As the “Nazi” gas chambers are debunked, jews switch to fake “gas vans” and the “Shoah by bullets”

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SS Einsatz soldiers shoot Polish civilians after an illegal attack by Polish civilians on a German police station.

The worst thing is you may not know who shot at you if the civilian quickly hides his rifle, throws it in the river, or down a well, or under hay in his barn or a pile of cow manure, or hides his stash of grenades.

So you just have to round up some of the civilians and shoot them for dissuasive reasons. This is the tragedy that happens when civilians participate illegally in combat, which is a war crime. The innocent suffer the most. When everyone conscientiously wears his uniform, the soldier at least knows who his enemy is — and whom he must not shoot. 

The wearing of regular civilian clothes and then pulling out a gun and shooting soldiers is in clear violation of the necessary rules of war.

The requirement that combatants wear a military uniform is to protect uninvolved civilians!

All soldiers on this earth since the beginning of time will shoot (with full legal justification) any civilian if he or she shoots at them — or feeds, clothes, tends to wounds, spies for, or otherwise aids anyone trying to kill them!

My own father, as he told me himself, also a former Marine, was forced to have civilians shot — under the Geneva and Hague Conventions — during the Korean War as a Marine Corps captain.

His Marines suffered the war crime  from a North Korean village that was full of communists of repeated mortar attacks from civilians.

Both the US Army and Marine Corps shot massive numbers of civilians during the Korean War, and in fact were ordered to do so. Many were violent communist partisans illegally wearing civilian clothes.

James Waddell Nugent, Captain, USMCR

I am seen top-left and he is lower-center at his home in Vero Beach, Florida in 2007 for his 80th birthday

My father with President Ford in the Oval Office — no one prosecuted HIM for “war crimes”! 

with President Reagan

It has become obvious to me, as I wrote to Robert Faurisson’s assistant, “Bocage,” that as the “gas chambers” lie is refuted, the Jews and their entity in Palestine, needing their cash cow and the white guilt trip to continue, would then come up with OTHER swindles to continue claiming that somehow the mythical round number of “six million Jews” were killed by the NS Germans.

So the big thing now is “the Shoah by bullets.”

In reality, Hitler’s true and real plan was to send the criminal jews off to a special colony, ten times as big as Israel today, on the huge, fertile, isolated island of Madagascar!

I wrote a whole book in the 1990s on this (under the name of Ralph Grandinetti, a late, great friend of mine and fervent NS who did much of the research, and then I wrote it up.)

Madagascar was a French colony in the French Empire.

But the vile Churchill told the NS Germans that the Royal Navy would not permit them to be shipped there. This exposed those jews to great danger as cunning, hostile, hate-filled enemy civilians.

So, thanks to “Winnie,” the Jews stayed on in war-torn Europe, they fought the Germans, and lots were justifiably killed for partisan activity. Or they were interned and many died of disease and hunger as Germany collapsed under the crushing blows of the Allied bombing campaigns and then the invasions of Italy and Normandy.

But somehow the juicy Holofraud guilt money must keep flowing!

Modern math….

The Einsatzgruppen 

By [persecuted, prosecuted, imprisoned revisionist]

Siegfried Verbeke, Belgium

Introduction / Vorwort

The official [lying jewish] historiography agrees unanimously that the Jewish genocide was performed on an industrial scale, mostly in gas chambers located in concentration camps in Germany, later only in today’s Poland, i.e. Auschwitz/Birkenau and the so called Reinhardt-camps (Treblinka, Majdanek, Sobibor and Belzec).

(In German, then translated)

Schon 1999 (VffG, 3. Jahrgang. Heft 2) schrieb Germar Rudolf: “ (…) verändern sich die Schwerpunkte in der Diskussion um den Holocaust. Heute jedenfalls richtet sich die Aufmerksamkeit weniger auf den angeblich hochstilisierten Massenmord in den immer noch in jeder Hinsicht unfassbaren “Menschengaskammern”, sonder wesentlich mehr auf die tatsächlichen oder auch nur angeblichen Massenmorde hinter der Ostfront, begangen angeblich vor allem, aber nicht nur von den sogenannten Einsatzgruppen an den Juden.”

As early as 1999 (VffG, Volume 3, Issue 2), Germar Rudolf [who stayed with me, John de Nugent, for a few days in September 2022 when he feared arrest on truped-up charges] wrote: “(…) the emphasis in the discussion of the Holocaust is changing.

Today at least the attention is placed less on the allegedly highly stylized ‘mass murder’ in the  “human gas chambers” (still unimaginable in every respect), but more essentially on the actual or even alleged mass murders done behind the Eastern Front, which were allegedly committed — mainly, but not only — by the so-called Einsatzgruppen [of the SS] against  the Jews. “

Prof. Robert Faurisson [of France], a witness for the defense during the two [Ernst] Zündel trials [in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1985 and 1988 over him supposedly “spreading false news”], had discovered the blueprints of the alleged “gas chambers” of Birkenau in the archives of the State Auschwitz Museum, on which ‘Leichenkeller’ (morgue!) and not “gas chambers” (“Gaskammer”) were written.

On his advice, Ernst Zündel invited Fred Leuchter, Jr. to come in and investigate, an American expert in execution hardware who had also constructed American gas chambers hardware.

Various “Leuchter Reports” were published, which contained forensic evidence in favour of the revisionist viewpoint.

While the Birkenau Memorial at first mentioned 4 million victims, mostly Jews, in the aftermath of the two trials against the German-Canadian Ernst Zündel in Toronto (1985 and 1988), this figure was changed overnight — and the numbers of victims were reduced to 1,5 million.

Surprisingly, absurdly, this did NOT change the total number of six million victims!

Many revisionist researchers have contributed to the progress of revisionist research. The mainstream Holocaust version for years now has been retreating from the official “Auschwitz gas chamber” version, although Auschwitz still stays the main symbol of the Holocaust and it is visited yearly by ten thousands of tourists.

The genocide historians have started to focus on the so-called “Reinhardt camps” as a substitute for Auschwitz-Birkenau.

But revisionist teams of researchers such as Jürgen Graf (Switzerland) [photo],

….Carlo Mattogno (Italy) and Thomas Kues (Sweden) have refuted the mainstream arguments in several books, published by the Barnes Review [magazine] Holocaust Handbook Series and Castle Hill Publishers.

Mainstream Holocaust historians then started a new strategy [to save the Holo cash cow and the white guilt trip]. As soon as 1996, in the best-selling ‘Hitler’s Willing Executioners’ [the Jew] Daniel Goldhagen 

wrote that the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Birkenau were indeed the center of the Holocaust…. but….

“… gassing was secondary in the German genocide of the Jews.

Actually, the Germans were shooting Jews en masse during the whole war.”

(…). p. 507 of the Dutch edition.

Christopher C. Browning, an American mainstream historian, followed this change in Holocaust historiography in his book “The Origins of the Final Solution” (2004, Yad Vashem).

The Flemish (Belgium) weekly Knack (5th of April 2017, by Walter Pauli) updated the situation as follows:

“It started with David Cesarani’s opus magnum: “Final Solution. The Fate of Jews 1933-1949”, MacMillan, 1016 p. 2015).

Cesarani is convinced that, although there were already some small gas chambers, the construction of large death camps started in the beginning of 1942. At that moment the killings in Russia were already going on at full speed, and the main part of the Holocaust was performed [by mass shooting] outside the death camps.”

Walter Pauli:

Today most people think that the Holocaust was carried out in gas chambers. This seems to be wrong. There were only been six extermination camps with gas chambers. They were only in third place.

Most Jews were killed by bullets (…).

This was the first and most important method.

Second, the mass murder was performed by the gas exhaust of passenger vans (…).

Only later were gas chambers installed in some camps.”

In his footsteps followed BBC-producer Laurence Rees with his “The Holocaust. A New History” (2017).

“My book proves that the Jewish genocide was not a part of any system, that it was not logically planned, or even, that it was not premeditated.”

*** JdN My comment — LOL!!!!

I know Germans very, very very well, even aside from reincarnation and an earlier life. My WASP parents were dumbfounded how much I loved all things German.

As such, I married an Austrian and was with her for 12 years, living partly in the Austrian Tyrol.


Brandenberg above the Lower Inn Valley

And I speak perfect German without accent. .▶-Damals-und-jetzt-Then-and-now-John-de-Nugent-YouTube.mp4

I and my then wife also put our daughter Ingrid in the German School [“Deutsche Schule”] Washington in Potomac, Maryland, driving 22 miles on the parkway — a half hour, one way — five days a week from our rowhouse home in Alexandria, Virginia. We wanted our kids to be bicultural and feel European as well as American, and in the 1980s Germany was still in most ways a very fine country.

The German School was excellent and had many non-German, purely American white pupils. White Americans really admired the Germans.

So I can promise everyone that I know the Germans very well…  and the Germans (and of course also the Austrians and the German Swiss)   — ALWAYS do everything

— systematically,

–in an orderly fashion,

— “by the book” and

— according to proper procedures.

“Ordnung” (order) is the most sacred word in German! 😉

No way would Germans carry out an operation as vast as the supposed Holo spontaneously, and without many hours of planning, and mountains of paperwork — records, planning documents, minutes of meetings by the bureaucrats, and reports to superiors, among them Hitler and Himmler himself.

moving six million Jews from all over the Continent to certain specific places in Poland or Belarus,  supposedly in order to gas or shoot them, and then dispose of their remains (their bodies or ashes) — would be carried out by Germans

Getting rid of the bodies would mean literally hiding thousands of tons of cremation ash, five pounds per person cremated times supposedly four million Jews!

In the flat, rainy, soggy soil of Poland, with high groundwater, you simply cannot bury masses of bodies there, which would pollute the drinking water of the Poles — who were put to work for the German war economy, in the food and manufacturing effort — with rotting, decaying Jewish corpses!!

My first wife, the Austrian, had (and still has) an artisanship shop in this “Torpedo Factory Art Center,” in Alexandria, Virginia, just south of Washington DC.

We divorced back in 1990. This is her shop. She is apolitical, and she remarried, later on, an apolitical US federal marshal. 


In World War One this Torpedo Factory Art Center actually was a factory that made torpedoes for the US Navy. After WWII, it became the repository for TONS of Third Reich government documents. (Eventually, much of this went to to a US government facility in Suitland, Maryland.)

Not one word was found in these tons of German documents about any Holocaust! 


In his opinion the official researchers have never understood exactly the heart of the matter.

Timothy Snyder (“Black Earth”, 2015 and “Bloodlands”, 2010) and Peter Hayes (“Why? Explaining the Holocaust”, 2017) described the [supposed] genocide in detail.

“The bullets were for the Jews in the Baltic states, Eastern Poland and the Soviet Union. Gas VANS were used for killing the Jews from Central and West Poland, while most of the European Jews were killed in Auschwitz.” (…)

“While Auschwitz [ =  gas chambers] is commemorated in the whole world, the major part of the history of the Holocaust is forgotten.”

If all this is true, most of the 17,000 books about the Holocaust in the Library of the Congress in Washington need to be revised.

The recent discussion about the Holocaust is focusing upon the fate of the Jews in the Soviet Union. I collected all kind of information. See the sources printed in bold in Chapter 11, first of all “Die Ereignismeldungen UdSSR 1941”, which are German daily reports about the killings in the East. (Chapter 5. Auszüge EM and chapter 6. Übersichtstabelle).

In order to understand how and why things have happened I also sifted through the 42 volumes of the blue series of the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and selected everything containing information about the so-called Gesamtlösung [ = “total solution”] or Endlösung der Judenfrage [ = “final solution of the Jewish Question”] (Chapter 2. Nationalsozialismus und die Judenfrage [ = “National Socialism and the Jewish Question”], Chapter 4, Der Krieg im Osten [ = “The war in the East”] and chapter 8. IMT-Sitzungsprotokolle [ = Session protocols”).

The aim of this research is not to impose a conclusive opinion, but rather to put the reader in possession of as much information as possible in order to aid in forming his or her own opinion.

A short Chapter 9, Folgerungen [ = “conclusions”], contains some conclusions of the author himself.

It’s impossible to draw up an exact number of the victims, because a lot of documents are missing (especially the reports sent by the EG- and EK-leaders to their local chiefs and the transmitted material sent by them to the RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt) [= “Reich Security Head Office”] — see photo below in Berlin.

Siegfried M. Verbeke


  1. Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Cwntury, first published in 1975, proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the Holocaust was not a reality. I was personally moved by this book, for at the time when I read it the Holocaust was seen as an “Established Fact.”

    • Yes. I read it in 1978, and I corresponded with Butz.

      Btw, Fred Leuchter, falsely pleading poverty, not only ripped my late wife Margaret off for $20K in 2019 while she was battling cancer, but he also swindled Butz out of thousands of dollars.

  2. A Scotsman forgot his cell phone in the toilet and thought he would never see it again.

    But far from it. This group of Germans found it, took this selfie and then handed it over to the police.

    The pods are blown away with enthusiasm about the Germans.

    A comment under this post in Scotland:

    “The Germans are really the greatest people I’ve met so far. I love them and their beautiful country.”


    • Nice! 🙂

      Of course, that is Germans of the Old School, and there still are some. But since 1945 the jews have been right back inside the German brain, degenerating it, just as they did during the Weimar Republic.

  3. Das leidige Thema des obigen Artikels betrifft gegenwärtig insbesondere Frau Ursula Haverbeck, der durch die unselige Inquisition hierzulande, genauer gesagt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, nunmehr der Garaus gemacht wird, und das ganz offensichtlich endgültig.

    Anbei ein Auszug aus den Weiten der Seite des Volkslehrers:

    Am Mittwoch dem 26.Juni 2024 wird der 3. und letzte Prozesstag um das verweigerte Glaubensbekenntnis der 95-jährigen Ursula Haverbeck stattfinden.

    Der Prozess gegen jene Dame die getreu dem Ausspruch: “Glaube heißt Nicht-wissen-wollen, was wahr ist” von Friedrich Nietzsche handelt und auch beim ersten Prozesstag sagte: „Ich bleibe dabei!“ findet statt am:

    Landgericht Hamburg
    Kleine Strafkammer 15
    Sievekingplatz 1
    20355 Hamburg


    13:00 Uhr

    Ich erwähne es auch deshalb, weil die Frist zum Haftantritt für die Haftstrafe davor (1 Jahr) bis zum 15.Juni 2024 verlängert wurde (die neue Verurteilung würde nochmals oben drauf kommen).

    Sie wird also höchstwahrscheinlich im Gefängnis sterben.

    Ich hätte da eine Frage: Für wie wahr haltet ihr ein geschichtliches Ereignis, wenn es ein Gesetz gibt, was die Menschen zum Glauben zwingt? Würden da nicht bei jedem die Alarmglocken angehen?


    • Ich habe die wirklich edle Frau Haverbeck kurz in Mannheim 2006 beim deutschen Zündelprozess (es gab ja zwei Vorherige in Kanada) kennengelernt.

      Klar ist die Haft etwas ganz Ödes.
      Aber besser mit Ehre leben und diese obszöne Welt bekämpfen, um dann im Jenseits belohnt zu werden, als in dieser Judenhölle weiter zu existieren.
      Gustav von Kahr verdiente voll seine Hinrichtung im Jahre 1934. Wir wären ohne seinen Verrat schon 1923 (und nicht erst 1933) an die Macht gekommen, damals, als die Sowjetunion nach langem Bürgerkrieg sehr schwach war — und die USA von rechtsgerichteten Präsidenten 1921-33 regiert wurde.

      Frank Rosenfeld war damals fast unbekannt.
      Alles beinflusst alles. Jede Tat, Untat und nie gewagte Tat kommt auf die Gesamtrechnung.

      • The people who believed and still believe in the Holohoax don’t care about proven facts or evidence. They care about emotions and feelings, and that’s all. Ignorance reigns supreme most of the time.

        • We all have seen it. You talk yourself blue in the face to a moderate/centrist or libtard, and they still deny everything.

          It can be fear and plain old cowardice. After all, the jews and their lapdog cops and judges do come down on heretics, and infiltrators posing as white nationalists start vicious, and often damaging smear campaigns. I speak from personal experience.

          It just nauseates me when they vilify Adolf Hitler as some awful dictator when he freed the Germans and other Europeans from the most dreadful tyranny on this earth, that of the jews.

          Then they stick their little chests out and sing hypocritically the US national anthem about “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” My eye!

          Nothing was more important to my Republican father than to still be welcome and greeted with all the respect and warmth he had always enjoyed at his top-tier country club. To be smeared as a “Nazi” would have terrified him more than the Japanese shooting at him on Iwo Jima. Man is a social animal, and to be ostracized by your peers is more than most can take.

  4. Wiedergabe des letzten Absatzes des obigen Artikels, und zwar:

    It’s impossible to draw up an exact number of the victims, because a lot of documents are missing (especially the reports sent by the EG- and EK-leaders to their local chiefs and the transmitted material sent by them to the RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt) [= “Reich Security Head Office”] — see photo below in Berlin.

    Genau so ist es, weswegen ja der schwerkranke beziehungsweise der von den (((Allügen))), also den sogenannten Allies, gebroche Dr. iur Ernst Kaltenbrunner mittels des eigenens dafür installierten Nürnberger Tribunals grausam zu Tode gebracht werden mußte: er wußte die Wahrheit und stellte demnach allein aus diesem Grunde eine Gefahr für (((sie))) dar.

    Dr. Kaltenbrunner ist Staatssekretär für Sicherheitswesen im Reichsministerium des Innern, Mitglied des Reichstages (Wahlkreis Oberösterreich), ab 1943 Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD sowie Leiter des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (RSHA), SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS und der Polizei sowie Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte in Süddeutschland.

    Zusammenfassend kann durchaus gesagt werden, daß Herr Kaltenbrunner mit einer der wichtigsten Mitarbeiter des Führers ist – und folglich des Deutschen Volkes.

    Ernst Kaltenbrunner der Siegerjustiz ausgeliefert,_Ernst#/media/Datei%3AErnst_Kaltenbrunner_der_Siegerjustiz_ausgeliefert.jpg


    Wir vergessen nicht – und vergeben nicht!

    • Yes… Whenever jews are involved, true evidence magically “disappears” and fake evidence pops up.

      Translation of what you wrote in German:


      This is exactly why the seriously ill Dr. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, who had been broken by the Allies, had to be cruelly put to death by the Nuremberg Tribunal that had been set up specifically for this purpose: he knew the truth [about the fake Holocaust] and therefore posed a danger to them for this reason alone.

      Dr. Kaltenbrunner was State Secretary for Security in the Reich Ministry of the Interior, a member of the Reichstag (representing an Upper Austrian constituency), from 1943 on the head of the Security Police and SD [Security Service] as well as the head of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), an SS-Obergruppenführer and a General of the Waffen-SS and the German Police as well as the commandero of the Armed Forces in southern Germany.

      In summary, it can certainly be said that Mr. Kaltenbrunner was one of the Führer’s most important subordinates – and consequently a servant of the German people.

      Ernst Kaltenbrunner was handed over to the victors’ “justice.”,_Ernst#/media/Datei%3AErnst_Kaltenbrunner_der_Siegerjustiz_ausgeliefert.jpg

      We do not forget – and we do not forgive!

      With psychopaths, to forgive is simply ridiculous. They are deliberately evil and also incapable of remorse. Psychopaths cannot be cured or even treated, just terminated.

    • Als Axel Möller seinerzeit den Blog Altermedia betrieb, das war um 2008, hatte in einem seiner Artikel ein Kommentator angemerkt, daß Ernst Kaltenbrunner während einer Dienstfahrt – ich meine mich zu erinnern, es handelte sich um eine Dienstfahrt nach Italien, nämlich im Jahre 1944 – von Mitarbeitern amtlicher Stellen informiert worden wäre, von Feindseite würde eine unaussprechliche Greulpropaganda gegen das Deutsche Reich betrieben, mit der Frage, was man dagegen tun solle. Alle waren in großer Sorge ob der Auswirkungen einer solchen beispiellosen Greuelpropaganda, doch Dr. Kaltenbrunner entgegnete schließlich: nichts.

      Recht hat er, denn was soll man bei derlei Hirngespinnsten aufklären (können) oder gar als Maßnahme eine Art erklärende Gegenpropaganda aufstellen? So die zeitlos gültige Antwort doch ist, wer so etwas glaubt, der ist doch selbst boshaft – zumindest veranlagt!

      (((Sie))) haben den per Gesetz verordneten Glaubenszwang an den Hc im wesentlichen dazu verwendet, um uns zu plündern zum einen, und uns mit so genannten Migranten zu fluten zum anderen – kurz gesagt: um die Wurzeln zu unseren Vorfahren zu kappen, mit der unweigerlichen Folge der Ausrottung unserer selbst, nebst unserer Rasse.

      Endlich aber ist gottlob das Lügengebäude zusammengebrochen und findet kaum Gläubige mehr, demzufolge das (((Spiel))) aus ist – und das ist gut so!

      • Tja, ich musste zweimal doch gegen Lügen direkt einschreiten.

        1) Ich zog siegreich vor Gericht wegen des verleumderischen Vorwurfs in allen Judenblättern, dass ich als Soldat im Ersten WK Feigling (!) gewesen wäre — und wäre vor Kriegsende ins Krankenhaus gekommen nicht wegen einer britischen Giftvergasung, sondern wegen eines Nervenzusammenbruchs — Weichling, der ich angeblich gewesen wäre…. Ich, EK-I-Träger, vier Jahre an der Front, 52 Schlachten, Verwundetenabzeichen, staunte nicht schlecht, wieviele dran glaubten.

        2) 1930 musste eine Broschüre mit großer Auflage gegen andere Verleumdungen veröffentlicht werden, da ich im Solde Mussolinis üppig lebte….

        3) Tja, und Homo wäre ich auch gewesen — ansonsten aber eine Art bayrischer Epstein — triebe es, wissen Sie, mit ganz jungen Klosterschulmädchen….

        Hier auf engl. eine Neuauflage von hundsalten Sexlügen:

        Wenn das Volk richtig erzogen wird, dann glauben höchstens die niedrigsten 5% daran.

        Aber heute…..

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