As winter approaches in Jewtaly, no more heating at night, 11 pm-5 am

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INSANE – This is essentially CLIMATE LOCKDOWN

European countries are limiting indoor temperatures.

OCT 23



Remember last year when I warned that the next steps would be climate change passports and climate lockdowns?

Twitter avatar for @PeterSweden7

The same people who told you years ago that covid passports were coming, are now warning you about digital ID, social credit scores and climate lockdowns.

Some people just laughed at me and thought that that could never happen, just like they thought that the covid passports could never happen either.

Well, here we are.

The Italian Ecological Transition Ministry has announced a new decree that LIMITS indoor temperatures, something I have now personally experienced.

I just arrived in Italy and I was met with this notice at the apartment.

Twitter avatar for @PeterSweden7

THIS IS INSANE I just arrived in Italy and got this notice at the apartment. This is essentially a climate lockdown.

Wow, this is absolutely INSANE.

I am not allowed to have more than 19C indoors (that is 66 Fahrenheit), and not only that, I must turn off the heating completely between 11pm and 5am! What are they thinking, am I supposed to freeze at night?

Well, that is the point. They know people need more heating at night when it is colder, so of course they just completely ban people from heating at all in the night.

Remember when we had to lockdown to save grandma? Now they are letting her freeze at night instead.

And the authorities will also be doing controls to make sure people follow the temperature limits. Welcome to 1984.

They say that the levels of energy use in public buildings and residential blocks will be MONITORED to see that the measures are being implemented.

So I am currently living in what is essentially a climate lockdown. The state is dictating what temperature you are allowed to have indoors. Imagine telling someone this a few years ago…

I was ATTACKED for this.

A few months ago a think tank called ISD and funded by none other than Bill Gates and George Soros wrote a defamatory hit piece wanting me deplatformed for spreading “climate misinformation”. Guess what part of that so called “misinformation” was?

They claimed that people warning about things like climate lockdowns were spreading “conspiracy theories”. Yes, really.

Turns out I was correct all along as we are now seeing what is essentially climate lockdowns. I was called a conspiracy theorist. They tried to deplatform me. And I was right all along.

You can read more on their LIES about me here:

The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden
The Global Elite are trying to deplatform me using lies.
I am being attacked for the crime of reporting the real news that is going ignored by the mainstream media. A new hit piece against myself has just dropped from a very influential think tank funded by among others George Soros’ foundation. and Bill Gates’ foundation. It is called “Institute for Strategic Dialogue” (ISD for shor…
Read more

But it is not only Italy. 

Spain is also limiting indoor heating to 19C, and limiting air condition cooling to 27C. These rules will be in effect until 1 November 2023, over a year! This is to “promote self-reliance and renewable energy production”.

So they aren’t even hiding that these indoor temperature limits are part of pushing the climate change agenda. So it is essentially climate lockdowns.

France is doing this as well, temperatures limited to 19C. But they are also banning hot water in public buildings and reducing temperatures in swimming pools and gyms.

But things could get even worse in Switzerland.

If there is a gas shortage this winter (which is probably likely), Switzerland is talking about a proposal to limit indoor temperatures to 19C, just like in Italy and Spain. And if people would then violate the rules, they could face a $3000 fine PER DAY. Or people could be sent up to 3 years in jail.

Imagine being sent to 3 years in jail for the crime of heating your home too warm.

We are now at the point where we essentially have climate lockdowns. First the climate change create an energy crisis by shutting down nuclear power and pushing useless wind turbines and solar.

Then when we get an energy crisis, they decide to implement temperature limits. Do you really think they will stop with these temperature limits once/if we get out of this energy crisis?

Of course not. This will just continue, because we need to stop climate change they say.

I never thought I would see the day where I am living under a climate lockdown, but here we are.

Bill Gates even said that the energy crisis will be “good” for the planet “in the long run” because it will help with the green energy transition.

Perhaps even, it could be used to usher in some kind of reset of the global economy and global energy usage!

I wonder if there is some kind of name for that…

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  1. Lol. In Britain’s media they already planting the idea in people’s tiny minds about electricity rationing this winter. I’m not surprised at how gullible and compliant people are.
    It’s a crime to have your heating on?
    I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of my freezing neighbours as my log burner makes my house hotter than Chernobyl.
    The liberal lefty ” Oh I can’t get involved” neighbours. I can’t wait for the log plod to turn up to enquire why I’m not freezing.

      • You’ll need permission to have a log burner in UK especially if you live in a smokeless zone . Lol. So ” log plod ” might mean a visit from the police if you’re using a log burner without permission, resulting in prosecution. Lol it doesn’t apply to me .

  2. You can call it a climate lockdown and yes, the government should not decide how warm it is in your own house…. But come on 19/20 C at night ? That are day time temperatures or is it normal to have your house at 22 C at night when you are sleeping. The heating in my house is off at 15 C at night but it hardly get that cold, maybe in winter it will drop to 13 C in my bedroom. It is just what you are used too. We didn’t even have heating in our sleepingrooms when I was a kid in the 70 ‘s. Ice on the windows when you woke up…. (Netherlands) Question is of course how far will they go….. to the point they just cut off the gas or electricity.

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