Another black NFL great rips into jewry

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Kansas Chiefs running back Larry Johnson carries the ball during the game at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, Oct. 4, 2009. (Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

Larry Johnson, former Kansas City Chiefs running back, tweets that Jews are involved in sex trafficking, pedophilia and more

Johnson framed one of those tweets as a response to Max Kellerman, the Jewish co-host of ESPN’s “First Take” show, who said on the air recently that “Jews do not have a plan for world domination.” Kellerman was responding to social media posts by another NFL star, DeSean Jackson, who last month posted a quote he attributed to Adolf Hitler accusing Jews of having a “plan for world domination.” Jackson subsequently removed the post and apologized.

On Saturday, Johnson posted a video of Alan Dershowitz speaking to the pro-Israel organization Stand With Us in which the attorney said, in part, “We have earned the right to influence public debate, we have earned the right to be heard.”

Johnson’s accompanying tweet accused Jews of seeking to conceal “a lucrative market in pedophilia, human trafficking, child sex trafficking & torture.”

On Monday, Johnson noted the attention his tweets had garnered, posting: “I angered ‘Rabbis’ from here to Israel.”

Johnson played for the Chiefs until 2009, when he was suspended for “conduct detrimental to the club” for a series of tweets using gay slurs. He was later waived by the team.

Since February, Johnson has hosted a podcast called “Sight to the Blind,” which its description says “explores the dark roots of our society and culture to expose deep secrets that remain untold,” according to the site Johnson frequently quotes Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has a long history of anti-Semitic comments.

An early July episode of the podcast is entitled “Anti-Semite.” The episode description reads: “This is not a war of races but a war of nations. If you don’t know who controls the propaganda in this war, how can you tell who is the real enemy? Those who are not a nation have conspired to keep the true nation of Israel asleep and will use race and Hollywood marriages like The Smiths to do it.”

Another podcast episode description reads, in part: “What is the true nation of Israel? Where does the bloodline really come from? What is Satan’s scheme in today’s world?”

Johnson’s tweets are still up as of Tuesday morning.


    • Thank you, Canadian comrade.

      My stepmother is a beautiful lady from Prince Edward Island, and I have also repeatedly visited Quebec, BC, and the Maritimes. I dated a Montreal gal, a poet, for two years.

      What a beautiful flag Canada used to have, showing its different white elements, a good, and harmonious diversity! England, Wales, Ireland, France and Scotland! No Algerian symbol or Chinese dragon! 😉

      Judging by your IP address, you are somewhere in greater Toronto. I visited there just once, in 1988, to meet the great Ernst Zündel, back when it was a 90% white city: clean, neat, friendly and almost crime-free.

      Ernst was impressed, especially as a German, welcoming challenges and admiring expertise, how I parallel-parked a huge Cadillac (a friend’s car) into a tiny parking space opposite his Carlisle Street building. He and then his then assistant Jürgen gave me the grand tour of his bustling headquarters.

      Ernst in 1968 with a full head of hair 😉

      His Carlisle Street HQ

      After the jews set fire to it in 1996, and then the Toronto police did NOTHING to investigate the crime — though jewish groups had openly boasted they would attack the building and kill him — he left his beLoved Canada for Tennessee in the USA, and married US citizen Ingrid Rimland.

      But the american jews got him arrested there. While he was in prison in Germany, Margi and I visited Ingrid and Ernst’s lovely home in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and got to sit on his favorite bench, overlooking a lush, green valley in the gorgeous Smokey Mountains.

      Ernst was a great Canadian, a great German and a true warrior.

      But he butted his head up against the obtusity of the masses, as we all do.

      This is why I am creating a new religion to liberate us from ourselves. Not only the external jew with his hooked nose and fat wallet must be defeated, but also our own inner jew that also hates the truth, duty, respect, gratitude, loyalty and reality just as much as the external jew does.

      I found over the course of 43 years in this cause that white nationalists are hardly any better than the society which produced them, and why should we be surprised?

      Hating the jews, or hating blacks, or muslims, or militant gays — how on earth does that make you or me into a better person, or reducer our character flaws, in our actual dealings with other whites?

      How does hating our enemies who hurt and slander us change us? Every mangy dog will snap if you poke him enough!

      But we are more than just white animals, fighting the black, brown, yellow, and hook-hosed animals. 😉

      This time, it cannot be just about propaganda, uniforms, marching songs, symbols. The jews are ready for that, and have brainwashed the masses to hate German national socialism.

      It has to be about people actually changing.

      And this will change them so that the absurd situation is obliterated where 99.75 % of the human race cowers before the 0.25% who are the scrawny, ugly, nasty, ridiculous little jews, kowtowing also to their turd-shaped, artificial little micro-country!

      Only when whites change into Aryans, into spiritual nobles, for “Aryan” means “noble” in Sanskrit, will we be cease to be just like Dudley Do-Right of the Canadian Mounties in the old Bullwinkle cartoon:

      — overly nice, futile, and naive about what incredible evil is engulfing us all as white nations.

      Note, btw, Snidely Whiplash’s hair color and nose. They look naturally good on villains. 😉

      As a Canadian, you are surely aware that obsessive niceness is the downfall of Canada, niceness even when faced with murderous, lying, psychopaths!

      I give credit to Justin for this, being open about utter treason to our race.

      As George Lincoln Rockwell said:

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