (17.48°N 92.05°W) is 7,444 miles from the Great Pyramid, comprising 29.90% of Earth’s mean circumference and approximating the resonant 30% Fibonacci distance band reflecting the golden ratio.

These immediately recognizable reptilian hybrid brow ridges are plainly evident on the ~3,100-year-old royal Egyptian mummy of Yuya, father of Queen Tiye, showing an extremely wide mouth covering a large, square jaw (above). Government ‘authorities’ are busily disinforming the public on the highly sensitive subjects of exoplanetary royal hybrid genetics and cocaine, promoting the latest government-controlled royal DNA study –headlined by photos of fake ‘alien artifacts’ blatantly insulting the reader’s intelligence.

These new findings also implicate the cave-dwelling Dropas tribe of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a rare surviving inbred line of hybrid dragon kings that once occupied the Atlantean caverns below Mt. Baigong.

The same governmental coverup operation has suppressed DNA results from the hybrid Caucasian mummies of China’s Taklamakan Desert (above), also dating to ~3,100 years ago, for which the public has only been shown misleading mtDNA sequence results. Skull morphology comparisons firmly establish the reptilian/human hybrid phenotype identified by the new species designation: Homo sapiens draconis.

Genetic studies will eventually confirm what is quite obvious from distinct morphological traits presented by the scores of royal hybrid mummies preserved in Egypt, and the hybrid lineages of the horse-riding peoples of the Eurasian Steppe that include the Scythians and Pazyryk Nomads (above).

Extensive evidence for the violent lifestyle of these groups is witnessed by battle wounds and advanced neurosurgical procedures including skull trepanation found in every region of the world where these hybrid human/reptiod skull features are found; in Paracas, Peru, Palenque, Mexico and the Eurasian Plateau.

Tattoo designs inked on the skin of causasian mummies from the Taklamakan desert and the Caucasian horsemen of the Steppe display several common motifs, especially the double-spiral design, the dragon, reindeer and the horse. Intercontinental links are found with the royal mummies of the Atacama Desert, who show matching spiral hand tattoos repeating the ancient Sanskrit mantra: mi-is , or “synchrony’.

The Caucasian Pharaonic line of Yuya, a ‘Master of the Horse’, shares ancestry with the Pazyryk horse-riders. A reconstructed female skull from the Pazyryk reveals the same zygomatic and mandibular hooks for enhanced jaw musculature, as well as prounounced mid-brow ridges that are unmistakable reptilian humanoid characteristics (above). The very large proportions of these violent, control-driven groups of royal mummies and skeletons distributed all over the world is another clear genetic expression of their hybrid origin, possessing human mtDNA and giant reptilian humanoid heritage on the paternal side.

Reptilian/human hybrid skulls are also prevalent in Neolithic archeological sites throughout the Middle East, as exemplified by a large skull decorated with cowry shell eyes excavated at the ~11,000-year-old city of Jericho, situated in present-day Israel (above). DNA results from the specimen have not been released. The same suppression of genetic findings surrounds the tall hybrid skeleton excavated at Lepenski Vir, Serbia dated to ~8,000bp (above), as well as hybrid skulls discovered on the Island of Malta (below).

Comprehensive whole genome surveys of these well-known museum collections will inevitably confirm what government studies must have surely discovered decades ago: that giant reptilian humanoids have revisited Earth conducting mass hybridization projects, ruling humanity through their hybrid dragon kings.



….Yes, reptilians are real, so are the elongated-skull (conehead) people — and both are nasty


…..Would a fish believe in the existence of water? It is all he knows.

If he has never experienced air by being caught on a hook and yanked up into it, he would have no comprehension of what air is, or that his universe is watery. He would not believe in water. 😉

Ignore the people with their head in the sand, who seem to have a hard time believing

something until their moronic butts see it. I wonder if it existed before they saw it? It sounds unbelievable, yes, but it’s not coincidental that every ancient culture in the world has stories about reptilians,and conehead people.

Some people have no imagination and yet still view themselves as superior somehow.

I think some people would make out with themselves if they could, especially Richard Dawkins or that Jewish “skeptic” Michael Schermer

The one thing they all have in common is they’re miserable and in love with themselves, noted primarily by their ability to not believe in anything until it’s discovered.

When did people become so stupid that they can’t simply tell with their intuition the truthfulness of somebody’s story?

Always the same, gimme gimme gimme proof. I’m not sure they would believe in their own penis if they couldn’t see it.

What makes denial even more inevitable in the masses is their cowardice. Both species discussed below are scary-looking and nasty-acting. Both reptilians and coneheads eat humans.

………VERY ancient reptilians before Sumer

Seven thousand years ago people worshipped reptilians at what is now called Al-Ubaid in Iraq.

Statuettes of reptilians; noteworthy is the fact that the female reptilians (two photos on the right) have breasts or are even breastfeeding, which of course the reptiles that we know cannot an do not do.


Al Ubaid archeological site in Iraq is a gold mine for archeologists and historians. It has yielded numerous objects from a pre-Sumerian time called the Ubaid period (5900 “4000 B.C.). However, some of these objects are quite disturbing. A number of Ubaid statues depict strange, lizard-like humanoid figures in unique, unceremonious poses that seem to indicate they were not gods (such as the animal-headed deities of Egypt), but rather a race of lizard people. Of course, the statues have been drawn into stories and theories of reptilian aliens that used to roam the earth (and perhaps still do, according to conspiracy theorists). Although this seems unlikely, their true nature remains a mystery.

The figurines are presented with long heads, almond shaped eyes, long tapered faces and a lizard-type nose. What exactly they represent is completely unknown. According to archaeologists, their postures, such as a female figure breast-feeding, does not suggest that they were ritualistic objects. So what did these lizard figures represent? Whatever they were, they appear to have been important to the ancient Ubaidian people.

. [JewTube deleted this.]

…….excellent episode of “Ancient Aliens” on reptilians (but this show never shows the “nordics” as benevolent, which they are)



Los Angeles Times (?), date unknown

All evidence suggests that the Los Angeles area is a hotbed of underground and underwater activity.

The low-budget but stunning movie “They Live” about reptilians masquerading as human beings was filmed, of course, in Los Angeles.

. [JewTube deleted this.]


I have often shown this incredible Google Earth image of a huge egg-shaped something in the coastal waters off Malibu, California. I urge you to look at it yourself, just setting the image to “satellite.”




Photo of an actual cone head/elongated skull found in the Paracas region of Peru. The reddish hair is real and was preserved with the find. Many cone head skulls from the Paracas region have reddish colored hair, suggesting it was a family trait normal for this species of alien being. Real cone head skulls exist in museums around the World, including this one in Paracus, Peru.

One of the most fascinating and compelling collections of extraterrestrial presence on plant Earth is the existence of hundreds of cone head skulls. Also known as elongated skulls, these skeletal remains of ancient beings cannot be explained away by contemporary science as mutations or intentional deformation, even though many professionals sustain such explanations. While many examples of intentional cranial deformation exist and we have evidence of the methods used by primitive people to achieve this feat, in all these cases, the cranial volume of the skull is relatively the same as a non-deformed human skull. That is to say that the act of cranial deformation cannot increase the brain or cranial size of a human. Human DNA dictates how much brain matter is grown regardless of the shape it is forced to grown within. Authentic alien cone head skulls have greater cranial volume, denser bonedifferent bone components and other unexplained variations in DNA.

 Hundreds of specimens

The vast quantity of these artifacts and slight variations in size and shape immediately dispel the assumption that they are a rare deformity or mutation. More than two hundred cone head skulls are known to exist and have already been excavated from sites in Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, Iraq, Malta, Melanesia, Mexico, North America, Peru, and Siberia. It is unknown how many actually exist. More are found every year. However, despite the existence of numerous skulls, very little scientific research as been performed by respected institutions. It appears that they are often dispelled as products of intentional cranial deformation, a practice of primitive people from these civilizations. In fact, there are many examples skulls that show evidence of this “head binding” practice. However, there are also many examples of skulls that do not show evidence of artificial deformation and are, in fact, naturally occurring. This important fact is not adequately addressed or explained by contemporary researchers and archeologists.

Similarities in Age

Variations in Shape

Large Eyes and Jaws

Enormous Craniums

Greater Bone Density

Foramen Magnum

Different Parietal Plates

Two Small Holes

Rulers with Cone Heads

Star Child Project
Characteristics of real alien cone head skulls         Cone Head Home
Brian Foerster is the author of more than 10 books and has appeared several times on the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens.” He is also the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum in Paracas, south of Lima and runs Hidden Inca Tours, exploring ancient Peru and beyond. Lynn Marzulli is the author of Nephilim, The Unholy Deception, and The Revealing. He possesses an in-depth knowledge on the topic of UFO cults, and is a musician and composer who has recorded a number of albums. He received an honorary Doctorate degree from Pacific International University for his work on Nephilim. L.A. and Brian return to discuss the mysterious elongated Parakus skulls of Peru.
We’ll hear about the skull sample test results and how the DNA mutations are unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. We are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. Brien talks about what is known of the Paracus culture, while Lynn explains why he believes the skulls are remnants of the Nephilim.
In the second hour, we’ll go deeper into the Paracas culture. Is it possible they fled to North America? L.A. and Brien also discuss interesting genetic remnants of other ancient peoples. They’ll talk about how information that challenges the mainstream record is silenced and covered up while the Darwinian model rules science. Later, Marzulli shares more information on the Nephilim.


L.A. Marzulli’s Store
Brien Foerster’s Store


Human Origins & Lost RacesAncient Technologies & KhemitologyMystery of the Ancient Elongated Skulls & The Inca Before The Conquest


……No way to save our race while ignorant of the greater context

Earth is a battleground planet where many species interfere with each other.

This silly graphic actually contains a ton of truth. Democracy is how another species destroys us, using the moronic majority.

“I have never voted in my life… I have always known and understood that the idiots are the majority, so it’s certain they will win.” – Louis-Ferdinand Céline (superb French novelist, medical doctor and foe of khazars)
See my major essay:

……Contact and support


…..Major rabbi says Jews are aliens sent to conquer the earth

See the first page here:

“UFOs, the Reich AFTER ’45, and whites as colonists on this planet

Pleiades star cluster

There is no question whatsoever for me that the Third Reich, knowing it would probably lose the war, evacuated its top scientists in over 50 U-boats to the Antarctic, equipped with the German invention of the snorkels (to get air while staying submerged for thousands of miles).

It is this military-scientific remnant of the Reich, a nuclear power, that would survive the destruction of the West in WWIII, dug in in the Antarctic and the Andes mountains of South America.

(Hitler did kill himself to fool the Americans that the “Nazi danger” was over, and because the remnant of the Reich did not really need politicians, just scientists and generals, to survive underground.)

This Reich (which has only five million citizens now) is not strong enough to challenge the US, NATO and Russia, just protect itself, and it has the nuclear weapons and other technologies to destroy any attacker. BUT IT CANNOT RESCUE US.

The Russians admitted in a major documentary on Russian state television that this is true, with testimony by Russian air force generals in uniform.

Does he look like he’s kidding? Or that Nazis with super-weapons is a laughing matter?   



    • Thanks, LOL. I actually watched it. It must have cost hundreds of dollar to make. 😉

      It certainly harkened back to a bygone era of the proud, dominant white American male. Not one male actor had a fairy voice or demeanor. Men smoked when and where they felt like it, and had a drink with the doctor right in his office. 😉 If there was a fistfight, you waited for the other guy to get back up on his feet — no thuggish kicking him in the head. If a woman got all ditsy and hysterical, the reporter slapped her in the face.

      Also, there was an American swagger toward the conquered Germans, about which the time-machine scientist expressed keen resentment.

      In 1963, it was a different world. But with the murder at the end of November of that year of John Kennedy, who was, yes, unusually brilliant, handsome and highly educated, but also, in the ways delineated above, a truly typical, assertive, macho American male, our country was about to be guilt-tripped, castrated, taken over, and irrevocably changed into a jewish gulag.

    • Yes, he does, thanks, and this Sherman also massacred Indians after the “Civil War,” giving the whole US a bad rep entirely due to federal troops doing the bidding of the big railroad barons.

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