As Jews genocide the Gazans, they whine about burgeoning antisemitism online in China; spiritual reading

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Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas met in June of this year with Xi Jinping, President of China. Israel secretly favors Hamas,  which controls Gaza, BECAUSE it preaches the destruction of Israel, over the more moderate Abbas, who controls Palestinian areas of the West Bank. 


In 1984, [Abbas] published a book titled “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism” (Arabic: Al-Wajh al-Ākhar: Al-‘Alāqat aL-Sirriyya bayn al-Nāzīyya wa al-Sahyūniyya) based on the dissertation.

In the book Abbas dismissed as a “myth” and “fantastic lie” that six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust,[106][107] writing that the real figure was at most “890,000” or “a few hundred thousand”.[108] 

The number of such deaths, he claimed, had been exaggerated for political purposes, writing “it seems that the interest of the Zionist movement … is to inflate this figure so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure [six million] in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions—fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand.”[105] 


In August 2023, during a speech to the Fatah Revolutionary Council, Abbas claimed that Hitler killed Jews because of their “social role” as moneylenders, rather than out of antisemitism, and that Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Khazars


Abbas has also said sarcastically, referring to the Khazar issue: “The Jews left Palestine brown [complected] [when the Romans drove many of them out in two wars] and they came back white.”


I can confirm part of the article below. Margi, an opera singer, had a Chinese friend named “Han” who was her piano accompanist. He once said to me, and with pride: “We Chinese are the jews of Asia.”

I also met Japanese who admired the jews.

From both countries, people wrote me:  “After all the persecution by Nazis, the Jews should not have the same cruel attitude and plan to rule the world.”

In general, I approve of the Chinese approach to Islam, strong in the westernmost province, where the Uyghur people are Turkic.


Any muslim terrorism or fanaticism is crushed. And they make the Uyghurs work hard, learn a skilled trade, and stay out of trouble — or they go to prison. Keep them busy, making money, and leading a productive life.





….Since Oct. 7, antisemitism has exploded online in China. Here’s why.

[source: Jewish Telegraph Agency…. more whining how we jews (like the Blacks) “dindu nuffin”:]



TAIPEI, Taiwan (JTA) — Growing up as a Bukharian Jew in China, Uriah was always told by his parents to hide his Jewishness in public and to try to assimilate into the greater Chinese population.

Uriah — who asked to be identified only by his Hebrew name to ensure the safety of his family — said that when he began publicly talking about his Jewish identity, people told him that he would “never be one of us [Han Chinese].”

But Uriah had never felt physically or personally threatened until the aftermath of Oct. 7, when Hamas killed over 1,400 Israelis in an incursion, sparking a war with Israel that has killed thousands in Gaza.

Online, he saw people taunting the parents of Noa Argamani, the half-Chinese Israeli-born captive who was seen being kidnapped by Hamas in a viral video. People cursed her Chinese-born mother for asking China for help.

Then friends and acquaintances started taunting Uriah and his family members, sending them antisemitic social media posts and messages saying Argamani was rightfully captured by Hamas fighters, he said.

“Is China even going to be a safe place for, say, Jewish businessmen who are known to be Jewish? Will there be hostility verbally, or even physically? In the past, my answer was no, but now I’m not sure,” he said.

After Oct. 7, China’s internet — from message boards to video platforms to social media — suddenly flooded with viciously anti-Israel and antisemitic comments. Pointing to Israel’s actions against the Palestinians, people have said things ranging from support for Hitler and Nazi Germany to the idea that oppressed Jews have become oppressive Nazis.

Steven Spielberg’s Holocaust classic “Schindler’s List,” which has been widely loved in China, was review-bombed so heavily on the video platform Bilibili that its rating declined from 9.7 to 4.3.

“Where is the Palestinian Schindler?” read one highly-rated comment.

Commenting became so intense that Israeli and German embassy accounts on Weibo, China’s popular microblogging platform, began filtering responses to some posts.

“We believe in the power of free speech and rational debate… But all this is not without limitations: invective that is degrading to human dignity will be deleted,” the German embassy wrote. “We also want to make it clear that those who deliberately combine the Israeli flag with Nazi symbols in their profile pictures are either ignorant idiots or shameless bastards! Such accounts will be permanently blocked by us.”

It’s not just a phenomenon on social media.

State media, such as the Chinese Communist Party-backed national news broadcaster CCTV, claimed that “Jews represent just 3% of the American population but control 70% of its wealth … these factors can be used to exert incomparable influence on politics.”

The CCTV video has since been removed, but the hashtag “Jews represent just 3% of the American population but control 70% of its wealth” became a “hot topic” on Weibo, and that unfounded [sic] statistic has appeared numerous times in other social media posts seeking to pin the responsibility for the current war against Hamas on a global Jewish conspiracy.

“I am deeply concerned by the spread of antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories in recent weeks, including the uptick on the largest social media platforms in the PRC [People’s Republic of China],” tweeted U.S. antisemitism envoy Deborah Lipstadt on Wednesday. “This dramatic increase in antisemitic rhetoric is a cause for alarm.”

How “philosemitism” can turn into antisemitism

Judaism is not one of China’s five recognized religions, meaning the identity of Chinese Jews like Uriah or the historic community in Kaifeng is not recognized as legitimate. But Jews have long been revered in China, where centuries-old stereotypes are common — such as the conspiracy theory [sic] that Jews have control over American institutions from Wall Street to the media.

It’s not just about money and power: the Chinese have historically looked to Jews as a sort of mirror of themselves, a down-and-out nation that survived extreme adversity and rose to a position of power and prominence against the odds.

These stereotypes are portrayed in a positive light and are often referred to as “philosemitic.” Jews here have talked about getting everything from free taxi rides to compliments about their intelligence. Bookstores carry self-help books about how to be more like the “successful” Jews. Chinese philosemitic sentiment has been embraced by both Israeli and Chinese governments throughout the development of diplomatic relations, scholars have noted.

But the line between philo- and antisemitism can be thin. Unlike in the West, where antisemitism is a centuries-old, deeply ingrained tradition, Jewish conspiracy theories are a relatively new phenomenon in China. Even “positive” racial stereotypes have the potential to turn negative, especially in the context of heightened anti-Western sentiment in China in recent decades, says Mary J. Ainslie of the University of Nottingham at Ningbo.

As influencer Lu Kewen described in a viral 8,000-word WeChat post in 2021: “The image of Jews in China was once that of saints preparing to save the common people: firm, holy, intelligent, rich and kindhearted while full of trauma.”

Though after learning more about the history of “various countries,” Lu wrote, “Jewish names kept coming up … after classifying them and analyzing their behaviors, my impression of Jews slowly changed.” His screed included passages copied and pasted from Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

The free propagation of Jewish conspiracy theories despite China’s powerful censorship machine indicates an endorsement by the party-state, which has been hurling blame at the United States for the war in Israel through its state media.

“There is a notice here that stereotyping of Jewish people, particularly negative stereotyping of Jewish people, is actually quite a force online. And because conspiratorial discourses are encouraged by the state and are often actually connected to the state, this is something that [authorities are] not willing to perhaps challenge,” Ainslie said.

At a press conference last week, in response to a question on reports of antisemitism on Chinese social media, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin reiterated China’s stance on the conflict — which calls for a two-state solution — adding that “China’s laws unequivocally prohibit disseminating information on extremism, ethnic hatred, discrimination and violence via the internet.”

China-Israel ties are at a low

China has cultivated a strong economic relationship with Israel since establishing ties in 1992, often referencing the “1,000-year” friendship between the Chinese and Jewish people and the thousands of Jewish refugees who found refuge in Shanghai during World War II. China today remains Israel’s second-largest trading partner behind the United States.

In June, in a sign of warming ties, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. politicians that he planned to visit Beijing in the near future. He felt compelled to issue a statement emphasizing that “the US will always be Israel’s most vital ally and irreplaceable ally.” (That visit now seems unlikely.)

But China has historically also had a close relationship with Palestinian leaders dating back to the Mao era. The country has shown that it additionally wants to play a bigger role in the Middle East peace process in recent years.

Since Oct. 7, China has not specifically condemned Hamas’ attack on Israel or labeled it as terrorism, leading to deep disappointment and frustration from Israel. Unlike many Western nations, China does not categorize Hamas as a terrorist organization.

On Thursday, Israel’s representative to Taiwan called China’s hesitance to condemn Hamas’ attack “very disturbing.” China has also released little information about the stabbing of an Israeli diplomat’s spouse in Beijing, though police said the attacker was a foreigner.

Instead, China has repeatedly called for restraint on both sides and for a two-state solution to be reached with the help of the United Nations. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi has also said Israel had gone “beyond self-defense.”

China has additionally courted support in the Arab League, to the extent that several countries in it have begun rejecting international concerns about human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum said the Chinese government “may be committing genocide” in the region, where the Uyghurs have reportedly been subject to mass imprisonment and forced labor.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in June that China’s actions in Xinjiang are aimed at combating terrorism and have “nothing to do with human rights” abuses.

Plenty of Chinese still support Jews and Israel

Viral social media posts do not necessarily determine the public opinion of the average Chinese, and the topic of antisemitism in China remains understudied. Condemnations of antisemitism in response to the recent phenomenon in China’s cyberspace do exist — many users have condemned Hamas’ terrorism and questioned their government’s response to the conflict.

Pro-Israel sentiment exists, too. Israel has also long been a subject of admiration in China for its rich culture and strong educational and tech sectors that many entrepreneurs have tried to buy into or replicate.

Many Chinese express their support for the Jewish state on the Israeli embassy in China’s Weibo posts. “Support Israel! Annihilate the terrorist organization!” one recent comment reads.

In a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, Ping Zhang, a professor of East Asian studies at Tel Aviv University, said his attempts to explain to Israeli friends that “‘there are still many Chinese who support Israel’ basically received little response.”

“The goodwill caused by 1,000 Chinese voices friendly to Israel is not worth the damage caused by one antisemitic statement,” he wrote. “Simply put, the foundation of the good relationship built between the two sides over the past three decades has been shattered.”



…..spiritual reading for November 9

The roil of pain and suffering, the cries from the hearts of the sufferers all around your planet, these can reach levels that are almost impossible to bear, especially if you are listening with an open heart.

That is, if you identify with them. And mostly, you do. You do because you are good, loving, generous souls. But try to remember that if you allow yourself to sink into the suffering yourself, you will add just one more voice to those crying, and your beam of light, so necessary to healing, will diminish.

Empathy can be a dangerous thing in these times and in your position.

This sounds harsh, we know. But it is true. You may be working to bring more joy and light and hope into your own life simply because it feels better. But no matter your motivation, each time you open your heart to send or receive love, the world around you benefts. And although there may be times when you have no choice but to sink into the suffering, each time you do that, things become a little darker all around.

It is like voting: you may not be able to see the results of your choice, but there is a logic to it that, when accepted, makes it globally important to choose carefully.

For this reason, we raise the issue of empathy. To truly empathize, to understand another’s pain is often very helpful. But to share in what is not rightfully yours is a mistake and no one gains. It will be increasingly tempting to do this, and we will likely bring it to your attention again when needed.

Today could prove difficult. There may be much free-floating grief. This is a time when it will be important to allow the grief its own course. It absolutely does not belong to you, so let it pass. Let it pass.

You may even find that as it resonates with some grief in your heart, you think you recognize it and want to own it. Let
it pass. Try to see what is going on—your own grief has its place and route to healing. Don’t interrupt that flow by picking up on this planetary sadness and madness. And do not despair if it turns out to be a hard day.

Some days are just like that. Tomorrow it will be gone and a new day upon you.

Be courageous today, and if you have faith in anything, touch it often so that you do not lose contact with it. Use whatever form works for you and stay connected to anything that will help you keep moving and  breathing and maybe even dancing a little.

We will be there by your side. 🙂





  1. I don’t believe that Hitler killed Jews. He expelled them from Germany, but he didn’t kill them. He let them keep their money and tried to find places for them in foreign countries. Those who could not be re-patrioted were sent to concentration camps. During the war Allied bombing cut off supplies to these camps, and this caused massive death among the inmates. That is what happened. Allied bombing caused the death of tens of thousands of Jewish inmates in concentration camps.

    • Basically this is true, but there were areas behind the Eastern Front where jews were vicious, dangerous Soviet partisans or supported the partisans. My father dealt with North Korean partisans in the Korean War. The jews themselves boast that 600,000 German troops died because of their activities. So many were in fact shot for killing German soldiers or for supporting those who did. All civilians who engage in war must accept that war is a two-way street.

      As the Germans invaded what is now Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in the summer and fall of 1941, some jews were evacuated eastward by Stalin, but many other jews were told to stay put and attack the Germans as partisans. They were ordered to “stay behind.” They host at and assassinated German personnel, pro-German Slavs, and destroyed trains, railroad, and bridges to harm the German Wehrmacht.

      All civilians who engage in war must accept that war is a two-way street. I think probably 500,000 jews were executed for doing this.

  2. You made a mistake at the start of the article:

    “Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas met in June of this year with Xi Jinping, President of China. Israel secretly favors Hamas, which controls Gaza, BECAUSE it preaches the destruction of Israel, over the more moderate Abbas, who controls Palestinian areas of the West Bank.”

    At the start of the second sentence you should have written “China”.

    • If you mean that it was a mistake to write that “ISRAEL” favors Hamas, no, that was no mistake!

      Netanyahu and the Mossad created Hamas just as they also, later on, created the savage ISIS…..

      The jews WANT to create, and also widely publicize, the scariest kind of Muslims out there in order to appall and terrify Whites into feeling sympathy for IsraHell.

      Abbas, his PLO, and the Palestinian Authority all seem far too moderate to be the perfect villains.

      Biden, Abbas, and two Palestinian girls, July 2022:

      Israeli peace activist Routman says Netanyahu knew about the Hamas attack in advance and WANTED it to happen:

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