As ever with earthlings, infighting over Gosia

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I was saddened but not surprised to see this video by Gosia about being attacked, defamed, lied about, distorted and dismissed by the nasty UFO “expert” Alfred Webre, a fat, ugly, jealous nerd who hates the new competition.

Here is the video:

The touching complaints by the Cosmic Agency team brought back my own memories of the slander campaigns against me.

I have been called, especially behind my back and in private messages, emails and phone calls: a homosexual, wife-beater, dog-torturer, con man, swindler, fake Marine, lazy bum, parasite, and nut.

It is shocking when one has actually helped and praised the work of some of the very people who have turned on me. And now I see this happening to this Gosia, Robert, Dale Harder, etc. It is what Eckhart Tolle calls “the egoic mind,” or I “the tyrannon,” a mind run wild.

In the final third, Gosia analyzes the whole phenomenon of humans and their toxic infighting.


Just as people deny obvious racial and jew truth, they deny UFO truth. And if real aliens contact real humans, they dismiss it.

So now if Gosia presented this Swaruu on camera, since she looks human, people would still scoff.

If she showed her spaceship, or her beaming down, they would say “Hollywood CGI.”

In the end, it is as Gosia says — you must decide if this feels right inside you. Listen to your inner voice….

Another ominous thing:

She says the vast majority of people who are actually waking up are the starseeds, the people, the souls, who volunteered to incarnate here from other, far more advanced planets, in order to grow, and to help liberate others from the suffering on this hellish world.

Most regular humans, however, the ones whom these starseeds came here to help, remain impervious zombies.

“Such an ego simply forb[ids] certain lines of thought.”
― Stephen King, Misery

And this we also found to be true regarding racial and jewish truths.

I see with all these Gosia videos that views are between 8,000 and 85,000. After 350 videos. And two years of hard work.

Suppose the Nordics just leave us to our fate?

….which is to be exterminated?

I definitely have my work cut out for me… 😉

….to make the Great Breakthrough.

This cartoon should be taken symbolically, not literally. It is about major starseeds  — such as Buddha, Jesus or Adolf — and what they go through on this planet.

The date refers to when Reich President von Hindenburg died and Hitler finally assumed supreme power in Germany.

As AH said:


He who does not wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.
Mein Kampf

On religion:

The great masses of a nation are not composed of philosophers. For the masses of the people especially, [a religious] faith is absolutely the only basis of a moral outlook on life. The various substitutes that have been offered have not shown any results that might warrant us thinking that they might usefully replace the existing denominations. But if religious teaching and religious faith is once again accepted by the broad masses as active forces in their lives, then the absolute authority of the doctrines of faith will be the foundation of all practical effort. There may be a few hundreds of thousands of superior men who can live wisely and intelligently without depending on the general standards that prevail in everyday life, but the millions of others cannot do so.
Mein Kampf


And so we see, with the valiant efforts of Gosia and so many others, that the calm, clear, clean truth, evidence and logic have no effect whatsoever on Das Peepul. 😉

As with 9/11, and before that Pearl Harbor, Sandy Hook and the Charleston Church Shooting, they fall for lies.Every false flag works like a charm.

As I said before, the Coronavirus is, however, the End Game: economic collapse, FEMA camps, mandatory vaccines, digital ID via a biochip, sterilization, 5G-facilitated mind control, and the totally cashless society where they just turn off your account and you can buy nothing.

So pray for me, and pray for yourselves, that I succeed. 🙂 We beat terminal cancer, and now we can beat the human cancer on two legs that is the Jew.

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