As I said, Trump is provoking China to get the war the Pentagon wants so bayonets give him a second term; comrades, COME HERE NOW!

Spread the love

A very brave and generous comrade read this article of mine:

Roman Empire redux: Mike Adams speculates on a Trump last-minute negotiation with his Praetorian generals: ‘I’ll give you a conventional war with China (which ran the Stealection against me) IF you carry out the Insurrection Act, my re-election is certified, and I get a second term’

…and then posted this:

To those who doubt, it may have already begun:

I responded:

Thanks so much, Old Fighter.

The JCOS [Joint Chiefs of Staff] supposedly issued a statement recognizing Biden as the incoming president….. yesterday, six long days after his “election” was “certified” by Congressional traitors….

This site says the letter is a “deep fake,” and that, besides, the JCOS  have no command power, which is correct.

It is true that they only advise the president and run their own department (Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force) in a routine way (recrutement, training, pay, uniforms, medical care, etc.) but do not command actual troops.

The chain-of- command since 1987 is the Defense Secretary going right past the chiefs to the local commanders at various bases around the world. In other words, the Commandant of the Marine Corps is not moving troops around or giving orders in any battles. This is so civilians control the military very closely.

TRUMP. Margi and I have both come to realize how weak and halfway this Trump has gotten, doubtless browbeaten by Ivanka.

He is coyly flirting with martial law via a war with China, but there is no follow-through.

Look at hydroxychloroquine. He was rightly promoting it in May.

He could have defeated Corona right then and there, ended the HATED and DEVASTATING lockdowns, stopped the mindless masking (and no mask can stop a tiny virus particle anyway, any more than an chain-link fence can stop a mosquito!).

He could have closed down this CRUEL “social-distancing” freak show that has isolated the vulnerable, and caused the suicide rate among especially the white little people to explode!

Trump got handed a lemon from Red China, which was Covid, and he could have made lemonade from it.

He could have used it all to expose the Deep State and jewsmedia, NOT JUST CHINA, and all their LETHAL b-s about everything in one fell swoop.

He KNEW hydroxy was cheap, safe, and effective on Covid!

Even the horrible worm Macron of France went and paid hommage to the beloved Dr. Raoult of Marseilles, who was curing 93% of his Covid patients with hydroxy!

If Trump had ended the lockdowns…called b-s on Big Pharma — and think of how half the country was already very anti-vaxx BEFORE this Covid-Pfizer-Moderna “Warp Speed” monster shot was rushed out! The whole Covid insanity, if he had defied it, could have made Trump into an international mega-hero!

Now Trump is seen as the dope who rushed a dangerous vaccine out! If half the doctors and nurses won’t take it, why should he expect the vaccine-skeptical general public to do so or feel gratitude to Trump? Gratitude for what?

Houston doctor says half of the nurses in his unit don’t want COVID-19 vaccine for political reasons | Fox News

Nurses, hospital staff refuse to take COVID vaccine in large numbers | News | LifeSite (

Alarming number of US health care workers are refusing COVID-19 vaccine (

Everyone now knows some family (I do) with an autistic kid!!! It was from the vaccines and their mercury adjuvant, thimerosol!

Many vaccines, indeed, are very dangerous!

My English maternal grandfather, John Thomas Colwell….

….lost his first wife, who was Irish, a century ago to the “Spanish flu” whose main killing field was among the vaccinated!

But no — the jew-run Deep State (including Daddy’s Girl, Ivanka) wore Trump down, he ended up knuckling under, he walked away from hydroxychloroquine and thus from the truth, and this was not for the first time.

(I read “The Art of the Deal” in the Eighties, which was a nothing-burger that was ghost-written by a jew. In it Trump lied that his family on his father’s side was “Swedish,” not German. I could see by his very square face that he was German, a “squarehead,” as non-German-Americans used to call the German immigrants pouring into the US in the 1890s.

German-American and Defense Secretary Donald RUMSFELD with Marines in 2006 in Afghanistan

Trump is from Kallstadt in the Palatinate, not “Sweden,” and there are still Trumps there!

Blarney has gotten to be a default position with this man. 😉

On the sixth of January, he was supposed to release some bombshell info at his big rally, and what did he say when he got there? Nothing but the usual — ‘they stole the election. They hate me.’


Whaddy goin’ ta DO about it?

Strong Trump is, and I give credit where credit is due, but just…not…quite..strong enough…..a man like General Paulus (photo, center), a good officer in the Polish campaign, but at Stalingrad, when he could have ordered a fanatic and successful breakout at all costs to the west, he just dithered.

Why did I award Léon, who was indeed like a son to me, the Knight’s Cross? Because of his heroic leadership during the breakout westward at Cherkassy in 1944.

Sure, half of the Waffen-SS and regular Wehrmacht soldiers died trying, but at least the other half made it! When you go to war, you have to expect huge casualties and go onward anyway!

Degrelle understood this — if you surrender to bolsheviks and jews, they will kill you all anyway after mind-frying torture! At Stalingrad, 90K stupidly surrendered –only 5k survived the gulag! 


So when the battle against a foe without mercy begins, and it is now, the rule is “stop dicking around — go for it!”

I’ll be damned now if I wait for this guy any longer to find his balls. And a war with China, which might give Trump a second term, could start out conventional but go thermonuclear after one side publicly gets its ass kicked, then it lashes out by going tactical-nuclear (via artillery or ship-to-ship missiles), and then THAT turns into an all-out ICBM exchange — and most of the earth is wiped out.

We all die by blast, radiation, infrastructure collapse (no water, food, medicine, phone, Internet and power), or by starvation due to nuclear winter!




President Trump, sir, I hate terribly to say the following as one of your earliest, loudest and most steadfast supporters here in the UP of Michigan and also on this website. I was the first man in Ontonagon with this sign, at my house on the main road, and that was way back in the snowy fall of 2015. Note there was no “Pence” on the sign. I loathed that snake from day one.

At this fateful juncture, having let the jews steal your glorious and deserved landslide-victory, I recall the Book of Daniel, and where it says that handwriting appeared on the wall to King Belshazzar of Babylon. It said an Aryan king of Persia (Cyrus the Great) would replace him.

Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.

“And this is the inscription that was written: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN …God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it … You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting … Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.” Daniel 5:25–28

Cyrus the Great

President Trump, you kissed the jews’ boots all your life, and what has it gotten you?

You never got their favor.

And in the process of kowtowing to psychopathic ingrates after you did EVERYTHING Israel wanted, you have lost God’s blessing, you seem gullible and naive, a man who fell into a trap, and so as a leader — whatever your good intentions — you sadly no longer inspire your people. As Harry Truman would have said, ‘Donald, if you wanted a friend in Washington, you should have gotten yourself a dog.” 😉

Trump the chump? No, but let me say “way overly trusting, and unable to comprehend as a businessman, not a politician, just how wide, deep and wicked the Swamp was.”

AIPAC and the ADL now denounce YOU over the US Capitol false-flag violence which was done by the jew-financed Antifa, which gets its money from the jew I forgot to holocaust — along with two million others we somehow missed — George Schwartz, alias “Soros”!

It is time for the Spartans.

…..Long-time and generous donor writes

Good God… what a disappointing past few days.. now what? I have this urge to up and leave somewhere but I’m not sure where.

I replied:

Come here, my dearest girl. You deserve to live for glory, and not be captured far behind enemy lines in marxist New England.

Margi and I are now “in the moment” — the moment of truth, and of the beginning of victory.

I am finishing my spiritual writing right now to change us from whiners, misers, cowards and gawkers to winning warriors!

Everywhere, as here in Ontonagon, whites are looking for a real hero and for practical guidance: “What do we do now? Trump has folded, but we CAN’T let Biden in!”

This is a time for heroes. And for heroines! 🙂

Were I you, I would drop everything and come up here, and stop merely existing as a wage slave at [giant chain store].

Each person who comes here n-o-w is worth 500 late-bloomers who come to me later. 😉

After January 6, the jews have declared total war on white America.

There is no salvation for body or soul except in getting ready to fight. The foe is closing in for the kill.

We will see who kills whom. 😉





….See also


Using fake Trumper Capitol riot as excuse, Biden wants domestic-terrorism bill passed fast to target white nationalists

…..White safety zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Yes, in this heavily Finnish-Swedish-German area, we do have people who look like this here.

White Safety and Heritage Zone — Upper Peninsula of Michigan


Especially important blogs



And don’t even think of asking me for money to move up here if you never sent me one thin little dime when I appealed occasionally for emergency funding. Why on earth would I want to pay a do-nothing moocher to move here? I need true idealists, selfless and noble women and men who are in love with action, not talk!

…….Recent donations


I thank those who responded to my very urgent request for funds.

I now have in François a paid, full-time writer cum website monitor wh watches for hackers, reporting intruders to my Russian webmaster, who is also paid by me.

–12 January 2021 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–6 January 2021 200 Euros (like US dollars in value) from C in Germany

–4 January 2021 $160 cash from K in Massachusetts

–2 January 2021 100 euros (around 100 US$) and a very kind note from M in France

(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




–1 January 2020 $75 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–27 December 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from a former Green Beret

–23 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

–22 December 2020 $1,000 loan from S in Florida

–17 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada


–15 December 2020, from a long-term and generous Australian donor:  50 Australian dollars; a letter about the US 2020 election; a beautiful Christmas card with a springer spaniel; and a photocopy from a book about Quetzalcoatl — the mysterious, benevolent, blond, bearded white man who founded Ancient Mexico (I will blog next on this gift.)


Qzetzalcoatl may have initially worn a space suit and helmet for breathing in our atmosphere, and for practical reasons had no beard. Later, it seems he adapted to our air, tossed the suit and helmet, and grew his beard out, a hirsute feature of adult white males  which astonished the beardless Amerindians. 

Interesting how Quetzalcoatl just up and left one day.

Sometimes one gets soooo tired of peoples’ slow progress. In Conversations with God, the Creator says to author Neil Donald Walsch, to his shock, that he has already had HUNDREDS of lives…


Most people never get a grip on their own mind, and thus barely inch forward a few inches in each incarnation like a lazy snail. 😉

“Are earthlings a good use of my time?”

Thanks go today especially to donors of Amazon gift cards, which enable us to buy supplements which have helped Margi both beat and also prevent a recurrence of her one-time Stage III throat cancer. This happy development, in turn, frees ME up for my vital work.

–11 December 2020 100 Euros and note from M in France


–10 December 2020 $25 by check and letter from K in California


–9 December 2020 $150 in cash and a note from P in Florida (sent to Margi’s address)

–7 December 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–4 December 2020 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–30 November 2020 45 euros from S in Germany

–27 November 2020 100 euros [same as US dollars] from M in France


–16 Nov 2020 50 Australian dollars ($30) and card from P in Australia



Dear John and Margi,

I hope you are both well and that the autumn colours are affording some solace in these most critical times before us. The very near future is ominous and foreboding, not least in appearance but fundamentally.

So may you continue with strength in your noble endeavours for our people and the Aryan soul. This is desperately needed as clean air is to breathe. Keep safe and well.

Kind regards…



–14 November 2020 50 euros from M in France


–3 November 2020 $100 in cash from a fmr Marine officer, P, in Florida


–1 November 2020 $340 in cash and a letter from K in New England

–23 Oct 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from L in Kentucky

–18 October 2020 US$88  via Amazon gift card from J in Cicero, Illinois

–17 October 2020 50 Australian dollars,  letter and extensive photocopies from a serious book on Atlantis and other destroyed civilizations from J

–14 October 2020 50 euros [ = 50 US dollars] and a beautiful card and letter from M in France.

–10 October 2020 110 euros ( same in US dollars) from C in Germany

–3 October 2020 $88 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

My thank-you note:

Thank you for the Gift Card! I so enjoyed seeing my two recent visitors from the faraway Southland, but thinking also: “Soon, I will not be able to walk down the street or go into a bar and grill, unless I have bodyguards.” These are my final weeks of “freedom,” brother J. Then comes only the iron call of duty.

I am deeply grateful that you have stuck by me all this time. The supplements your gift cards (and those of another comrade) have bought have also saved Margi’s life. Even the Mayo told her in July of last year that with all of their wizardry she had only a 20% chance. So pat yourself on the back, dear brother.

— John de Nugent

— 1 October 2020 50 euros [worth $US50 also], a beautiful card and a thoughtful letter from M in France




  1. I was about to send you this link I found on, but I see you’ve already debunked it as a forgery. Hopefully that’s true, because if it’s real, then for sure the two demons will be inaugurated on 1/20/2021:

    So maybe there is still hope, even with just 1 week to go. Mike King is a true die-hard QAnon Trump believer:—cowards-abandon-trump.html

    I don’t know what to think at this point. As this DS article says, if the two demons take over on 1/20/2021, Trump is either going to prison, or will have to emigrate to Russia (I think he’d more likely emigrate to Israel, where his handlers reside):

    What is puzzling is that Trump doesn’t seem to understand any of this. Something about Trump’s recent nonchalant behavior doesn’t add up. He’s behaving as if nothing is wrong – that there will be a peaceful transition to the two demons on 1/20/2021, and he will then go back to living as a happy and free billionaire, as he did before being elected in 2016. Does he know something the rest of us don’t?

    Meaning, does he know there will soon be a 9/11-style Israeli false flag blamed on Iran that will enable him to declare martial law, indefinitely postpone Biden’s inauguration, and launch a massive war on Iran as a last huge gift for his Israeli handlers?

    Or, as I speculated earlier, is Trump really on the same team as his former friend Hillary and the Demoncraps, and were Trump’s entire four years of patriotic rhetoric just political theater for the dumb goyim? A possible reason for this may have been to “smoke out” and identify all the real American patriots for Trump’s Jewish handlers, so they will know who to target and arrest in the coming years. This would also explain why Trump invited all his supporters to storm the U.S. Capital on 1/6/2021 with his tweet on 12/19/2020 saying “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Yes, it certainly was, Donald, and now many of those people are being identified and arrested – good job! The recent Demoncrap demand to identify and prosecute Trump supporters also seems to support this scenario. Here’s Trump’s former good friend Hillary Clinton calling for a nationwide crackdown on all Trump supporters (i.e. American patriots):

    Or, as the earlier DS article implies, is Trump really just plain, dumb-as-a-rock stupid, and unable to even process what is going on? Since he hired nothing but traitorous Deep State swamp creatures during his 4 years in office, this superficially seems to support that scenario. But Trump is a seasoned political player even prior to 2016, as a goy NYC real estate mogul dealing with treacherous Jews, therefore it’s hard for me to believe he’s so stupid that he didn’t know who people like William Barr were, and doesn’t realize what’s going on now. He would have to be literally retarded not to. So, I don’t think pure stupidity is the explanation for Trump’s recent puzzling, nonchalant behavior.

    So, in my view, either Trump knows that a 9/11-style Israeli false flag attack to be blamed on Iran is coming before 1/20/2021, or he’s just an excellent actor who is on the same team as Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Demoncraps, and fooled us all with his patriotic rhetoric, as a way to “smoke out” and identify American patriots for his Jewish handlers. At this point, I favor the latter scenario. We will likely find out by 1/20/2021.

    • Thanks for raising these important issues, though I am not certain the JCOS statement was forged.

      IMO, Trump is neither a spiritual nor an intellectual giant, Ivanka (w/Jared) works him over to be “more moderate,” AND the Deep State may well be firing some brain weapon at him to make him confused, and even sticking something in his food.

      I think now (as I have for five years) that he is sincere but just not up to the immense task of draining the Swamp. And they may have something on him, too: real dirt or a frame-up.

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