Appeal for funds now

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A European comrade asked for donations. I replied:

Hi, [].
Nice to hear from you. I love your work — in the past and also now!
The problem is that money has gotten critically tight, what with my girlfriend Margaret ( we have been a couple since 2005) fighting cancer, which I am convinced the Jew-run CIA or FBI gave her.
She has gone through a fortune seeking natural cures, and also helping various high-profile patriots in need and very generously.
Though she never smoked or drank, Margi came down in January with a rare form of throat cancer which dissidents seem to get and not others.
My late friend Ted Gunderson, once a top FBI regional director (in Dallas, Texas and then Los Angeles), told me directly the FBI has ways of giving dissidents rapidly spreading cancer.
Among them is when they tape a kind of DVD-shaped disk full of radioactivity up into the floorboards under your bedroom, under your bed, while you are out of the house or apartment.
And right after Margi got her modest inheritance, though she never smoked or drank and has eaten only health foods for decades, she got this rare throat cancer.
Inline image
Beyond that, I myself am going off on a radically new path, [first name of the person], after 40 years of more or less spinning my wheels.
Our truths, no matter how proven, about race and the jews merely blow the brain circuits of almost all our white fellow citizens.
We all know that 90% of the masses are not listening to us, neither in England, America, Germany nor in Sweden, though the situation has gotten just horrible for whites, and they themselves are acutely suffering on a daily basis from poverty, despair, fear, rape, beatings, divorce, insults, alcoholism, drug addiction, and death.
What we need is a new, organized, militant white religion which can stand up to THEIR organized, militant religions:
Judaism, Islam and satanic, child-molesting 33rd-degree Freemasonry (a huge problem in Britain, but also in America and France).
If [your organization] wants to support my work, I would consider donating to it again once my finances re-stabilize.
But the real issue, comrade [last name], is that human consciousness is so deformed now by brainwashing, neurochemicals in the air, food and water, and bombardment by smartphone electronic frequencies that even with our white compatriots being beaten, raped or killed is not waking enough of the whites up.
One-tenth of 1% is not enough.
We need 10% to become fanatically committed in order to win.
And, as bad or really worse, I also firmly believe in the Van Rensburg prophecy that we are heading straight for a fully nuclear WWIII.
Sadly, in the course of it, the land of my beloved ancestors, England, in this prophecy, will be totally annihilated and no longer exist at all.
Other European nations will suffer almost as badly. Russia also will be devastated — and the US will survive but barely, as a minor power, and take many decades to recover.
Ironically, Germans outside Germany (but not Germany, the country, itself) and a small number of their Boer/Afrikaner allies will be among the survivors.
You might look at the below, [first name], and if you are interested, I then would be most happy to discuss things more, since I have a very high regard for you, your courage and commitment.
John de Nugent

…….Not one donation using Stripe in nine months!


I am waiting for the US mid-term election to be over to launch my religion. I do not want anyone to say I went public in such a way that it harmed Trump, whom I encountered when he was the fierce, pugnacious, flamboyant, controversial, shooting-his-mouth-off and at the end, very antisemitic General George Patton, 6’2″ and blondish, with small blue-gray eyes — then as now.


For all his gigantic flaws, Trump IS “doing the Lord’s work” — at least in this one sense, that he is radically opening the “Overton Window” on immigration and the media, which both are related to the key crises we face:

  1. the downfall of the white race and
  2. the malevolence and treason of the jews.


Please do donate now. I have not issued such an appeal in ten months.

Margi had me halt so we could help a confused mother turtle, traveling along the highway.

This happened a day before the Pittsburgh (supposed) synagogue shooting.





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