As US declines, Superpower China brokers major peace deal between Saudis and Iran

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 Three proud, ancient, nationalistic countries refuse to listen any more to Biden and his insane, woke-joke, jew-infested “government”
Saudi Arabia and Iran announced on Friday that they had agreed to reestablish diplomatic ties after seven years of hostility, in a deal between the regional archrivals that could have wide-ranging implications for the Middle East.

Riyadh and Tehran plan to reopen their embassies within two months in an agreement mediated by China, Saudi Arabia and Iran said in a joint statement after talks in Beijing on Friday.

They also plan to reimplement a security pact signed 22 years ago under which both parties agreed to cooperate on terrorism, drug-smuggling and money-laundering, as well as reviving a trade and technology deal from 1998.

Friday’s announcement is also a diplomatic victory for China in a Gulf region that has long been considered part of the US’ domain of influence. It comes as the Biden administration tries to notch its own win in the Middle East by trying to broker a normalization pact between Israel and Saudi Arabia. —




    • Gaddafi did a lot of good for his people and opposed the jews to the end. I also think the Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland was perhaps a false flag and was not done by him. So I would Gaddafi he was 90% good.

      Saddam was a megalomaniac who ruled by fear and also launched an idiotic war against Iran: 90% bad.

      The Taliban: 95% bad. They hate women. Islam to the max: ignorance, brutality, and war seen as the only fit job for a man! 🙁

  1. JdN:

    Saddam was encouraged by the West to attack Iran for the West and Israel. The West was happy to supply both sides with kit for 10 years. Iraq spent $28 million dollars per day….and Iran spent $35 million dollars per day for 10 long years.

    Saddam was loved by his people of Iraq, especially his tribe.

    After the first Gulf War, the West encouraged the Kurds and Marsh Arabs to rise up against Saddam.

    Then we left them unsupported to be annihalated.

    The Arab states feared Iran, not Saddam. The region is torn by Shia/Sunni and mental Wahabi religious hatreds.

    Add tribal frictions and the Muslims will never unite to remove Israel.

    If the region didn’t have oil, nobody would care what the Muslims do.

    And as for all the Muslim lands we attack and bomb, their peoples, who hate us, flock here to our white countries in biblical proportions!

    All helped by George Soros, Jewish refugee charities, and all politicians.

    In Britain today we have a Jewish ex-footballer, Gary Lineker, stating that people who oppose immigration are Nazis.

    He’s applauded by the ignorant left and self-invited gimmegrants.

    Gimmegrants = ethnic cleansing
    Gimmegrants = slave labour for life
    Gimmegrants = parasites
    Gimmegrants = self invited
    Gimmegrants = no state pension
    Gimmegrants = increased prices
    Gimmegrants = their housing built on British farm land
    Gimmegrants = increase climate change
    Gimmegrants = increase major crime.
    Gimmegrants = alter history for themselves


      • Exactly. Kuwait had lent Saddam $17 billion to fight Iran. The Kuwaitis were threatening to bankrupt Iraq if Saddam didn’t pay them back within 24 hours. Other Arab states also wanted prompt payment. Saddam was pissed off with them as he did the fighting against Iran, to save the Gulf States from Radical Islam, exported by Iran.

        So he attacked Kuwait as a warning to the other states pressing for immediate war repayments.

        Israel turned it into regime change. Saddam tried to turn the invasion in a jihad against Israel. The Gulf States sided with America so as to remove Saddam and get Iraq’s oil via Western oil companies.

        Iraqi oil belonged to the people. The Iraqi oil fields were sold off via an auction. The Iraqis were banned from the auction to buy their own state property.

        (1) the region was destabilised for the benefit of Israel.

        (2) the West stole Iraqi assets

        (3) the Arab world hates the West, so the US Pentagon could justify more defence spending.

        (4) heroin trade still intact

        (5) Jewish charities flood the West with angry Muslim gimmegrants for the future jihad against Whites in Europe. More arms sales, more reconstruction contracts for Jewish companies.

        But they never did find Tony Blair’s WMDs……

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