Anglin (Daily Stormer) takes on Jared Taylor

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The SPLC got that story right, and I did get the 1992 Frontline documentary as a result with his common-law wife trashing our cause.  Taylor was active in the very antisemitic IHR (where I met him and we shared a podium) — until he met her.

A comrade wrote me:

Two days in a row, and two articles on DS that are critical of Jared Taylor


On the 20th by a guest writer.

On the 21st by Andrew Anglin

I relied:

Thanks much, comrade.

Truth conquers all — if the truth is spoken.


I replied under the “Hey, Jared” thread as follows:


There is a very good reason why Jared never talks about women — his IMO Jewish and definitely leftist mistress, whom I met, the mother of his kids!

Evelyn Rich, hardcore Scottish antifa, whom I met in 1989, appeared on a Frontline documentary in 1992, denouncing Duke and white nationalism

As Mike Delaney has pointed out, when a WN or NS (national socialist) has aberrant views on race or the Jews, “they usually have a dog in the fight.”

It may be they have a Jewish, Filipino, Chinese, or Mexican girlfriend (or wife or kids).

I have known Taylor since 1989…. here is my view of him

…..Contact and support


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