UPDATED Anglin part-filipino? Even if true, yawn …and How is my religion progressing?

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A comrade sent me this comment (https://johndenugent.com/when-youre-gone-cranberries-singer-songwriter-drowned-in-bathtub-of-quadruple-alcohol-overdose-but-really-from-being-raped-for-four-years-as-a-young-girl/#comment-617998):


This article perhaps explains why Andrew Anglin constantly praises Rodrigo Duterte and the Filipino people:

Judaism for Non Jews–The Messianic Zionist religion that wants to recruit 7 billion members

From the above article:

“But who are these Noahides? They are members of a new religion, subordinate to Judaism, founded by rabbis from Israel, mainly from Chabad and the religious Zionist movement. According to the World Center, there are dozens of Noahide communities across the world, with more than 20,000 believers. That’s a hefty number, given that the religion was only founded at the beginning of the decade. Small Noahide communities exist in various countries, with the largest one in the Philippines.

Cooperation between Israel and the Philippines is constantly growing, and this week reached new heights with the visit to Israel of the country’s president, Rodrigo Duterte. The Philippines are a key arena of Chabad activity, and one of the primary venues where the new religion is being disseminated. There are four Chabad centers in the country, and in addition to assisting Jews, they support 10 Noahide houses of prayer. The Hasidic emissaries view the Philippines community as the model for Noahide communities in other countries. A group from the community was brought to Israel two years ago, and its members met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also sent his greetings to all the communities worldwide.”

Here’s an example of Anglin’s latest praise of Duterte and the Filipinos:

Duterte Doesn’t Mad to Trump

Of course, Anglin almost certainly has a Filipina mother, and is thus half-Filipino himself. Maybe his mother is one of these Noahides.


I replied:


Thanks for the comment and Noahide information!

Well, I know two people well who have talked at length with Anglin, who started with Alex Jones, and Anglin is definitely, personally, ferociously anti-Jewish.

Even if he were half-East Asian, AND I KNOW MANY HALF-ASIANS, AND NONE, not one, HAS BLUE EYES, I still see him as sincere.

But, yes, he looks like he has something in his woodpile, but maybe going way, way back. 😉

He claims to be of mostly German heritage, which in Ohio is frequently the case.

He is also brilliant, imaginative, hard-working and, like all the best Germans, he plans his work and works his plan.

And the fact is that a few Germans, especially in eastern Germany, do look part-Asian due to the Huns and Mongols in the Dark and Middle Ages, or the raping Red Army in 1945.

I was once on a cruise boot on the Achen Lake in Tyrol, Austria, in 1985, and a bunch of East German tourists got on board. I heard their Berlin or Saxon accents, and was amazed to also see some slanted, mongol-type eyes on a few of them, just as one can see in a few Russians, Poles and Ukrainians.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, of the Polish lower nobility, with light hair, blue-gray eyes, and a slightly mongolian cast to his eyes

Jürgen Elsässer, an East German former leftist and judeophile, now converted and a major pro-white publisher in Germany, has that asiatic look in the eyes, too.

His magazine

 Article: “Protect the borders!”

And  even so, if we say Anglin might be part-East Asian, well, the truth is that plenty of mixed-race people, and race-mixing whites, and Hindus, and muslims, all admire Hitler and hate the Jews.

In this amazing, unfaked video footage, taken from the film “Look Who’s Back,” you see whites, blacks, muslims and Chinese all WARMLY greeting Adolf Hitler in downtown Berlin — to the sincere surprise and shock of the liberals producing the film. 😉


Modern Germans spontaneously react happily to Hitler actor, claims new film


One of the two people who know Anglin said to me that he takes whatever positions can grow his website viewership, regardless of his personal views, which are somewhat cynical.

But both sources said Anglin truly, truly hates the Jews.

And I, of all people, with my stated views, am never going to totally reject anyone of any race who is also against the Jews.

I shot this video at the home of a black supporter after white comrades did NOTHING for me and Margi in 2014, our white landlady threw us out, and we were, in effect, homeless.


My dear readers, whose faith in me was gnawed at by the repeatedly debunked vicious lies or half-truths of a Henrik Holappa (now a race-mixing ANTIFA!), Carlos Porter, jury-convicted swindler David Duke, Stormfront tyrant Don Black (whose own son Derek publicly left the Cause in a letter to the SPLC!) and Jewess-sexer Jared Taylor, white men all, not one being half-filipino, sat on their hands.


Libelous accusations online against JdN


In the end, under massive FBI pressure, we had to leave the black guy’s house too, and even a cheap local hotel, and so we came up to Ontonagon, almost penniless and destitute, because we were promised two months free rent in a furnished little house.

A far cry from the lifestyle my father had and which I rejected

We drove 18 hours with almost no rest, having no money for a motel.

We brought only what we could stuff in this car, a 1996 Crown Victoria which I still drive, which was visibly packed to the rafters.

After passing the Mackinac Bridge (background), the entrance to the UP of Michigan 

At the log-cabin Marquette Visitor Center

I drove these 18 hours with a torn, age-yellowed, sclera-scratching contact lens, because I could not afford to replace it, thanks to my noble, non-half-filipino white readers sending nothing. 😉

Beat… but we did it, and I did a 90-minute interview with Red Ice two hours after we arrived. 

ENGLISH Red Ice Creations interviews me on Solutreans and extraterrestrials; beautiful Lake Superior life

Raising some chickens (and mowing five lawns a week) 


So, anyway, should I hate Anglin because he is maybe “half-something else”?

If you worship white earthlings as they are, they will break your heart every time and stomp on it. 😉


Nota bene that the last words of AH’s Political Testament in 1945 say little about the white race, which was then idiotically exterminating Germany:

My Political Testament

by Adolf Hitler,

translated by The United States Government Printing Office
Documentation for the TextInfo template.information about this edition.
Sister Projects.sister projects: Wikipedia article, Commons category, Wikidata item.
This is a testament given by Adolf Hitler on 29 April 1945.

More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the first world war that was forced upon the Reich.

In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength and my health in these three decades.

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.

Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem — similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by international Jewry.

I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe’s Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means.

After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nation’s life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Empire. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place, and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses.

“their hysterical masses” = white goyim in Anglo-America and Russia


I have decided therefore to remain in Berlin and there of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the position of the Führer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held.

I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name.

That from the bottom of my heart I express my thanks to you all, is just as self-evident as my wish that you should, because of that, on no account give up the struggle but rather continue it against the enemies of the Fatherland, no matter where, true to the creed of a great Clausewitz. From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own unity with them unto death, will in any case spring up in the history of Germany, the seed of a radiant renaissance of the National-Socialist movement and thus of the realization of a true community of nations.

Many of the most courageous men and women have decided to unite their lives with mine until the very last I have begged and finally ordered them not to do this, but to take part in the further battle of the Nation. I beg the heads of the Armies, the Navy, and the Air Force to strengthen by all possible means the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the National-Socialist sense, with special reference to the fact that also I myself, as founder and creator of this movement, have preferred death to cowardly abdication or even capitulation.

May it, at some future time, become part of the code of honor of the German officer — as is already the case in our Navy — that the surrender of a district or of a town is impossible, and that above all the leaders here must march ahead as shining examples, faithfully fulfilling their duty unto death.

Second Part of the Political Testament

Before my death I expel the former Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring from the party and deprive him of all rights which he may enjoy by virtue of the decree of June 29th, 1941; and also by virtue of my statement in the Reichstag on September 1st, 1939, I appoint in his place Grand Admiral Dönitz, as President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Before my death I expel the former Reichsführer-SS and Minister of the Interior, Heinrich Himmler, from the party and from all offices of State. In his stead I appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police, and Gauleiter Paul Giesler as Reich Minister of the Interior.

Göring and Himmler, quite apart from their disloyalty to my person, have done immeasurable harm to the country and the whole nation by secret negotiations with the enemy, which they conducted without my knowledge and against my wishes, and by illegally attempting to seize power in the State for themselves.

In order to give the German people a government composed of honorable men — a government which will fulfill its pledge to continue the war by every means — I appoint the following members of the new Cabinet as leaders of the nation:

President of the Reich: DÖNITZ Chancellor of the Reich: DR. GOEBBELS Party Minister: BORMANN Foreign Minister: SEYSS-INQUART

[Here follow fifteen others.]

Although a number of these men, such as Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, etc., together with their wives, have joined me of their own free will and did not wish to leave the capital of the Reich under any circumstances, but were willing to perish with me here, I must nevertheless ask them to obey my request, and in this case set the interests of the nation above their own feelings. By their work and loyalty as comrades they will be just as close to me after death, as I hope that my spirit will linger among them and always go with them. Let them be hard, but never unjust, above all let them never allow fear to influence their actions, and set the honour of the nation above everything in the world. Finally, let them be conscious of the fact that our task, that of continuing the building of a National Socialist State, represents the work of the coming centuries, which places every single person under an obligation always to serve the common interest and to subordinate his own advantage to this end. I demand of all Germans, all National-Socialists, men, women and all the men of the Armed Forces, that they be faithful and obedient unto death to the new government and its President.

Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race [so should Anglin be indeed part-something else, the fault lies with his parents, not himself, who came into this world as a powerless baby like everyone else] and to

merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, international Jewry.

Given in Berlin, this 29th day of April 1945. 4:00 A.M.



In the final analysis, multiculturalism is a Jewish absurdity, because it triggers conflict.

In the entire galaxy, there is no multiculturalism, and in fact almost all planets are inhabited by one single race, because they were colonized by just one group of people, and obviously they did not tolerate any others landing, settling there, and becoming an eventual threat.

Ask the Amerindians about that! 😉

German cartoon — the Indian chief is spouting hopefully the Angela Merkel phrase “We can do it!”

In fact, in cheeky self-revelation, the Jews proclaim this truth themselves — that multiculturalism leads only to conflict — in an infamous episode of the cartoon tv series “South Park” on the cocaine-snorting, lecherous, cynical, large-nosed “Joozians.” 😉



Multiracial Earth, as the South Park kids suddenly realize, is just a reality tv show where the Joozians  deliberately cause conflict — so as to get higher ratings from a galactic tv audience — by introducing multiculturalism. 😉

Of course, because human consciousness is so blind, the Jews can admit every crime they do (while also denying them a breath later), and we just sit there, medusa-ized.

And so the John de Nugents trying to stop them get to wear biweekly contact lenses for two years straight. 😉

Here is a perfect representation of the truth — we are hostile to no race, and wish just to be left alone, and perhaps visit each other, and at most do some useful trading for mutual benefit — AND THEN LEAVE.

Btw, I made my and your comments into a blog. 🙂



……See also

Especially important blogs

…..How is my religion progressing?

It is nearly done.

I have been held back by caring for Margi, who sleeps a good 19 hours a day as she battles throat cancer, and fixing up her previously “man-cave-y” and battered old house, which also had leaking carbon monoxide fumes from a leaky furnace.

We are having wonderful walks on the beach when she is up, and it is great for her spirits and, I hope, recovery. Also, classic female that Margi is, she loves gathering things and there are gorgeous stone all over the beach. This is a spontaneous photo.


Also she is gardening, doing a superb job with spinach, chard, kale and tomatoes, and I have helped her (as a blond beast of burden, of course, just shoveling soil). 😉

(That is her battle cat, Princess, on the left, watching out for minorities. 😉 )

Other news: I injured myself over Labor Day at the Festival and gave myself in recompense the Knight’s Cross with oak leaves. 😉

“Mind over matter”, it sez, but at 64, matter fought back. 😉 Or age. In a fifty-yard footrace for the over-fifties, I did win the over-50 footrace and by 25 yards 🙂 DER TRIUMPH OF THE WILL. 😉


BUT my hamstring ripped (I’m only half-Pleiadian 😉 )  as I crossed over the finish line.

The crowd went “Whoahhh!”

A fellow former Marine named Ron was behind me (he came in second) and help me get up. I went to the ER.

A few days later, I was “to the purple born.” 😉 …with lovely hints of yellow…

Today at the hardware store…

I had not sprinted like this, a jackrabbit start, since 1993, a quarter-century hence, when I raced and beat my own daughter, Ingrid, then a champion lacrosse player, and standing 5’8″, who dared me to race her across her friend”s lawn. Hah!

But back to the religion. 🙂

It would be foolish to reveal to the Jew enemy reading my blog my strategy.

But it is a brief holy book about my journey through my last three lives and what I learned. And how to find peace, and the strength to beat the Jews by being totally free of ego.


I finished a vital project in Septemer to corroborate my seemingly outrageous claim that the West is ruled by a judeopedophilocracy, and in three languages. If the Roman Catholic church can be so totally taken over, a ruthless and worldly-wise institution that is 2,000 years old, so can the CIA, FBI, MI-5, MI-6, the media, the courts, the police and the military!


….Intro by John de Nugent

I would recommend to you my major article below, a translation by me and with many photos and explanations added, proving we do live (as I have said for 3.5 years, ever since this April 20, 2015 video which has gotten 54,000 views) under a



Video Player

(Admittedly the RCC has always offered a special vulnerability to subversion due to it demanding celibacy of its priests, unlike the Orthodox and Protestant clergy. This has had the effect of a magnet, as an excellent German Catholic priest once explained it to me,  attracting homosexuals and pedophiles to a job guaranteed to put them in a living situation with only men and boys.
Here it is in English translation (and found below), with dozens of photos and explanations added by me, John de Nugent, to this article I found in the weekly newspaper Rivarol in Paris, France, to which I subscribe for 80 euros a year:




I have come under repeated psychic and psychotronic attack in September, a sign the Jews fear what I might come up with. 😉

Heh-heh — my peace symbol 🙂 Stay tuned.





    • Excellent digging, comrade. Added to the blog article.

      Danke schoen!

      Now I just need to download it and then upload it to my own site, just in case it somehow accidentally gets deleted by the J-Team. 😉

  1. That pic is really a perfect analogy for nationalism vs multiculturalism vs segregration.

    Ultimately, there are a variety of factors that muddle the situation so nobody can understand. The Rothschild-owned central banks put the western countries like Britain in debt which didn’t really exist in any tangible way, and to pay it off they needed to conquer other countries with colonialism and put up their stolen resources as collateral. Magically everyone comes to accept that money created out of nothing justifies their enslavement when if this is all translated to what it really means, the banks are essentially just institutions of deception giving out credits that signify nothing and just tell the government that they are now enslaved without having any real reason for this. Normally when Jews did not have control money would be recognized as just a means to an end at best, someone would loan you money with no interest attached(as that would signify their intent to control you and was usually illegal) since they had a genuine interest in improving your situation. It was a medium of exchange used because sometimes you can’t coordinate things via cooperation alone on a large scale, back then there was nothing like the Internet either so you essentially could only contact the people nearby with any speed. Unfortunately, the Catholic church hugely helped for the last 2000 years or so in essentially making everyone in Europe a slave as they were told the Jews are the chosen people of God and therefore could never be questioned.

    When let’s say Tibetans being destroyed by the Chinese say their racial fears of being wiped out the liberals jump on that right away. Same with the Palestinians too, and the story they are told about the Jews persecution. Also, they would sympathize with White groups too like the Irish who the British government tried to destroy to a large extent with the engineered potato famine. But the main reason they cannot connect the dots with whites is because the emotional and logical parts of their brain have the wrong connections, they refuse to accept the issues of whites as in combination with what they are told about the evil history of whites they lash out mentally at the idea that Whites could have any kind of superior trait since that seems unfair to them and therefore since they think Whites hate everyone else and want to get rid of them so they don’t mix and become inferior, they think whites deserve to be wiped out. But if they followed that line of thinking just for a few minutes longer, they would realize the right way to go about this thought is to say that even if some groups have superior traits, that doesn’t mean they should be justified in killing everyone else obviously(as the Jews use that justification all the time). But it also doesn’t mean that just because East Asians essentially have a higher mental processing speed on average than anyone else, some Whites have higher intuitive and inventive ability than other races, and blacks for instance are almost never too Low-T to take action about an issue threatening them unlike many Northern Europeans, similar to Italians(even if sometimes they don’t get it right what they should be mad at) that any of these groups don’t just deserve to have their traits mixed up with all the rest.

    Ultimately if you’re going to permanently stay in a foreign country mostly inhabited by another race it is obvious that the aim of people who do this is to reproduce with the other race at some point or another and ultimately diminish their numbers as is the case with many of the Muslims going into Europe, although not all. Now the Jews will use the refugee argument as their main argument when they cause that situation themselves as otherwise it would be too obvious how this works. If the goal was really to fix things for these countries like Iraq you would seek to assure their independence in possessing the necessary physical resources to maintain their civilization, to the extent they can, including their food needs so they are not dependent on other countries, although this works against Jewish Capitalism since it depends on making countries interdependent so they cannot be self sufficient and then trade is promoted. If oil was made obsolete by a real effort everywhere to satisfy all the energy needs with just renewable sources like geothermal, solar, wind, etc and possibly Free Energy if Tesla’s invention can be rediscovered(although free energy is not even necessary at all for a renewable world), capitalism would end right then, with all the energy sustainable no further oil extraction and wars for oil would ever be needed, removing the main engine of the economy.

    Most other civilizations in the galaxy would see this all are ridiculous from their society, where it would seem obvious to them that the only good kind of planetary civilization is one that’s producing a sustainable abundance. It would seem insane to anyone else in the universe that poverty and starvation are allowed to happen on Earth when the technological level of the civilization is good enough to easily feed and house everyone on the planet.

  2. Hi John,
    Hot sure how current the info in this article is but I hope you and Margi are doing okay….Please put me on your email list….Thanks….
    On another note that Brzezinski photo you posted illustrates what a psychopathic scumbag that filth was….Another psychopathic John McCain type…At least they are both finally dead…..

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