Anglin/Stormer: The Miami Rescue Effort is as Shameful as the Collapse Itself

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June 27, 2021

[source: building-collapse-hispanic-third-world-miami]

As you know, a midrise condo building collapsed in a Florida neighborhood north of Miami last week.

The mayor of Surfside appeared on Tucker Carlson after the collapse to call it like he sees it: “this is a third world problem.”

The sad, sorry fact is that America now has a lot of third world problems, because America is now a third world country.

The reason we are a third world country is that we imported tens of millions of third world people to replace our natural first world population.

The building collapsed on Wednesday night (early Thursday morning, technically) and there are only 5 confirmed deaths – with 156 people still “missing” (i.e., buried in this rubble).

It is astonishing to be two days out from the collapse and have 156 people still underneath this rubble.

Why do they not simply pick up the rocks and pull these people out?

Obviously, there is a procedure for this, where you do it meticulously to prevent further shifts of the rubble which could crush anyone still alive underneath it – but how on earth does it take 3 days?

The answer is: third world people are managing this third world crisis.

This is not efficient.

We’ve also found out the cause of the collapse: there were $9 million in repairs needed, that the third worlders running the property didn’t take care of.

This is the future of America – a slow and steady dip into weird chaos and stupid messes.

Senile usurper and fake president Joe Biden was recently in Florida to promote man-on-man anal to children, and he spoke of the condo collapse, claiming that the waiting is the hardest part.

He’s right, you know.

We’re all sitting around waiting for everything to come unglued.


  1. When I was young the news would report what was thought to be the factual truth, whereas nowadays concern about what people will think and say in response has priority over facts when it comes to what is reported. There is less truth in the country than there used to be, that is to say, and more manipulation.

    If the building fell because of faulty design or construction, and if the blame for this falls on a non-White, or a foreigner, it might not be reported for political reasons, i.e., because what we might think and say in response were politically undesirable.

    The scope of the unknowable grows larger with time these days, because the political grows more powerful with time.

    In conclusion, I think what made the building fall is unknowable.

    • Corruption is always a likely reason. I remember about 10-12 years ago, a huge earthquake hit some city in Turkey. Some buildings survived just fine because the building inspector did his job, but others pancaked, because the contractor had bribed the inspector, or an earler one. On one and the same block, you could see the totally different results — standing-flat-standing-flat. Flat = many innocent deaths, and of course the building was a total loss………….. 🙁

  2. It is reported that Israel’s IDF is in Florida helping with the rescue efforts, as residents in the condo had Israeli connections. However, wherever Israeli teams go, Mossad is known to be among them. Israel is likely not there out of compassion, but likely has a sinister purpose. The Mossad could be looking for something or someones that Israel wants destroyed, or dead. Considering 9/11 towers’ destruction, doing a condo fall would be easy. Not finding victims until they are probably dead could explain the slowness in excavating the heavy debris on top of the pile.

    Secretive Israeli army Unit 9900 has built 3D CGI images of Miami condo collapse in an effort to project where victims may be buried to guide rescuers

  3. In an article about the IDF team helping at the condo rescue, the experienced officer in charge commented that the collapse site was absolutely crushed into a pile of small pieces. The worst he had ever seen. This sounds much like how the WTC towers fell — after they exploded into huge particulate clouds. In these two cited news reports, on site witnesses state they heard explosions. Such witness statements may not get reported, but get buried. So here they are:

    Firefighter on scene said Florida condo collapse resembled ‘the Trade Center’
    By Yaron SteinbuchJune 29, 2021
    “I see many people are the balconies. There’s no elevators. The building is gone. There are no elevators. It almost resembles the Trade Center,” the incredulous firefighter adds.
    Meanwhile, a firefighter from Engine 44 is heard saying: “Some people are evacuating. They said it sounds like they heard a bomb.”

    Miami building collapse: ‘It felt like an earthquake’
    Published6 days ago
    “Santo Mejil, 50, was roused out of bed by a call from his wife. She had been working as an overnight caretaker in one of the three buildings that make up the tower complex.
    “She said she heard a big explosion. It felt like an earthquake,” Mr Mejil told the Miami Herald.”

    BTW, not all buildings in Turkey/MidEast are built with a sub-structural support. Often the floor levels are just cemented together brick blocks that break apart in an earthquake.

    • This is still newsworthy. It is odd because this has happened in a Jewish condo, in a Jewish area, and has Israel so involved. No false flag claims yet, as it hasn’t been labeled an act of terrorism. If media ever indicates this was a bombing collapse, it will be. Jews are always portrayed as victims, even when they do it to themselves.

      There are photos of hundreds of alleged rescuers standing on top of the huge pile of debris, but that is all they are doing. Ever since the very first hour of the collapse, there should have been men hard at work removing the top layers on down to find survivors. That is what normally happens in this kind of destruction. There was no urgency to do this demonstrated. Something very wrong with this. Not even trying to save lives.

      TRAGIC SEARCH Miami condo collapse – Trapped woman heard ‘screaming for hours’ from rubble but desperate rescuers never reached her
      Laura Gesualdi-Gilmore
      2 Jul 2021, 5:31Updated: 2 Jul 2021, 6:09

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