Anglin versus TRS, asking legitimate questions; fed rape threats to WNs in custody

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A comrade posted this comment (

Any thoughts on this?

Not sure if this is legitimate.

These are certainly some heavy accusations.

My reply:

I think Anglin is asking legitimate questions here, he and many others as well.

And I love his term “whataboutism,” with more on that issue below.

Here are some very valid tweets by concerned comrades:

The real issue is our relationship to truth. And even logic 101.

IF controlled opposition, divide-and-conquer, infiltration, COINTELPRO and “turning” (arresting sincere WNs who are morally weak and, by threats, forcing them into deals to destroy other WNs) are real and they are, then OF COURSE large WN groups (DS, TRS, etc.) or potential leaders (such as myself) will be targeted.

The Jews’ alarm bells went off over this and other presidential videos, as I intended to run for President of the United States in 2012:


Heck, slander works.

The Romans, fearing the huge, warlike Germans,

…..always used bribes, slander and divide-and-conquer tactics on the Germanic tribes for 400 years — and it worked like a charm.

Incredibly, Arminius, the mega-hero who wiped out three Roman legions and freed Germania — saving the nordic race from mixing with Rome’s various dark slaves, btw, as Dr. Pierce pointed out — was murdered by his own envious uncle!

You are white today because of Arminius, who prevented Rome from conquering northern Europe, then bringing in black and brown slaves.


My friend Pete Papaheraklis is a brilliant WN, artist, and businessman who grew up in Greece.

He painted this incredibly accurate portrait of the late, great WN publisher Willis Carto:

Pete speaking at a memorial for Willis:

He tells me that, back in the day, you could not graduate from a Greek high school without passing a logic course.

How could anyone call himself “educated” if basic rules of logic, evidence and reality escape you? Then you are just a child, believing whatever you wanna. (Women especially can be guilty of this, but many men as well.)

Then IN rush the Jews, spreading their slander about comrade X, whom they fear  — and you swallow it all.


They have divided-and-conquered us because of 1) a total lack of training in critical thinking, and 2) being so unspiritual (not grasping you are a spirit, a soul, that will be judged on how you treated others) that you just don’t care if it is true or not, or that you may be defaming a really good, sincere man/woman on our side who is sacrificing everything to fight our common  Jew enemy!

And boy, has Anglin got that right about whataboutism.

Years ago, I remember when Henrik Holappa was putting put out his vicious slanders of me and Margi (2011), which Google obligingly puts on page one to this very day under the search name “John de Nugent.”

This was before he betrayed the White cause totally, 1) marrying a Chinese gal — who is actually very nice, very pretty, is a practicing Buddhist and has integrity, btw, which is another story), 2) writing a book exposing the secrets of the Nordic Resistance Movement which had paid him to run its Finnish branch,  and 3) outright joining the jew enemy, working now literally for a hate-speech leftist group to support his wife and child.

In Finnish “I started a Neo-Nazi Movement”

The WN scoundrel Carlos Porter puts his slanders, which I have disproved in exhaustive detail, on his website, and Google boosts this drivel to page one with its algorithms.

Not only does Porter slander me to stay out of jail, but he defames other innocent Aryans of the past and defends various Jews, all in order to keep his “stay-out-of-jail card.”

So, anyway, Margi confronted Holappa in an email exchange in 2012. (She was the gf mentioned above who paid $2,000 in the fall of 2008 for his political asylum-lawyer, btw.)

She and two other WNs also made two very long road trips to his federal prison (“detention facility”) to visit and comfort him. He was kept in solitary for 87 days and “worked on” there.

To my shock, when Holappa was sent back to Finland by the US feds, as he told me directly the Finnish authorities had dropped all threatened charges against him….

And I asked myself “why?” Why drop all three charges? What had he offered them? 

I knew he feared — with very good reason, having already spent some unpleasant time in a Finnish jail for “hate speech” — being put in a maximum-security Finnish prison with muslim and black rapists and murderers as a known white nationalist and enemy of Islam.

He told me so himself in 2008, so we compassionately invited him to come to America and live with us, then apply for political asylum, which was done.

Anyway, going back to whataboutism, that is exactly, precisely and literally what he answered every time Margi refuted his defamations, point by point. He literally came back with the question “Yes, but what about—?” and then moved on his next false accusation! he never conced his lies had been debunked, just threw out a new one. “Stay-on-the-offensive-and-admit-nothing.”

But the ancient legal principle remains: falsus in unum, falsus in omnium Once you lie under oath, you are forever discredited as a witness.

Because you are a proven liar.

What is exculpatory for Holappa is that 1) he was under serious threat of being killed in either a US or Finnish prison, and 2) he contacted me in the late fall of last year, apologizing for the attacks, and introducing me via web camera to his wife, a sweet and smart gal who had urged him to do the right thing, that is, to contact me with a full apology for the things he had said about me and us. I even saw their cute little baby in her arms. 🙂

I told Holappa I forgave him and I do.

What I hate is the jews and their white goy minions who arrested him and broke him, turning him with threats that he be raped and killed, OR that they would make an edited rape video of him. 

As veteran WN Tom Metzger has sagely asked: “Can we trust any WN who has been kept in fed custody?”

What deals did they agree to to get out alive and with their anus unreamed by negroes and Allahu-Akbarers?

Horrible scenes from the brutal American-prison movie “The Shawshank Redemption”

The only answer is to adopt my new religion when it comes out, fear death no more, be armed (whatever the Jew-pushed gun laws say) and fight to the death if they come for you.

Or they WILL break you.

As they broke Holappa, just a few months after this group photo was taken in Memphis, Tennessee in November 2008. From left to right: Holappa, I, Canadian Fredrick Fromm, David Duke, a Danish comrade, the Political Cesspool host, Derek Black (who has since also left the WN cause), and Don Black. Holappa, Duke and Black have all been in extended federal custody. (Duke, 69,is now going blind and has to be driven around, btw.) 



…….Please donate 

Degrelle — Forever young; can you help now as we drive 374 miles to the Mayo Clinic?

They are already boasting openly that they are tapping my phones and reading my emails. I got an outright death threat from the White House under Obama. They already know almost everything. At my level, and given the gigantic budgets of the CIA, FBI and NSA, they are on me all the time.
David James

John, I am with you John. Our spirits ride together. We stand for WHAT IS RIGHT, What is Moral, and (((they))) do NOT.
Corascendea Cathar

John, They are tapping everyone’s phones and reading their e-mails. If they are not, the concerned is a vegetable. They rarely proceed to murder without beforehand destroying the person’s reputation, livelihood, family, etc and they are more likely to target with actual physical elimination the younger folks. I trust that you are safe.
John De-Nugent

Yes, very true. They seem about to launch the defamation campaign prior to the actual assassination.

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