are Americans finally awakening from their slumber?
A poll released today by the IOP shows our nation’s stark partisan divisions – and how media outlets contribute. Among the findings: more than one in four Americans are so alienated from their government that they believe it may “soon be necessary to take up arms” against it.
But if you read between the lines, it is the White conservatives who have really had it. Thev2030.stealection, the Biden nightmare, and possibly dread that we are heading toward World War III, are all combining to produce a new set of mind.
I have awaited the right moment to step forward as who I am, and have ever been. The glory is ahead.
Sadly, in my humble opinion, armed revolution is unlikely to amount to anything more than meaningless slaughter regardless of whether we win or lose. A Godless, multi-culti Nation simply cannot stand, let alone thrive. The JP needs to be resolved and people need to be convinced that it is in everyone’s best interest for all peoples to live with their own. If we can’t do that, any victory will be temporary unless maybe we force the government to provide reservations where those of European descent can live with cultural and political autonomy.
People who do not understand the key reason for my pro-Russian and pro-Putin message, which I have pursued consistently since 2008, seem incapable of reading plain English and reasoning.
Nor do they read my essay on WHY the American Revolution succeeded. I have only promoted it a hundred times. 🙂
We won because France, Holland and Spain hated England. We got MASSIVE help from foreign powers who wanted and who NEEDED England to lose the best part of North America.
For THEIR long-term security. Had England kept its grip on what is now the USA, it would have been able to rule the entire world, including France, Holland and Spain.
Yes, George Washington and his men fought bravely.
But FOREIGNERS provided decisive aid: training, cash, troops and ships, and keeping the Royal Navy busy fighting down in the Caribbean instead of focusing its naval forces on the thirteen breakaway colonies.