As our site predicted in October — huge increases seen in cancer, Jew York Times admits, because Covid lockdowns cancelled VITAL cancer screenings

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From the NYT today: .

Yvette Lowery usually gets her annual mammogram around March. But last year, just as the pandemic was gaining a foothold and medical facilities were shutting down, the center where she goes canceled her appointment. No one could tell her when to reschedule.

“They just said keep calling back, keep calling back,” said Ms. Lowery, 59, who lives in Rock Hill, S.C.

In August, Ms. Lowery felt a lump under her arm but still couldn’t get an appointment until October.

Eventually, she received a diagnosis of Stage 2 breast cancer, started chemotherapy in November and had a double mastectomy this month.

“I’ve been seeing a lot of patients at an advanced stage,” said Dr. Kashyap B. Patel, one of Ms. Lowery’s doctors and the chief executive of Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates. If her cancer had been detected last May or June, it would have probably been caught before it had spread, Dr. Patel said.

Months of lockdowns and waves of surging Covid cases throughout last year shuttered clinics and testing labs, or reduced hours at other places, resulting in steep declines in the number of screenings, including for breast and colorectal cancers, experts have said.

[end excerpt]

All this confirms what Francois Arouet wrote on this website back on October 11 of last year:

TOP ARTICLE! — Hundreds of thousands could die of cancer because of draconian Coronavirus restrictions — exposing our oppressors with FACTS & STATS; my glaucoma crisis due to the lockdown

So let us be clear that not just Covid business lockdowns and Covid vaccines, but also the Covid-related cancelling of cancer and other checkups, are now killing people.




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