Are you a Lightworker? And the final appeal

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Jill Dando was a top tv investigative journalist in England, and a lightworker, exposing vicious, child-raping, child-killing paedophiles. She was murdered in cold blood by a gunman outside her own home, and now watches us from heaven to see if we will avenge her.


JEWS BLOCKED ME FROM MY OWN WEBSITE FOR PUBLISHING THIS: Epstein scandal widens; Jill Dando murder by BBC paedophiles; Jews and incest by Ryssen


…..A very strong supporter wrote me good news about one of her children


He became very ill, but is brave and strong-willed, and is now doing much better thanks to a new kind of surgery.

I wrote to her:


Thanks for this encouraging news. 🙂

Our really significant relationships today are often the renewal of an earlier connection.
I gradually understood that Margi was an East Prussian in her last life who perished, and I have told in my blog how a voice told me this, and showed me a photo of her on a beach in a white monokini in the 1940s.

She was thus a reminder to me always to expand our love to all white people, including the Russians….. and to explain how a universal white embracing of a new NS can create a better world for all races to share with us. Freed from the jews, first inwardly and then outwardly as well, Whites will act like the Aryans they are toward all other races.

Hans Wilhelm says that the coming to this planet, this earth, is like being accepted into Harvard. 🙂

You understood in your last interlife that it would be hard here, but you wanted the challenges we face on this Harvard-level planet.

If now we fully accept them without complaint, grasping that we agreed, before this reincarnation, to experience them in order to grow and get rid of some serious bad karma, we can evolve very quickly and succeed!

I have told the story of how, on the last day in the house which Margi and I owned, while I was mopping the floor in the basement, I heard a very loud knocking sound, but it seems to come from everywhere, from all directions.

I did climb upstairs immediately, but no one was standing at the front or back doors of the house. I believe it was a communication from Margi, and it fit her no-nonsense personality, which was sometimes very sternly German 😉 to signal that she was watching over me.

I recommend the videos of this Hans Wilhelm…..

He goes far beyond Eckhart Tolle with details about God, Jesus, angels, and demonic entities, whereas Tolle appeals to people who are very averse to all religions and theology.

So Tolle virtually never talks of things that might turn them off, like God, or karma, or reincarnation.

He knows his audience well, and has successfully developed over the last twenty-five years a huge audience around the white world among the many skeptics about the existence of God, and today the masses are post-Christian mostly, and found everywhere today.

The gigantic scandals of pedophilia in the Church have caused an equally gigantic turning away from the “Christianity” of Saul the jew.

What Eckhart Tolle offers, and it is limited but very helpful in these depressing times, is inner peace via living in the now.

But Wilhelm is also wonderful in a different way, while also radiating the same kind of real inner peace and joy. I specifically like this HW video right below about “light workers,” which is what you and I are, my dear friend. And you bravely continue as a mother and Aryan to get such good grades on this difficult, Harvard-level planet, just as I expected. 🙂

We can just ignore at the end of the video his quotation from a book by the lying jewish psychiatrist Victor Frankl, his book Man’s Search for Meaning.  It supports the fraudulent Holocaust and gas-chamber narratives with his own tall tale, whose fakeness has, however, been exposed.

Frankl:  yet another smirking jew figuring he put one over on us

Wikipedia does actually have the honesty to point out that Frankl’s concentration-camp stories have been discredited.

See, other jews resent, of course not that Frankl lied, and quite carelessly — because jews lie all day, to each other and to Gentiles, because lying is a delicious art form and favorite pastime for them ;-). What got the other jews angry was that his lies are so obvious that they actually help us revisionists and national socialists. 😉

Such blatant Khazar mendacity helps us to convey the truth about the psychopathic, eternally crooked jewish race; about specifically their Holofraud; about the righteous Hitler mission; and about the many wonderful things the Third Reich achieved.

Here is the Wiki excerpt that is debunking the pious fraud Frankl (first the screenshot, then the text):


Controversy — “Auschwitz survivor” testimony [I edited it; it seems a poor English translation of something],

In The Missing Pieces of the Puzzle: A Reflection on the Odd Career of Viktor Frankl, Professor of history Timothy Pytell of California State University, San Bernardino,[29] conveys the numerous discrepancies and omissions in Frankl’s “Auschwitz survivor” account and later autobiography, which many of his contemporaries, such as Thomas Szasz, similarly have raised.[30]

*** JdN: Pytell, as a jew, can get away with shooting down a fellow jew who is claiming to be some saintly Holocaust martyr.


In Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, the book devotes approximately half of its contents to describing Auschwitz and the psychology of its prisoners, suggesting a long stay at the death camp.

*** JdN: It is important to understand that since 1960 the jews, under pressure from the great early revisionists of the 1940s and 1950s,  have retreated radically from their early claims that all the Reich’s concentration camps on German soil were death and gas-chamber camps, now “admitting” that only in Poland — in Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor — were there death camps (which also is NOT true!)

One such early revisionist was the French hero Paul Rassinier, who actually was locked up by the Gestapo in Dachau concentration camp as a leftist enemy, which he was at that time.

But Rassinier was shocked after the war to read complete jew b-s. about the supposed Dachau “gas chambers.” Rassinier then had the great honesty and integrity to realize he had been all wrong about his leftism, and about the evil Nazis, Hitler and the jews, a race of liars.

Of course, his testimony had a huge impact, since he long had been a credentialed “anti-nazi” — and he was a direct eyewitness of goings-on at Dachau!

***back to Wiki

However, [Frankl’s] wording is contradictory, and according to Pytell, “profoundly deceptive”, when he gives the impression of staying there [at Auschwitz] for months, whereas Frankl actually was held in an area close to the train, in the “prisoner depot” area of Auschwitz, and for no more than a few days.

Frankl was neither registered [at Auschwitz], nor assigned a number before he was sent on to a subsidiary work camp of Dachau, known as Kaufering III, that together with Terezín, is the true setting of much of what is described in his book.[31][32][33]

[JdN: True setting? Something true from any jew? Ever? LOL! And this pathological LYING has not changed in thousands of years!]



Well  I assume that this Hans Wilhelm probably believes the Holocaust is true, or that, “even if exaggerated, still, something happened.”

And he, as a German, a male, with blue eyes, and a member of the white race, knowing who owns YouTube — the two jewish owners of Google — hastens to stay in their good graces as a matter of good old terrestrial “practicality.”

And as a recent blog of mine showed, Wilhelm himself says he is NOT a “spiritual master,” just a seeker, teacher and lightworker doing the best he can.

(This applies to me, too, a soul shedding my old soldier background of many incarnations to become in this life a spiritual teacher myself.

Until I read Eckhart Tolle, frankly, I was baffled — as was Margi — as to the WHY and the HOW of earthlings embracing

1) the stupidest lies about all manner of things — Covid was just the very latest of many successful jew scams!!! — and

2) these lies only severely HARM the people believing them!

3) the Jews actually LOOK as sinister as they are!

Adam Silver, head of the National Basketball Association

Bush’s Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff


Wilhelm actually says also that he knows of no spiritual masters on earth at this time, just teachers who are aiming high out of love but are imperfect, just as I am — spiritually far ahead of most earthlings –but not infallible.



MAJOR JdN ARTICLE!!!!! This super-German guy makes real sense: If you have come to hate this planet, wow, “then make this your LAST life here”!

Host Alex Ferrari: So can you explain, Hans, what Ascended Masters are? What “walking masters” are? ….because there are walking masters on the earth today. What are they doing differently than the rest of us are, and how do we get there?

Hans Wilhelm: [Pause…..] I’m hesitant on this one, because I have not really met a walking master.

I have, however, met people of highly evolved vibrations and who are actually living the law of love and expressing it.

Anybody who calls himself a master is, I’m sort of, I’m a bit careful with this one, hesitant, yeah.

Because I think I would not do this. We are on such a low level here on earth for anybody here to be a master.

I don’t know; I think I will avoid answering this. I personally do not believe that there are many masters here.

There are people who express the law of love and teach it well and can be an example, like Christ was, and He definitely was a master.

But I don’t have enough experience myself to say much about that, and about what happens on the other, higher level.

What we do have on the other side is this — there are the teaching angels.

These teaching angels are coming from the highest absolute reality and come down into these purification spheres, and in these spiritual purification spheres they teach souls [how] to move on.

They themselves have not necessarily incarnated onto Planet Earth, but they are teaching spirits and they are really helping the soul to move onward.


This thing about there being no perfect humans on this planet reminds me of something my dad would say  kind of frequently over the years:

“John, there was only one perfect man, and He lived two thousands years ago. And just look at what they did to Him!”


Yes, indeed.  LOOK at what they did to Jesus, and, almost just as bad, ALL His disciples ran for the hills, abandoning Him!

…..Perfection is impossible  here

There is a famous poem by the great German poet, novelist and playwright Johann von Goethe from 1795, found in his novel Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship Years.  Here he talks about the impossibility of pure virtue on this planet.

If you speak the full truth, revealing how bad things actually are, you will be hated, because most people are too selfish and cowardly to do as you urge them, which is to seek the necessary all-out confrontation with a menacing and growing evil.

And if you help others, it is a guaranteed certainty that some of them will despise you as a “soft  touch,” hate you, slander you, and betray you!

To sleep at night,

earthlings must hate those

they wronged.

So be just as Jesus said — “be wise as a serpent while innocent as a dove.”

And here on this planet you must make some compromises.

So this Wilhelm quotes reverently this concentration-camp jew Frankl.

Whether Hans consciously realizes it or not, he is licking the jews’ boots so that they do not delete his YouTube channel with its many very good things.

It is a big moral compromise.

*** On the jewish liar Frankl

But tell the whole truth to earthlings and the jews destroy you while the masses gape and scratch their balls! And if the jew glares also at them, ninety percent will run! 😉

Margi was forced,  during some college course, to read some of Frankl’s stuff, I think while she was at Catholic University getting her master’s degree in music, and it all seemed fake to her.

This actually triggered her search online for the truth about the claimed Holocaust. Margi printed out hundreds of pages from the huge revisionist website AAARGH (

And when she moved in with me in 2005, I saw all those pages.

It was part of my falling in love with her that she was so serious about finding the truth.

Margi was not just a brilliant and attractive female, a superb cook, a fluent speaker of several foreign languages, an opera singer, a fine hostess — and she was so nice in other ways too 😉 😉 —

…but she was a genuine lightworker. 🙂


So, anyway, this was Johann von Goethe’s poem, and it is a sincere but confused person who is all angry at the gods for his life “sucking.”

“Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen aß”

Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen ass,
Wer nie die kummervollen Nächte
Auf seinem Bette weinend sas,
Der kennt euch nicht, ihr himmlischen Mächte.

Ihr führt ins Leben uns hinein,
Ihr laßt den Armen schuldig werden,
Dann überlaßt ihr ihn der Pein;
Denn alle Schuld rächt sich auf Erden.


The great Austrian composer and Goethe-fan Franz Schubert set this poem beautifully to song and music:

My translation:

He who never ate his bread with tears,
He who never spent miserable nights
Sitting on his bed and weeping,
He does not really know you, you Heavenly Powers.

You bring us into this world,
You force the poor man to commit acts of guilt,
And then you abandon him to all his pain –
And his crime catches up with him on this earth.


Goethe also wrote in a poem “Selige Sehnsucht” (“Sacred Longing”) about bringing a child through the momentous act of sexual reproduction into this world.

In one stanza he makes clear the importance of embracing the truth of reincarnation, and how you remain a child wandering in the dark if you do not.

We — in the bodies of a man and a woman — are portals through whom the soul of our child re-enters this world.

But we have agreed to ACCEPT the great challenges and opportunities to grow which are found here.

And your child, or children, for many reasons, actually chose YOU to be their parent(s).

Ingrid and Erika Atzl Nugent 1989



Und solang du das nicht hast,
Dieses: Stirb und werde!
Bist du nur ein trüber Gast
Auf der dunklen Erde.

My translation:

And as long as you have not grasped
that we all die and become again,
You remain a mere guest, wandering confused,
Upon this dark and sullen Earth.

…..A both Yin and Yang leader is needed, and NOW

All of these many sincere lightworkers are doing great work, and I will add Neale Donald Walsch with his bestselling Conversations with God to this list.

(It strikes me how, just as with me, souls from Germany are either moving to North America — where the huge white US superpower is — or they are re-incarnating here as Americans.)

But many of these fine, loving people are just not cut out to be more than “Yin” people, preaching only about love, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, etc.

These are beautiful but exclusively feminine virtues.


There has to be Yang, too: harshness, punishment and even the killing of the wicked and even of their dupes who do their evil will, and reject stubbornly all the loud-and-clear evidence that the masters they serve are evil.

I had an inspiration in 2004 while living in Provence, in the gorgeous south of France.



It was to create my own version of the Taoist yin-yang symbol.

I had a friend named Joel, who lived in Aix-en-Provence, paint it to my specifications.

It added, in the middle, the blending of yin and yang, because on this earth, BOTH energies may be needed to solve a problem!

I have also added this saying to the painting:


And now I will move on to the central teaching about all this in the Bhagavad Gita. 

The trained soldier Arjuna, who belongs to the warrior caste, is sick of killing, and especially when the enemies to slay in an impending battle turn out to be his own uncles and cousins.

BUT they were out to overthrow, by force, a very good king.

So the god Krishna — a real human alien with the somewhat bluish skin of his people, and his actual capital city has been found off the coast of Mumbai, India — speaks to him.

He reminds him that his duty as a warrior is combating and killing the wicked.

Plus the souls of these wicked soldiers who deserve to be slain in battle cannot really die. They too will reincarnate; and it does the wicked a favor as well as the whole world to use the sword righteously to end their lives of crime and horrible karma!

And I embraced this realization of the nobility of the awful soldier’s life in many lives: in Atlantis, yes, then in Egypt, in Sparta, in glorious yet bloody Rome, in sweet France, in the fierce British Isles with Ireland, in stunning Austria, and in redoutable Germany.

As the Marines say: “Nobody likes to fight, but somebody has to know how.”

And now to the financial truth.

I have been carrying 90% of the vast cost of this website and my other vital expenses,, on my own shoulders and form my wallet since November of last year, which is nine long months.

My site, this site, is massively attacked and hacked at every single day.

Meanwhile, to have a friendly roof over my head, I invested about $8,000 into the rehabilitation of a nice old house, and another $2,000 in outlays for a certain person dong that rehabilitation.

But there is a conflict when one partner in the house wants to openly take on the jews, who is I, and the other, who, while agreeing with me on many things, just wants a peaceful life after decades of jew harassment. This I find understandable but also to be completels wishful thinking at this late stage.

The unspeakable Biden and his Big Jew backers are working four main angles to genocide our race in the very near future:

  1. collapsing the dollar and then the economy in order to create artificially a “crisis” where the jews can ban cash and enforce a digital currency — which they can turn off on  any outraged white person
  2. ntroducing the lethal mRNA death-vaxx into the very DNA of the vegetables we eat and into the feed of the chickens, cattle and pigs whose meat we consume, thus vaxxing us and dooming us without any syringe being needed…..vaxxed Brazilian reporter collapses right on camera…. 🙁
  3. a total gun ban
  4. WWIII to reduce the population by 90% while they wait for years in deep bunkers for the nuclear winter to be over to re-emerge and re-assume power

There is not one safe place on this earth for any White, not with these drones and thermal imaging. They can “see” your body-heat “signature” at 2 a.m. in the deepest forest and at the most remote camp out in the “boonies.”

So forget about running. It is pointless.

I am in effect Leonidas now.

The struggle must begin.

I understand non-warriors will not take my path.

But I came here to launch liberation from love of our race, and I teach fearing dishonor only, never dreading the release — from this unspiritual, jew-infested hell world — that is death, the leaving of this body, a graduation!

I need now for my old donors and new givers to come through for me copiously before the imminent launch. I have not asked in urgency for funds for none months now. I sold my paid-off house to keep this going.

And now, Aryans, it is up to you.
Is there any negotiating with pedophiles who rape kids and kill women?


  1. If the COVID vaccine is given to us against our will by putting it on our food or in other ways, we should regard this as an act of war by the Jews.

    The flooding of our White country with Mexicans we should likewise regard as an act or war by the Jews.

    We should prepare for war against the Jews, I submit, for we are very close to this actuality.

    • I agree.

      What I would do if a jew would be first, collapse the dollar and the economy, abolish cash, go digital currency….and then go and turn the bank accounts of all dissidents off.

      THEN, when all resisters are literally starving, freezing, disarmed and homeless, carry out the entire rest of the jew agenda:
      — clot-shot vaccines,
      — gun bans,
      — criminalizing free speech, and
      — all-out war with Russia and China.

      First, take away all cash.

  2. Margi ti protegge.
    Non avevo nessun dubbio 🙂
    A volte non posso credere che non c’è più, che non può discutere con te..
    Che ha sofferto a causa dei Giudei..
    E che hanno colpito proprio la sua gola.
    Hai ragione.
    Non è la prima volta che fanno così.
    È successo qualche settimana fa in Italia.

    • Transl:

      Margi protects you.
      I had no doubts
      Sometimes I can’t believe she’s gone, that she can’t talk with you..
      That she suffered because of the Jews..
      And that they hit her right in her throat.
      You are right.
      It’s not the first time they’ve done this.
      It happened a few weeks ago in Italy.

      • C’è qualcosa di anomalo che si muove in Italia, da Milano a Firenze.E’ sparita una bambina a Firenze, nel video si può sentire solo le sue urla.Ovviamente il suo nome è il nome di un fiore particolare.So che questo è un anno particolare 2023 = 7 e so che questi rituali(di stampo giudaico) sono connessi a questo numero.
        Ho la netta sensazione di trovarmi nel 1500..altrimenti non mi spiego tante cose.
        Ho cercato a lungo ritratti, opere, di quel periodo e stranamente ho potuto notare una rappresentazione in gesso di Alfonso D’Aragona di Napoli, sembra incredibilmente mio padre!e non solo lui, mio marito e i miei figli.
        C’è qualcosa che unisce questo periodo al 1500 visto che tante cose di quel periodo stanno emergendo.E’ affascinante.

    • Grazie per questo articolo, anche se è stato pubblicato nel 2014, ma potrebbe esserci del vero. Intorno al 2016-17 la tecnologia militare russa, nonostante un budget militare molto più ridotto, è progredita molto rapidamente davanti agli armamenti del Pentagono, in particolare con i missili ipersonici. Io stesso sono rimasto sorpreso in quel momento e ho ipotizzato che i russi potessero ricevere un discreto aiuto dai nordici.

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