Army Vietnam helicopter pilot dies, talks with a LOVING God — who is everything

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….HUGE casualties among US Vietnam helicopter pilots

According to the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association, a total of 11,846 helicopters were shot down or crashed during the war, resulting in nearly 5,000 American pilots and crew killed. Of those service-people, 2,382 were killed while serving aboard UH-1 Iroquois, better known as the ubiquitous “Huey.”

What was the average age of a helicopter pilot in Vietnam? Between 18 and 25.

I love NDE videos with these regular-guy Americans. They are not preachy, not starting a new money-making religion, just saying

“I was dying, and this is what happened next. I saw my body lying there, bleeding, and a guy bending over me, and then I saw this big light.”

What was the mortality rate of helicopter pilots in Vietnam? If we are just talking Hueys, there were 7,013 choppers that served during the Vietnam War. 3,305 were destroyed. 1,074 pilots were killed, and 1,103 crew members were killed.

Those odds were TERRIBLE. And remember, while an airplane, which has wings like a bird, can glide a ways and go down somewhat slowly if it is hit, a helicopter, evne if the pilot knows all the tricks, often falls like a rock. Our pilots risked their lives to bring troops in and evacuate the wounded. They were big, hellishly loud (if you have ever been around any helicopter), way up there in the sky for all to see, and the communist, Oriental enemy saw and heard them coming just as clearly as we did, and started aiming their gunfire and missiles at them long before they landed.

So what this downed pilot saw was Heaven, temporary but incredibly beautiful, and he saw our cosmic dad, strong but loving.

As I have often said, if you are a basically good person, God can, if he chooses, switch the physical pain off  so he and you can have a loving talk.

Heaven is like earth but far more intense and gorgeous.


And this man, this regular guy doing his duty, gained a huge mystical insight. God is love, as Jesus said, and God is also everything and everyone, but above them, too, the Highest wisdom and power.

Knowing this, I soldier on and prepare the war we must fight. 

I fear no man, no death (if I died, I would see my little Margi again)…..


….. but I WOULD fear disappointing our loving Heavenly Father and my loyal followers whom I love.




JdN: I would like to conclude this article with some uplifting photos from this gorgeous Christian church, built by white people with a thirst for love, beauty, spirituality and nobility.

Is there ONE synagogue in the world that is even one-tenth as beautiful?

I am proud of the men and women of our race who create such things. This race must not perish, but instead let us end the jews’ reign of hellish cruelty.

A British comrade, E., wrote:


  1. Dear John de Nugent!

    Local elections in Salzburg, Austria show that many are upset with the political establishment.

    Both the national-rightwing patriots and the communists won many votes:

    Many young Austrians voted either for the [“far-right”] FPÖ or for the far-left KPÖ… just as in the 1930s where most of the young voted either NSDAP or KPD.

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