Annabel Beam story — a verified NDE and complete remission; Hitler to Leni Riefenstahl on religion

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I have blogged repeatedly on this case and the wonderful movie made about it:

The actual experience of dying; how atheists take it; movie proving life after death; where does truly great art arise?

This is a page with videos of the actual family (a very intelligent husband, wife and daughter) talking and discussing the miracle.

Reaction, or rather non-reaction to this story, has been most instructive. The egoic mind thrives on fear and a stubborn refusal to face facts.

And the facts are clear:

You are a soul that has a body. When the body dies, you live on.

And basically good people go through a tunnel and come out to a gorgeous place, and meet loving beings there, converse with them, and then sometimes, rarely, come back here.

Al of this is something wonderful, and it cannot possibly make YOU unhappy, but only frustrate your egoic mind, which thrives on misery! 

And so 99.9% of my readers refuse to watch this movie…. a film that could transform your whole outlook on life.

Your egoic mind orders you not to watch it, because you do not rule your mind — it rules you. 🙁

A further comment is that the Bible lacks all information about the truth of NDEs and reincarnation, and it pushes this childlike myth that you go to heaven forever just for believing Jesus died for our sins, which is simply not the full story.

Nor was Jesus a racial or psychological Jew, but a Galilean Aryan and a fierce enemy of Judaism, a higher being who came to this horrible, nightmarish earth to either radically change this wicked religion or abolish it, because it threatens all mankind.

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”

Adolf Hitler and Dietrich Eckart discussed in 1923 how the Jesus we are shown today was not at all the real Jesus.

UPDATED — SEE COMMENTS BELOW — Honor roll of top donors; Hitler on race and religion with his brilliant mentor, Dietrich Eckart

….Hitler discusses religion on a walk at the Berghof with Leni Riefenstahl

Leni (short for “Helene”) Riefenstahl was a genius film maker, as well as a gifted actress, dancer and alpine mountain climber, and a confidante of Adolf Hitler. After WWII she was on a blacklist because her films portrayed the Third Reich so positively.

Her “Olympia” (1938 — has been considered one of the ten best films of all time, even by the jew-ridden Time magazine,

and her 1934 “Triumph of the Will” (using a title chosen by Hitler) about the 1934 Nuremberg NS Party Rally is also considered a masterpiece (

Leni filming the rally and the “March of the Wehrmacht”


With Dr Goebbels (who, she complains, groped and sexually harassed her, and retaliated against her for spurning him) and Hitler, who in the late 1930s got wind of Goebbels’ behavior and severely reproached him as a family man in the public eye for his repeated adulteries and the resulting scandals.


Leni and Hitler met on many occasions, at her places and his.

Hitler felt a need to talk to her about art, life, women, marriage, and his dreams for the future of Germany.

On one occasion they went for a long stroll in the mountains surrounding his famous Berghof in Bavaria. (This photo actually showing AH with an adjutant and his dog, Blondi).


Leni says, on page 210:

(The second paragraph with “I felt perplexed…” is a throw-away for the post-war period when Leni was trying to overcome the film-making blacklist she was on.)

And soon this will come true, because “the time IS ripe” for a credible, truthful, transforming, non-semitic religion for us Aryans that shall make us again into a race of warriors, great artists, happy mothers and wives, and into winners.




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  1. John, you cover some great subjects on this site. WN, UFO’s, NDE’s, Geo-engineering (chemtrails), NSDAP, etc. I have not experienced an NDE, or have I ever seen what would be called a “UFO.” I would certainly like to see an alien craft up close. Who knows what technology they might have to travel. Perhaps in time, or wormholes, of the folding of space, or something scientists haven’t as much as thought of yet. I did experience some sort of auditory, ghostly occurrence for the first time ever twelve years ago in one particular home, which was built probably over 100 years ago. Five events in one home. It wasn’t my imagination. I’ll never forget them.

    I’ve read hundreds of NDE accounts over the years. Some hard to believe, some fascinating, some very inspiring. I’ve been to a few IANDS meetings many years ago as well. Maybe they have a local chapter near you, if you might ever have the time.


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