Annabel Beam update; funny video on socialists; to die in your sin

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Annabel Beam (the double-miracle girl in “Miracles from Heaven”) looking good at her high school senior prom in Texas in 2021. (I thank a Texas comrade for sending this.)

Obviously, God does not intervene with every fatal disease and every deadly accident (I lost my own wife to cancer two years ago), and even lovely young Annabel will be an old lady some day and pass on as we all will.
But I really do think that the Big Guy chose to act in this specific case to show, or actually to PROVE to all the many, many, MANY doubters, that we are (or have) souls, and that the afterlife is real, and also NDE’s — Near-Death Experiences. (Some Born-Again Christians STILL think this is some pagan nonsense.)
In the cases of the jewish reporter with the dying daughter (very sad), he had objected to Annabel talking to her about the afterlife or God.
But this film shows there IS life after death. Message to atheists: You had better start treating others right, because you WILL face the music when you die, and you will see God, a real being. You might even feel His wrath — in place of His amazing love — well beforehand!

I posted this on a Beam family Facebook page:


The surgeon Dr. Kevin Beam is a partner in a Dallas-area veterinary clinic.

IMO, it was God who selected you two to get a message out via the miracles from heaven that happened AND via your own All-American qualities, your professional resumés, your successes in life, your Texas roots, and your nice kids…..

Annabel is now in college herself. Here is the couple, Christy and Kevin Beam, on their 28th anniversary in May 2023. The newspaper clipping is about him having an outstanding football game as a quarterback at his university.


People clearly can relate to you and to your care and the trauma you felt for months as parents in connection with what happened with Annabel. (I lost my wife of 17 years after our 4 1/3rd year battle against her throat cancer. It was almost all-consuming financially and emotionally.)

I really think that God knew what He was doing in choosing the Beam family for miracles when the diseases struck. He stepped in for you for His own important reasons when all hope was lost. 🙂


….These aren’t the nice old bleeding-heart liberals of yesteryear

Funny video! American in Germany whips out his gun to shoot the commies. 😉 German  libtard then tries to calm him down….

My comment:

But the socialists/leftists DO mean harm. Germany today is becoming a crime, grime and muslim-“refugee” nightmare, the economy is tanking, yet the government takes 55% in taxes to put violent migrants up literally in castles and four-star hotels. YES, in renovated CASTLES and FOUR-STAR HOTELS.

Migrant families get 4,000 euros (about $4,000) a MONTH — while Germans who worked hard all their lives literally have to pick old food out of garbage cans to survive, or line up at a free-food pantry to get old macaroni.

The leftist German government (SPD and Greens) literally hates the German people, and say openly that they hope the Germans die out. Every day, German women get gang-raped, and constantly German old-age pensioners get kicked to death on subway platforms. The leftists everywhere are insane; in every Western country, the left actually wants to KILL all white people.

This sign in Berlin along the whole length of a series of rooftops says “Germany, croak!” (“Verrecke”  is also like “die like a dog, you bastard”  or “kick the bucket, a–hole”  If somebody is “verreck”-ing, it means you are sadistically not helping a dying man, and instead watching with pleasure as he twitches and gurglea, spitting up blood as he slowly dies….)


This legally would be hate speech in Germany and result in certain arrest if a German said: “Turks, croak!”

“Germany, you lousy piece of sh-t!”

This is a “Young Socialist” demonstration. In an amazing non sequitur, on the  left, next to a sign saying “Germany, you lousy piece of sh-t!” is a sign saying “Racism kills.” In other words, racism is still okay against the Germans, a race consisting apparently of shit-people……


This Antifa poster in the  major south-German city of Munich (the Oktoberfest city where Adolf Hitler got his start in once conservative, patriotic, Catholic Bavaria) advocates — using a photo to demonstrate how — that muslims rape white German women in order to defile their gene pool, thus ending German DNA.

German original with English translation:

“For more violent rapes of native Germans/[in English] Still Lovin’ [a 2000’s McDonalds slogan] Folk Death/ For the destruction of pure German genes.


Were any Antifas arrested for advocating that their own females — their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts and cousins — be raped by Turks????

You KNOW the answer! In fact, the city of Munich subsidized Antifa organizations with cash!

So Antifa wants the “folk death” of the nation which gave us Gutenberg and the printing press (the third most important invention in history after the wheel and the alphabet)……

Obviously this is treason, the most heinous crime on this earth. Furthermore, all you sanctimonious lefties, this is you advocating RAPE  AND GENOCIDE — that of YOUR OWN PEOPLE.

You talk about Nuremberg war crime trials? Be glad if we only shoot you…………………………………….

Classic: Leftists wave the Israeli flag  — they just love a nation of militarists, racists, supremacists and fundamentalists who are committing genocide right now on the native Palestinians — and the big slogan they hold says (in English, to boot): “NO TEARS FOR KRAUTS.”

(The word “kraut” is of course in the same pejorative ballpark as kik-, n-g-er, gr-aser, dago, spic, mick, frog, etc.) So the Left is “against” racism and prejudice, but with one exception. It is just fine to say “kraut”– about their own people.


Yes, kill off the nation that gave us the printing press (one of the three most important inventions ever, along with the wheel and written language)– AND the rocket, the jet, the air brake, the superhighway, the Geiger counter, the bunsen burner, x-rays, television, aspirin, contact lenses, the mp4 audio file, the gasoline and diesel engine, not to mention beer, hot dogs, cole slaw, sauerkraut, and 1/3rd of the American people!

Ron Howard (Beckholdt) 


Bob Seger: “Night Moves”:


Kirsten Dunst

James Garner

Nick Nolte


Rock Hudson (real name Roy Scherer) of Illinois, starring here in the excellent 1969 Cold War suspense film “Ice Station Zebra” (with Patrick McGoohan)

Clark Gable


Schmidt commanded the US Marines in the legendary American victory on Iwo Jima 

John “Black Jack” Pershing commanded US troops in WWI.

Dwight Eisenhower (I know, I know! — but he was an excellent general) commanded US troops in WWII. I suspect that as president he had many second thoughts about the jews and about race .. just like George Patton — before he was murdered.

Eisenhower issued a stamp honoring CONFEDERATE hero Lee in 1957


Eisenhower also ordered Israel to withdraw from the Suez Canal in that year of 1957.

He also deported one million Mexicans back to their country in “Operation Wetback”  (

And he said “my worst mistake was appointing Earl Warren as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court.” Warren had ordered the desegregation of American public schools — and the end of prayer in school, which led to a total secularization and the banning of Easter and Christmas pageants as well. This led to many further steps toward a rise in atheism among the young.  

Eisenhower appointed former SS and NSDAP member Wernher von Braun to run the US manned-space program after many failures by the US Army’s  Redstone rocket program. He is seen here giving an award to the “Nazi” rocket scientist.


Tyler Glockner of Ohio has by far the best, most credible UFO channel on YouTube: “SecureTeam10”


These are American girls in Milwaukee

Four of the six generals bombing Germany (!) in WWII were of German blood (idiotic, of course, but here we see German blood itself — none of these men spoke German or were raised in Germany –can mean outstanding reliability and competence)

Brigadier General Jesse Anton (U.S. Air Force); General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe; Carl Andrew Spaatz, commander of Strategic Air Forces in Europe; General James Doolittle, commander of the 8th Air Force in Europe and the Pacific; Lieutenant General William E. Kepner, commanding general of the 8th Air Force’s 2nd Bomb Division; Colonel Donald M. Blakeslee, in Debden, Essex, United Kingdom, 11th April 1944. These VIPs were present for the presentation of Colonel Blakeslee with the Distinguished Service Cross. (Photo by Galerie Bilderwelt)




John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontonagon MI 49953 USA

(906) 884-6689


…..You will die in your sin

Jesus said these harsh words in the Gospel of John. Being both yin and yang, He could be gentle when appropriate, but strident and enraged at other times.

Here, obviously, Jesus was speaking in a grave tone.

It means: “I have given you the truth, gently and sincerely, and every reason to trust me.

Instead, you hatefully deride the truth, you mock me, you harass and bully people whom I have healed, rejecting their testimony, and you are slandering me to the Romans, seeking my death.”

So be it.

But God is not one to be mocked by a microbe like us.

Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.

Returning to the Annabel Beam case….

….here are the facts which prove life after death.

  1. She had two always incurable childhood intestinal diseases
  2. The number-one specialist in the world treated her and gave up, sending her home like many others to die surrounded by family. (I know what it is like to accept death. The ER doctor, a gentle Tennessean, asked me after Margi, with Stage  IV cancer, also had a stroke: “Should I perform heroic measures to keep her alive?” There always comes that moment of truth.
  3. Then she fell thirty feet onto her head.
  4. In the emergency room she woke up in total remission — not dead, not paralyzed, but disease free.


I spent four hours online verifying the key details online and even providing the two insignificant liberties the script took: they wanted the black actress Queen Latifah, who is good in the film, so they changed the Bostonian woman who took Christy and Annabel Beam around town, and made her black. And they added the jewish reporter, the atheist with the dying daughter.

In view of the terrifying things going on or looming ahead  —  possibly:

—  a civil war,

— possibly a race war,

–possibly a nuclear war, and

— possibly a false-flag attack to cripple the power grid and trigger

— an economic collapse,

— mass starvation,

— anarchy,

— martial law and the roundup of dissidents,

— a digital currency,

—  mandatory vaccination, and

— biochipping

(OR YOU GET NO FOOD, and barter is punishable by death) …..

Hell, the feds already come at 6 am and SWAT Amish farmers right now who give their neighbors UNPASTEURIZED MILK….. or collect rain water on their own land!


So wouldn’t you think that proof would be welcome about how our souls ARE IMMORTAL? That only our physical carcass dies, but not we ourselves?

That the real us, who we really are, not some hank of hair and a bag of bones ?

If you refuse to watch this movie, you are — sorry to be so brutal — possessed. Possessed by a force…… by a real and negative entity.

…that wants you miserable, defeatist, depressed, despairing, cowardly and, yes, suicidal.

Otherwise, why would you reject supreme good news?

More on this later.


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