Another great Robert Sepehr video, this time on the downfall of Atlantis; how Satan and his chosen ones get their jollies

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The music, images and historical content are AAA, as always with Robert Sepehr. I have blogged on many of his videos over the years:


I find the Atlantis story fascinating of the famous healing psychic and reincarnationist Edgar Cayce, whom an earlier edition of Wikipedia (they keep making it more and more p.c.) confirms to have “held the typical view on blacks and Jews of the South at that time.”

(((Jimmy Wales))), founder of Wikipedia, majored like a nice jewish boy in — finance. 😉  He deleted the entire article on me.

Anyway, Cayce says that atheistic satanists, “the Sons of Baal,” gradually undermine the noble ones, then got power in the government, and began sacrificing children.They denied there was a God, but did worship Lucifer, and drilled mineshafts heedlessly into the very crust of the earth after wealth, even though Atlantis’ outlying areas were dangerously sinking and for generations before a sudden and total inundation wiped this huge island continent away for good.



As I have blogged, Cayce said the Jews of today were “reincarnated criminals.” And I believe they are also the reincarnated Sons of Baal who gradually seized control of Atlantis, made it insane with conquer-the-world ambitions like modern-day Jewmerica with its $738 billion “defense budget,” and defeated the well-intentioned conservative-restoration forces, the “Sons of the Law of One.”

I am also paying a European professional writer, “François Arouet,” who has a child, a former Princeton student, to add top material on current events and culture to my site.


…….Recent donations


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor who watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

–23 January 2021 100 euros and card from M in France

–21 January 2021 $40 and a ltr from N in Tennessee

–20 January 2021 100 euros from M in France


–14 January 2021 100 euros from M in France

–14 January 2021 $5 via Amazon gift card from S (a belated birthday gift on the sixth-month anniversary of my 66th birthday)

Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–13 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from G in Cicero, Illinois

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachusetts

–2 January 2021 100 euros (around 100 US$) and a very kind note from M in France

(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




–1 January 2020 $75 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


  1. You have written, John, again and again about the special subracial synthesis that could arise in the USA, given the combination of the characteristic peculiarities of different white peoples (Celts, Teutons, Mediterraneans and Slavs), and about the resulting freedom- and individuality-oriented nature of white America. This and the resulting cultural products in all areas of life always fascinated the Europeans so much, there was a lot of appreciation.

    However, I heard in a video that the USA are to be at the same time even geophysically a central place where satanic forces enter into the physical system or act particularly. The “minus forces” work worldwide, as natural opposites (development between the polarities), however there are supposed to be hotspots. And so the Americans have in this respect also a special challenge, similarly as we Germans in the heart of Europe were always in the pincer grip of the other nations, had to fend off most terrible hardships and anti-German wars of extermination for many centuries and have been living through a worldwide unique brain poisoning for 75 years, by the anti-German history falsification movements of the Allies (American, Russian etc. history falsification movement) forced on us.

    In German:

    Sie schreiben immer wieder über die besondere Synthese, die in den USA entstehen konnte, über die Kombination der charakteristischen Eigenheiten verschiedener weißer Völker (Kelten u.a.), und über das daraus resultierende freiheits- und individualitätsbetonte Wesen des weißen Amerikas. Dies und die daraus resultierenden kulturellen Produkte in allen Lebensbereichen hat die Europäer ja dann auch immer so fasziniert, da war viel Wertschätzung.

    Ich hörte in einem Video, daß die USA jedoch gleichzeitig sogar geophysikalisch ein zentraler Ort sein sollen, an dem satanische Kräfte ins physische System eintreten bzw. besonders einwirken. Die “Minuskräfte” wirken zwar weltweit, als natürliche Gegenspieler (Entwicklung zwischen den Polaritäten), jedoch soll es Hotspots geben. Und so haben die Amerikaner in dieser Hinsicht auch eine besondere Herausforderung, ähnlich wie wir Deutschen im Herzen Europas stets im Zangengriff der anderen Nationen waren, seit vielen Jahrhunderten furchtbarste Nöte und antideutsche Vernichtungskriege abwehren mußten und seit 75 Jahren eine weltweit einmalige Gehirnvergiftung durchleben, durch die uns aufgezwungenen antideutschen Geschichtsfälschungsbewegungen der Alliierten (amerikanische, russische usw. Geschichtsfälschungsbwegung).

    • I think there are stargates all around the world where aliens and/or transdimensional beings can enter.

      But it is certain that the Illuminati focused very seriously on America to take it over, given its size and inevitable future power. (Of course, they took over France too, via the Jacobins,but Napoleon got them out of power for a while.)

      In fact, both America and the Illuminati were founded in the same year of 1776!

      The very layout of Washington DC from the earliest days is satanic. The White House itself forms the bottom ray of an inverted pentagram!

      The Pentagon is also like this:

      But there are also huge infestations of Illuminati in London, Paris and Frankfurt.

      The book “Unshackled” by an MK-ULTRA survivor shows clearly that the Big Jews, such as Kissinger, are actually Illuminati and merely use the little jews for Illuminati purposes, while secretly deriding them.

      And these top Illuminati work for the species on the left:

  2. Thank you for the answer and thank you again for the image montage on the hierarchy of the string pullers, which has become legendary worldwide and which, as is well known, has also caused a furor in Israel.

    “[…] and merely use the little jews for Illuminati purposes, while secretly deriding them.” Thank you also for this statement, the bigger Jews or the Illuminati consider the little Jews truly only as foot people, which can be sacrificed at any time.

    A comment on the beautiful architecture in Washington. The sacred geometry and mathematics exist indeed and are of divine origin, even if the minus forces take them for themselves and afflict them with negativity. The creative beings in the beyond, the creative energy, always seeks physical expression, and so the divine creative power manifests itself in churches, synagogues, mosques and other sacred buildings or in secular buildings, always according to the locally available craftsmanship and technological skills of the respective local population

    In this classic [1], starting at minute 2:50, aerial footage shows that the White House and the Vatican were built virtually 1:1 architecturally, it is truly amazing.

    Your reference [2] to the oppressive psychological atmosphere in Washington D.C., which you perceived at the age of 14, and the localization of this in the terrible atrocities on site, makes one concerned. It shows that you had an inner perception that was already emerging at a young age. It is quite possible that you are HE. By the way, Traugott Ickeroth has mentioned in one of his last interviews [3] that Hitler had pronounced holistic-psychic abilities; however, if I remember correctly, Ickeroth meant that Hitler let himself be advised or assisted temporarily by a certain entity from a certain time on, which is supposed to have been responsible for some later [strategic] wrong decisions.

    [1] “Eine Einführung in die Okkulten Symbole.flv”

    Die vollständige Reihe, “Okkulte Musikindustrie Teil 1-19”, by the AvantGuards, ist auf erhältlich:

    Ein wichtiger Ausschnitt bei Youtube, mit bedrückendem Tiefgang: “Okkulte Musikindustrie Teil 13 Alice im Wunderland 2”,




    In German:

    Danke für die Antwort und erneut Danke für die mittlerweile weltweit legendär gewordene Bildmontage zur Hierarchie der Strippenzieher, die bekanntermaßen auch in Israel für Furore gesorgt hat.

    “[…] and merely use the little jews for Illuminati purposes, while secretly deriding them.” Danke auch für diese Feststellung, die größeren Juden bzw. die Illuminati betrachten die kleinen Juden fürwahr nur als Fußvolk, das jederzeit geopfert werden kann.

    Eine Anmerkung zur wunderschönen Architektur in Washington. Die heilige Geometrie und Mathematik existiert ja in der Tat und ist göttlichen Ursprungs, auch wenn die Minuskräfte diese für sich vereinnahmen und mit Negativität behaften. Die Schöpferwesen im Jenseits, die schöpferische Energie, sucht stets nach physischen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, und so manifestiert sich die göttliche Schöpferkraft in Kirchen, Synagogen, Moscheen und anderen Sakralbauten bzw. in weltlichen Bauten, immer gemäß der vor Ort verfügbaren handwerklichen und technologischen Fähigkeiten der jeweiligen lokalen Bevölkerung.

    In diesem Klassiker [1] wird ab Minute 2:50 Uhr mit Luftbildaufnahmen gezeigt, daß das Weiße Haus und der Vatikan praktisch 1:1 architektonisch aufgebaut wurden, es ist wirklich verblüffend.

    Ihr Hinweis [2] auf die von Ihnen im Alter von 14 Jahren wahrgenommene bedrückende psychologische Atmosphäre in Washington D.C. und die Verortung dieser in den furchtbaren Untaten vor Ort, macht betroffen. Es zeigt, daß Sie eine bereits im jungen Alter hervortretende innere Wahrnehmung hatten. Es ist gut möglich, daß sie ER sind. Traugott Ickeroth hat übrigens sinngemäß mal in einem seiner letzten Interviews [3] erwähnt, daß Hitler über ausgeprägte ganzheitlich-psychische Fähigkeiten verfügte; sofern ich mich richtig erinnere meinte Ickeroth jedoch sinngemäß, daß sich Hitler ab einem gewissen Zeitpunkt vorübergehend von einer bestimmten Wesenheit beraten bzw. assistieren ließ, was für einige spätere [strategische] Fehlentscheidungen verantwortlich gewesen sein soll.

    [1] “Eine Einführung in die Okkulten Symbole.flv”

    Die vollständige Reihe, “Okkulte Musikindustrie Teil 1-19”, by the AvantGuards, ist auf erhältlich:

    Ein wichtiger Ausschnitt bei Youtube, mit bedrückendem Tiefgang: “Okkulte Musikindustrie Teil 13 Alice im Wunderland 2”,



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