As predicted, more and more sheeple (and opponents who got jabbed to keep their job) now have “Died Suddenly”

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Steve Clark
2d ·
A guy I know well just got out of the hospital after a week. A year ago he started having epileptic seizures. At 57, Wolf doesn’t drink, or take drugs, and he’s been lifting weights and bike riding for years. And yes, Wolfgang got at least 4 mRNA shots, probably all of them. Like so many others, he scoffed at the suggestion that the injections were unhealthy.

Robin Shores Wisener
Toxic overlying the Brain!! Must do a Heavy Metal Detox!

Michelle Preston
Need to try to detox — go see a holistic practitioner

Jacques Weiß
You cannot detox from this. It isn’t just heavy metals in the injection, but it isn’t even a vaccine. It is genetic modification. They alter a person’s DNA — there is no reversing that. Another person in town here died couple weeks ago I would guess 40% death rate and mostly people in their 40s-50s

John De Nugent
Jacques Weiß Thank you for this information. But 40%? Already? I might expect that after five years or so.

Jacques Weiß
John De Nugent in this particular town I would guess that, yes, and the coroners were saying they were seeing those rates,  and so did insurance adjusters. I know of about 6-7 people just in my immediate neighbourhood that died after the jab and it keeps happening, I am always waiting to hear news of another person I know that died. Everyone whom I know took it except myself and my husband.

My husband’s brother is permanently damaged neurologically from it, and can no longer work.  My boss lost his daughter in her 30s to cancer;  she left 2 small children behind. I know all kinds of people that have cancer or are sick constantly, and yet none of them make the connection to these new illness, etc, and to the roll-out of the vaxx.

Kathy Lanzo McCarthy
Very sad how brainwashed so many are.

Steve Clark
Kathy Lanzo McCarthy I’d been calling him for two weeks with no answer. I saw him three weeks ago and he has a few minerals left from his dad’s rock collection which I wanted to buy. Now I know. I saw him today on the bus and he’d lost a good 25 lbs [pounds; 11 kg] of muscle, with his face drawn.

Kathy Lanzo McCarthy
Steve Clark that’s terrible and so young.

Steve Clark
Kathy Lanzo McCarthy I remember when they first started jabbing in spring 2021, and those of us in the [anti-vaxx] demonstration would point out these people from 50 feet away. They had glassy eyes, a grey complexion and were listless. I should look for some three-year-old photos. I saw some the other day with people wearing masks in the streets, groups of 50 to 80 police harassing us 30 to 50 demonstrators. Same thing everywhere.

The ones who called us names and demanded we put on the masks now pretend nothing happened. I read the obituaries for Wakefield, Massachusetts and other towns. Gloucester, Mass. is full of young deaths, Burlington Vt. and some Denver suburbs. All those towns have 25 to 40% 60 and under dying. “John Smith, 25 died peacefully,” and I want to scream!!

John De Nugent
Steve Clark wow



Eric Rubin, Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious, Harvard-affiliated New England Journal of Medicine, and and Lindsey Baden, Deputy Editor, glorified the clot-shot, and endorsed Covid lockdowns, masks, firings and pseudo-vaccines. Note that superior look, that “knowing” glance, that “you stupid-goyim-will-swallow-anything” attitude oozing out of every pore of thier faces. This is the haughty mindset what you see in the facial expression of ALL committed jews.

Other peoples around the Mediterranean have a similar mixture of bloods as jews:

1) Old Mediterranean or Western Mediterranean (which means Whites with dark hair and eyes, but NOT a hooked, neanderthalic nose,  a weak chin, or a receding forehead)

such as the recently passed French movie star Alain Delon



and 2) neanderthalic DNA, such as some southern Italians display, and modern Greeks, southern French, Spanish, certain Croatians, Armenians, and, of course, Arabs and other muslims. The German racial anthropologists used to call this “Eastern Mediterranean” or Hither Asian (meaning the part of Asia closest to Europe, and in westernmost Asia,  i.e. the Middle East).



The founder of Mormonism looked very Aryan from the front — but very neanderthalic from the side.


The nose and weak chin are neanderthalic.


These are Lebanese kids, btw, and especially when young, some Mideastern children show they have some white DNA.

In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the village priests (such as this Lebanese man, Father George Siloum,) are married family men, like Protestant ministers, and not celibate. So they do not have this gay-priest and pedophile problem to the same extent that the Catholics do (though the bishops and archbishops have to be celibate, following a recommendation by the “Apostle” Paul/Saul). This photo shows a father and his daughter, and now both are dead. We all to some extent killed them — it was American weaponry — unless we are fighting jewish power in any way we can. His nose is neanderthalic, but the rest is Old (Western) Mediterranean: straight forehead,  not receding, and a strong chin. And his expression is Christian and not malevolent, not as with the jews.

In Tony’s di Napoli restaurant in Manhattan, RFK, Junior confirmed what I have long said — that the Kennedys are jew-wise, albeit in a liberal, stereotypical Irish way, being reflexively “for the underdog” — and against any and all perceived oppressors, racists, militarists, ultra-nationalists, supremacists and would-be tyrants.

The jews know that the Kennedys see them as being all of these things.

RFK, Jr. in July 2023 infuriated the jews by saying that the vaxx was designed to NOT harm two groups: 1) Ashkenazi jews, and 2) the Chinese.


….RFK Jr. says COVID was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews and Chinese

RFK Jr, a real born warrior of Irish heritage, must figure they will assassinate him anyway, so he is heroically taking on the Jews, the CIA ….AND the warmongering MIC [military-industrial complex]

By (((Jon Levine)))

July 15, 2023 7:55am Updated


RFK Jr. slams NATO in latest tirade: ‘Insane to keep [this war] going’

— Jackie Kennedy confronted psychiatrist about also treating Marilyn Monroe
— Mainstream news outlets want to end RFK Jr.’s primary challenge
Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories this week during a press event at an Upper East Side restaurant, claiming the bug was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled [sic] dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street in Manhattan.

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

“We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not, but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged.

In between bites of linguini and clam sauce, Kennedy, 69, warned of more dire biological weapons in the pipeline with a “50% infection fatality rate” that would make COVID-19 “look like a walk in the park.”

“We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we [the US government] are developing ethnic bioweapons,” he claimed. “They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.”

There has been a growing consensus among US intelligence agencies that COVID-19 was man-made and escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China — but there is no evidence [sez this jew that] it was designed to spare certain religious groups or ethnicities, and Kennedy offered no studies to support his claims.

Kennedy’s remark echoes well-worn anti-Semitic literature blaming Jews for the emergence and spread of coronavirus which began circulating online shortly after the pandemic broke out, according to The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at the University of Tel Aviv’s 2021 Antisemitism Worldwide Report.

A 2020 Oxford University study found nearly 1 in 5 British people believed Jews created the coronavirus pandemic for financial gain.

“No no no no no,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, Professor of medicine and infectious disease at the University of California, San Francisco, and a longtime critic of pandemic-related school closures. “I don’t see any evidence that there was any design or bioterrorism that anyone tried to design something to knock off certain groups.”

***JdN she is lying. ALL the major countries have bioweapons labs and make weapons targeting people by race. This is partly why the US had SIXTEEN bioweapons labs in slavic-DNA Ukraine!

Jews testing how to kill off the Slavs!


Jewish organizations blasted Kennedy for his remarks.

“This is crazy,” said Morton Klein, President of the right-leaning Zionist Organization of America. “It makes no sense that they would do that. I read everything. I was totally against the vaccine. . . I wanted to convince myself it was correct not to take it. I have never seen anything like this.”

Klein, who said he had been advising Kennedy on Israel issues and called him a “good friend,” said the remark left him “worried.”

The son of former Attorney General Robert Kennedy and nephew of former President Kennedy has in the past palled around with Nation of Islam leader and notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.

Kennedy is running as a Democratic candidate for president in a long-shot race against President Biden.

He also met with NOI [“Nation of Islam”] leadership in Los Angeles in 2020 and told them the COVID vaccine had been “genetically modified to attack black and Latino boys.”

The left-leaning Anti-Defamation League went further saying in a statement saying: “The claim that COVID-19 was a bioweapon created by the Chinese or Jews to attack Caucasians and black people is deeply offensive and feeds into sinophobic and anti-semitic conspiracy theories about COVID-19 that we have seen evolve over the last three years.”

Kennedy’s campaign has drawn in disaffected elements of both the right and left seeking an alternative to mainstream candidates.

Some polls have shown him garnering 20% support among primary voters.


…….Jews invented and have pushed the clot shot viciously



…..The Big Jews’ secret war on the Kennedys

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.



….Lord Byron on the jews



In his satirical “Age of Bronze” (1823), Lord Byron adopted a hostile attitude toward the Jews, whose emancipation he opposed and whose support for the  muslim Turks against the white and Christian Greeks he denounced with many unpleasant allusions.

How rich is Britain! not indeed in mines,
Or peace or plenty, corn or oil, or wines;
No land of Canaan, full of milk and honey,
Nor (save in paper shekels) ready money:
But let us not to own the truth refuse,

Was ever Christian land so “rich” in Jews?

Those parted with their teeth to good King John,
And now, ye kings, they kindly draw your own;
All states, all things, all sovereigns they control,
And waft a loan “from Indus to the pole.”
The banker – broker – baron – brethren, speed
To aid these bankrupt tyrants in their need.

Nor these alone; Columbia [= the US] feels no less
Fresh speculations follow each success;
And philanthropic Israel deigns to drain
Her mild percentage from exhausted Spain.
Not without Abraham’s seed can Russia march;
T’is gold, not steel, that rears the conqueror’s arch.

Two Jews, a chosen people, can command
In every realm their Scripture-promised land: –
Two Jews, keep down the Romans, and uphold
The accurséd Hun, more brutal than of old:

*** [JdN: This is a fascinating reference to the belief — held quietly by the jews themselves  — that it was they, jewry, who brought down the Roman Empire by financing and guiding the invading Huns. In fact, jewish historian Norman Cantor said this at a jewish banquet! 

Major Jewish historian Norman Cantor (, author of  The Sacred Chain: the History of the Jews ( gloats over the fall of Rome:

“The Jews were ghettoized in the later Roman Empire when it passed under Christian rule. ….. When the barbarian [Germanic] kingdoms were established [after the fall of Rome], was this ‘bad for the Jews’?  [Laughter –this is a standard Jewish question at all times when discussing gentile politics and the host country.]

I know this was on your mind.

The Jews had actually benefited from the first three hundred years of  the Roman Empire when it was ruled by pagans. The Jews lived a good life and were very comfortable under Roman rule……

[But when the Christians took over] Jewish synagogues could not be built. The Theodosian Code of [AD] 425 said synagogues could not be built without permission of a Christian bishop. They had to wear a funny hat ….

Roman legions kept on insanely fighting each other even when very dangerous enemies — Germans, Huns and Persians — invaded the Empire. 

“So if the Roman Empire collapsed,


. See 7:53 to 10:31


Two Jews – but not Samaritans – direct
The world, with all the spirit of their sect.

What is the happiness of earth to them?
A congress forms their “New Jerusalem,”
Where baronies and orders both invite –
Oh, holy Abraham! dost thou see the sight?

Thy followers mingling with these royal swine,
Who spit not “on their Jewish gaberdine,”
But honour them as portion of the show –
(Where now, oh Pope! is thy forsaken toe?
Could it not favour Judah with some kicks?
Or has it ceased to “kick against the pricks?”)

On Shylock’s shore behold them stand afresh,

To cut from nation’s hearts their “pound of flesh.”


In the famous Shakespeare play  “The Merchant of Venice” (and IMO it was Edward de Vere who wrote it) the sadistic and vengeful jewish moneylender Shylock gleefully prepares to literally cut a “pound of flesh” out of the chest of an anti-Jewish Venetian.

The Venetian had borrowed money for one of his merchant ships, but the jew then arranged for the cargo to be lost so the antisemite would default on the loan.

Once again we see jews bullying entire countries (and Venice was by itself a major power then) using the court system and lawfare to economically or even physically destroy their enemies.

Pontius Pilate was not the first goy to cave in. Donald Trump is one of many who talk tough but then give in.

1 Comment

  1. I don’t think the hook nose small hat demons will get away with this,
    Theres too many people that are going to be effected by this.
    And people are starting to turn on these evangelical christians that worship the jews and think their living gods.
    The Jews are going for the great reset next year, with chemtrails, and weather satelites.
    Their going to cause bolshavism of the earth, i think Donald Trump will have the millitary brought in to protect the jews. He’s fucking mentally retarded.
    He worships these inbred later stage neandothols that hate him and have killed obver 100 million christians.
    It’s complete fucking mental retardation, why do 80 percent of christians worship inbred Turkic people that hate them and have tortured and slaughtered over 100 million of them.
    And have raped tortured and sacrificed their children to Baal.
    I think they’ll cause ww3 and bolshavism of the earth, but hopefull they’ll be taken out in the process.
    Theres a few decent christian such as David Duke who i do have a lot of respect for.
    He was on red ice t.v and has been battling throat cancer, i hope he beats it and makes a full recovery.
    He’s lost a lot of weight and looks very frail.
    I will definitley ally with the small amount of decent christians as long as their against zionist and pentacostal evengelical christians, who are sick evil and demented.
    But theres very few intelligent christians out their who are capable of critial thinking.
    Because in my opinion christianity is about submitting to a jewish deity and receiving blind reliefe.
    Christianity is too easy to subvert by jews, and a religion such as Islam could never be subverted by jews.
    It’s cystal clear in the Quran that jews are the infidels and the Quran is the most anti jewish book ever wrote.
    Hitler praised Islam and said that Islam is a strong and dominant religion.
    It’s pretty obvious to anyone why Hitler praised Islam and had some level of respect for them.
    And the allied with the muslims who fought in the 3ed reich.

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