Huey Long was a GREAT, and exciting populist governor of Louisiana and US senator, a TRUE friend of the working people and enemy of the fat cats and war for the jews. (His top assistant was Gerald L.K. Smith, who later became an open and fiery antisemite.) The Jews had Huey killed in 1935 by one of their own, Carl Weiss, MD, who, Wiki ludicrously claims, was “Catholic”! His name, arrogant look, nose, lower lip, medical profession, and most of all his wicked deed all point to a jew. (See also my comment underneath this article.)
This killing was so that Senator Long, who had a HUGE nationwide organization, would not defeat Frank Rosenfeld in 1936 for the Democrat nomination for president. There would have been no WWII — no war against Germany — had Huey won! Rosenfeld was the key man behind the war, plotting with his old ally from WWI, Winston Churchill.
Long’s death brought relief to the Roosevelt administration, which would go on to win in a landslide in the 1936 election. Democratic National Committee Chairman James Farley publicly admitted his apprehension of campaigning against Long: “I always laughed Huey off, but I did not really feel that way about him.” Roosevelt’s close economic advisor Rexford Tugwell would later write: “When he was gone it seemed that a beneficent peace had fallen on the land. Father Coughlin, Reno, Townsend, et al., were, after all, pygmies compared with Huey. He had been a major phenomenon.” Tugwell also wrote that Roosevelt regarded Long’s assassination as a “providential occurrence”.[10]
Huey said no one should be or needs to be, worth more than one million dollars ($10 million today).
He wanted to redistribute the wealth so every American could live in a decent house, afford good medical care, send his kids to good schools, have a car and a vacation, and not fret every second how to pay his bills.
And the jews killed him.
Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935), nicknamed “The Kingfish“, was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a United States senator from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. He was a left-wing populist member of the Democratic Party and rose to national prominence during the Great Depression for his vocal criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, which Long deemed insufficiently radical. As the political leader of Louisiana, he commanded wide networks of supporters and often took forceful action. A controversial figure, Long is celebrated as a populist champion of the poor or, conversely, denounced as a fascistic demagogue.
Long was born in the impoverished north of Louisiana in 1893. After working as a traveling salesman and briefly attending three colleges, he was admitted to the bar in Louisiana. Following a short career as an attorney, in which he frequently represented poor plaintiffs, Long was elected to the Louisiana Public Service Commission. As Commissioner, he prosecuted large corporations such as Standard Oil, a lifelong target of his rhetorical attacks. After Long successfully argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, Chief Justice and former president William Howard Taft praised him as “the most brilliant lawyer who ever practiced before the United States Supreme Court”.
After a failed 1924 campaign, Long appealed to the sharp economic and class divisions in Louisiana to win the 1928 gubernatorial election. Once in office, he expanded social programs, organized massive public works projects, such as a modern highway system and the tallest capitol building in the nation, and proposed a cotton holiday.
Through political maneuvering, Long became the political boss of Louisiana. He was impeached in 1929 for abuses of power, but the proceedings collapsed in the State Senate. His opponents argued his policies and methods were unconstitutional and authoritarian. At its climax, political opposition organized a minor insurrection.
Long was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1930 but did not assume his seat until 1932. He established himself as an isolationist [= against war with Hitler Germany], arguing that Standard Oil and Wall Street orchestrated American foreign policy. He was instrumental in securing Roosevelt’s 1932 nomination but split with him in 1933, becoming a prominent critic of his New Deal.
As an alternative, he proposed the Share Our Wealth plan in 1934. To stimulate the economy, he advocated massive federal spending, a wealth tax, and wealth redistribution.
These proposals drew widespread support, with millions joining local Share Our Wealth clubs. Poised for a 1936 presidential bid, Long was assassinated by Carl Weiss inside the Louisiana State Capitol in 1935. His assassin was immediately shot and killed by Long’s bodyguards.
Although Long’s movement faded, Roosevelt adopted many of his proposals in the Second New Deal, and Louisiana elections would be organized along anti- or pro-Long factions until the 1960s. He left behind a political dynasty that included his wife, Senator Rose McConnell Long; his son, Senator Russell B. Long; and his brother, Governor Earl Long, among others.
Huey, his wife, Rose McConnell (Irish), with whom, he had a long and excellent marriage, and their three kids
Huey’s rhetoric was spell-binding, and here he refers with great effectiveness to as GREAT American tragic love poem, “Evangeline, A Tale of Acadia” well-known especially in Louisiana, about a French-Acadian girl of that name who was separated from her true love, Gabriel, by the British expulsion of the French-Canadians in the 1760s down to Louisiana from the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Longfellow’s friend Charles Sumner said he had met a woman who “has read ‘Evangeline’ some twenty times and thinks it the most perfect poem in the English language” (
And it is here, under this oak, where Evangeline waited in vain for her lover, Gabriel, who never came.
This oak is an immortal spot, made so by Longfellow’s poem, but Evangeline is not the only one who has waited here in disappointment.
Where are the schools that you have waited for your children to have, that have never come? Where are the roads and the highways that you sent your money to build, that are no nearer now than ever before? Where are the institutions to care for the sick and disabled?
Evangeline wept bitter tears in her disappointment, but it lasted only through one lifetime. Your tears in this country, around this oak, have lasted for generations.
Give me the chance to dry the eyes of those who still weep here.
— An example of Long’s 1928 campaign rhetoric
Evangeline searches for 20 years for Gabriel, finding him only in a hospital and on his deathbed, but she can finally kiss her fiancé once again.
A fine song about this in French, based on a 1971 song by Michel Conte:
After being shot, Huey survived for days in the hospital, then the doctors “hopelessly bungled” the operation.
After the bullet hit him in the gut, Huey — always a fireball of energy — had literally run out the Capitol building by himself “like a wounded deer,” stopped a car passing by the Capitol, and had himself taken at high speed to the hospital.
His final words supposedly were: “God, don’t let me die. I have so much to do.”
He could have won the presidency and stopped World War II. So the jew Weiss, doubtless on orders, like so many, many jew assassins, sacrificed himself to kill him.
This reminds me of the jew who killed the best prime minister Russia had before the last tsar, Nicholas II, was overthrown, Peter Stolypin, the one man who could have saved Russia from the jews.This is a widely held view that Stolypin could have saved Russia — sort of the Putin of that time.
The filthy jew Dmitry Bogrov who murdered him at the Kiev Opera House in front of the tsar and two of his daughters.
Wiki: Bogrov repeatedly identified himself as a member of the Jewish faith and claimed that he was acting in the interests of the Jewish people.
Raised in a wealthy Jewish family in Kyiv, Bogrov developed sympathies for revolutionary socialism from an early age….
He was hired as an informant by the Okhrana [the tsarist police!!!!!] and kept tabs on an anarchist group’s activities….
In the wake of the 1905 Russian Revolution, Bogrov enrolled in the law school of Kyiv University.[6] In 1906, he joined an anarchist group in Kyiv, but soon became disillusioned with the revolutionary movement.[7]
Having started to experience financial difficulties,[4] he took a job as an informant for the Okhrana.[8]
Working under the pseudonym of “Alensky”,[5] he supplied the police with information on the Kyiv anarchists’ activities. A number of the group’s members being imprisoned or deported to Siberia during this period, he was confronted by members of his former anarchist group, who had discovered his involvement with the Okhrana and made threats against his life for it.
He again resolved to assassinate Stolypin. He told the Okhrana that assassins were planning to kill a government official, convincing them to grant him a ticket to the Kyiv Opera House, where the prime minister was due to attend a play. Having convinced the authorities that he was still on their side, he managed to get close to the prime minister and shot him twice. Stolypin died four days later. Bogrov himself was hanged days after his target’s death.
The religious representative at Bogrov’s execution was Iakov Aleshkovskii, the Chief Rabbi of Kiev.[3] In his final words to Aleskhovskii, Bogrov asked him:
“Please tell the Jews that I did not want to harm them in any way, On the contrary, I struggle for their good and for the happiness of the Jewish people.”
Bogrov’s assassination of Stolypin further destabilised the Russian Empire, leading to its ultimate collapse in the Russian Revolution.
[and the deaths at the hands of jewish Bolsheviks of tens of millions of Russians]
Back to Huey Long, his enraged bodyguards at least made a human sieve out of Carl Weiss with 60 bullets.
A bullet hole from the assassination:
Huey Long speaking to US Senate committeemen and staffers in Washington D.C, on Dec. 11, 1934. Full “Share Our Wealth” speech, never before published in its entirety on a large platform. This is a very good speech, leading in with humor but getting down to brass tacks quickly. It is important to remember that this was during the jew-caused, Fed-caused Great Depression, when millions of Americans went to bed HUNGRY and to school with no shoes.
Long makes a good point — why should 65% of the people have 2% of the wealth and be barely surviving?
Huey at Father Coughlin’s church in Royal Oak, Michigan, which I have seen. (Coughlin was a radio priest on NBC radio nationwide and,like Long, fiercely anti-FDR and also anti-jewish. The RC Church finally forced Coughlin to stop saying the truth.)
I have been a major candidate myself, standing up for white people.
My Congressional race in Tennessee was discussed in the NY Times and also Time magazine in 1990.
In June-August 1990, de Nugent, using the campaign name “Jack Nugent,” ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a pro-white platform. He achieved 26.7 percent of the vote, albeit de Nugent suspects that massive electronic vote fraud denied him an outright victory on primary day, August 2, 1990. ( This was coincidentally the same day that Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.)
See 9:58 to 19:02
A screen shot of the TV results before the fraud was complete; Nugent at 30% in a three-man race (Cochran at 37% and Embry at 33%)
He received extensive local publicity and references to his race were made by Time and the op-ed page of the New York Times.
WMZ-TV, Nashville, the then largest TV station in Tennessee, seen also in Alabama and Kentucky, broadcast stories constantly about the race. Here anchor Jeff McAtee.
De Nugent wrote in 2013 to a Texas friend named Ray:
When I ran for Congress in 1990, in Tennessee, I was a “damn yankee” (northerner) and from microscopic Rhode Island! I had barely set foot in that southern state and yet wanted to be their congressman.
Rhode Island (“RI”) in the upper-right of this map is a tiny state, 35 miles east-to-west and 60 miles north-to-south, no bigger than a county in Tennessee.
It is a true Southern tobacco and cotton state that was home to President and war hero Andrew Jackson, to Confederate cavalry hero Nathan Bedford Forrest, to Memphis barbecue and to Elvis Presley. It was a segregated southern state, and Martin Luther King was assassinated here in 1968.
Statue of Nathan Bedford Forest, a brilliant and fierce Confederate cavalry general, in Memphis, Tennessee, with myself and Margi in November 2008
BUT in Tennessee just 50 signatures were enough to put me on the ballot, and the district was then 92% white, and, most of all, Southerners have been overtly racial in their identity since the six-state Confederacy broke away from the US in 1861.
In 1990, however, it was exactly like a Protestant Orangeman from Northern Ireland waving a Union Jack flag and wanting to become the prime minister of Catholic (southern) Ireland. He would be seen as an invader and traitor! And with me not even being a former Klansman and thus at least a southerner but instead a “Nazi” and thus a kind of “Germanized American,” for them I was a quasi-foreigner as well as a “damn-yankee”!
And yet off I drove from New Orleans, alone, alone, alone, in a decrepit, unreliable 1980 Oldsmobile diesel car, and drove up from Louisiana (where I had learned all I could about pro-white candidacy from David Duke), I arrived in Nashville, got the papers to file for US Congress, and then went to the supermarket near my motel in Murfreesboro to get 50 signatures in the boiling summer sun of Tennessee, all alone.
Why all alone? Why? There was NO “movement” at all in Tennessee, no Klan, no National Alliance, no Nazis, nobody. Zero activism.
And yet I ended up as I did, either winning the Republican primary (we cannot know due to the vote fraud), or I came very close, in a state I was NOT FROM, a damn yankee northerner in a southern state, with the wrong accent, and no local support. What does a nerd like [a critic of mine, and a mathematician] know about running for office, the money needed, the organization, the willingness to be ridiculed, defamed and threatened with beatings and death?
Did [my critic] ever have a millionaire approach his manager with a $10,000 under-the-table money offer in the last, desperate week of a campaign so as to set him up for arrest by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation?
(10:11 to especially the “quarter-dollar coin experience” and then to the very end)
I am that same man today as I was then, Ray, but stronger, wiser, sadder, better prepared, and more full of hate to the death for the psychopathic Jew genociders.
This was a four-page letter I sent my backers explaining about Tennessee and a possible race against Senator Al Gore (the future Vice President) and 2000 Democratic nominee for President.
It strikes me how valid today, 26 years later , its message is. (I switched from running against Senator Gore to Congressman Bart Gordon due to a promise of support by a rich Gordon-hater.)
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I have also seen David Duke also wearing a thick rifle-bulletproof vest.
I hae seen the bullet hole in the wall of the Louisiana State House where the jew doctor Carl Weiss gunned down the excellent governor and US Senator from Louisiana, Huey Long, a genuine and charismatic populist who would have become US president and ended the vile political career of the crypto-jew fraud Frank Rosenfeld, who WANTED the horrible Great Depression to continue.
(This was so starving Americans, even anti-War Republicans, would actually welcome WWII to give them jobs as either soldiers or arms factory workers after 11 years of jew-caused poverty.)
THIS IS SICKENING! If something happens to RFK Jr, Joe Biden will have blood on his hands!
Email I got today:
Dear John de Nugent,
Our campaign’s 5th request for Secret Service protection has been officially denied.
Kennedy for President COO Mike Sanders drafted a letter to the Congressional Protection Advisory Committee, where he cited numerous dangerous threats against Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his family.
One such incident took place in Los Angeles after our private security team apprehended Adrian Aispuro, who falsely identified himself as a U.S. Marshal and demanded to meet with Kennedy while carrying a loaded handgun, along with a second firearm and ammunition.
Homeland Security guidelines dictate that major presidential candidates who poll with at least 15% support for major candidates or 20% for independent candidates for at least 30 consecutive days should have security.
Kennedy has been polling above those numbers for months!
Homeland Security Director (((jew Alejandro Mayorkas’s))) response provides no explanation:
“Based on the facts and the recommendation of the advisory committee, I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is not warranted at this time.”
>>>>>Considering the Kennedy family’s extensive history of tragedy, including Robert F Kennedy Jr.’s father and uncle [I would add his cousin, John Jr, and his plane crash near Martha’s Vineyard!], the decision not to provide Secret Service Coverage is beyond shocking.<<<<<
Apparently, the Biden Administration and the political establishment would rather force our campaign to spend millions on security than field organizing, signature collecting, and advertising!
I have to admire the great courage of RFK Jr on vaccines, autism, and also CIA abuses.
How can a major candidate like Kennedy not get Secret Service protection? Obama got it as a senator and even before he announced!
I cannot stand Biden sometimes acting all “kindly- grandpa” and saying “folks” (as if he had not become magically filthy-rich in 52 years in Washington.
Rob’t Kennedy, ESPECIALLY as a Kennedy, needs bodyguards!
The “Kennedy curse” is TPTB fearing the Kennedys will give power to the American people, and take it from Big Pharma, the CIA, and the 1% “elite.”
….See also The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family
Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.
If Kennedy is assassinated but not Trump, that will speak volumes. Lookit Trump, Mr WWIII, brown-nosing away again:
The whole world is waking up and turning against the jews, but not the Trumpster.
….even though it is the jews who stole his victory in 2020….. just pathetic.
Bow, goy, to your master and suck it!
It’s gonna take another Hitler.
I just saw a video by the usually excellent Redacted couple, Clayton Morris and his wife Natali. Long liberated, from FOX, they go pretty far these days.
Clayton was just saying “Israel completely controls the US Congress.”
Then, one minute later, he says that in college he had to read some of Mein Kampf to understand “a madman, Adolf Hitler.”
You mean the one who said the jews control the US Congress? 😉
I can see where this is going. 🙂
….My comment under a Duran video
I watch Duran videos literally every day. And I love seeing Dr Mearsheimer and Prof. Diesen. BUT tell me, highly informed gentleman, one and all, that you are all just being sly to defeat the YouTube algorhythm. You all know very well WHY the West is provoking, reviling and aggressing Russia.
In fact, you might re-read your “The Israel Lobby” by a certain John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt! 😉
Come on. And “Israel” refers to a people that hates the Russians, and not just to their specific “State” of Israel. Nudelman, Blinken, AIPAC, ADL, Sheldon Adelson, Wolf Blitzer, Rachel Madow… literally 80% of the senior Biden Cabinet…. Mayorkas, CIA Dir. Avril Haine, annnnnd we have a Zuckerberg, a Bloomberg, a Soros, a Schumer, oh, and (what have all these names in common???) Zelensky, Poroshenko, Klitchko, Shmygul, Reznikov ….. Must I go on?
It is sooooo humiliating for me as a former US Marine and son of another Marine (Iwo Jima veteran) that we are to feign puzzlement as to why “American” policy is so insanely anti-Russian. We are kowtowing to a malevolent foreign master that is GENOCIDING the Gazans. We are playing with WWIII because US Russian policy is not made by US people who identify with the US, not with THIS country, with my America, and with its vital security interests.
And, btw, my people came here to America in 1635, and helped found Providence, Rhode Island in 1636. I am not a Zionist, nor a warmonger, though I would be in a war that, behind the scenes, neo-con Victoria Nudelman and hubby Robert Kagan start.
I am a proud American!
…..Hitler in English via AI, an excellent example
(including the famous Jan. 30, 1939 speech)
Trump needs to be extremely careful not to get the entire vile tribe turn against him and the MAGA movement. The last thing the US need is a repeat of the Hellstorm that saw 25% of unarmed Germans slaughtered and 95% of Germany’s civilian infrastructure destroyed. Trump jumping at every opportunity to suck up to the vile tribe, especially its Zionist faction, is a strategic attempt to divide the enemy.
I am not sure if he would have kept the US out of WW2. After all, he was a Democrat, one of the first who made the transition from Ku Klux Klan to Marxists. He probably would have come to the rescue of the Soviet Union.
Incredibly wrong, and the very opposite of the truth, but I can understand why an Australian would not know that most Southern Democrats were not libtards or communist sympathizers at all.
Also, you will not be aware of the fact that the entire Establishment vilifies the man, which speaks volumes. Always it is Huey the “fascist” and Huey the “quasi-dictator.”
In point of fact, only a Huey Long could break the back of the so-called Bourbons, an ultra-corrupt clique and political machine in Louisiana that ran everything, was financed by Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and filled the coffers of the rich while the poor, both white and black, languished in utter poverty. they were dirt-poor literally, as in the dirt floors of their shacks.
From the time of Abraham Lincoln on, from 1860 until 1968 with Nixon, all Southern politicians HAD, absolutely HAD to be Democrats, because it was the Republican president Lincoln who had invaded and devastated the South with armed force — after it has legally seceded by democratic vote, just as the Americans in the thirteen colonies had done from the British Empire — burning down both cities and farms, and backing and “freeing/emancipating” (actually unleashing) the Blacks onto white society.
The expression even arose: “yellow-dog Democrat.” It was short for “I’d vote for a yellow dog as long as he is a Democrat, and not a Republican.”
Huey, like the Kennedys, btw, was fiercely anti-communist, and genuinely for the poor. It was the Republicans who slandered any and all programs for the poor as “communist,” or “socialist,” such as, for example, Social Security (retirement income), just as many of them do today.
It was the crypto-jew fatcat FDR who recognized the Soviet Union diplomatically and cozied up to the communists.
As my article clearly stated, key people around Huey, such as Gerald L.K. Smith and Father Coughlin, were very anti-jewish, and we know who invented communism.
Huey knew that the workers lived in incredible fear and misery under communism. (Or they would die as Stalin’s cannon fodder, filled to the gills with rotgut vodka as they were sent on suicidal human wave attacks.)
Btw, the great mineworker union president John L. Lewis, who lived in what had been Confederate general Robert E. Lee’s boyhood house in Alexandria, Virginia, saw FDR in the same way, as a faker who only talked about helping the working man, and whose real agenda was to do Wall Street’s bidding, ally the US with the USSR, and start a war of annihilation against Hitler Germany.
Trump’s telephone conversation with Judge Napolitano on the JFK assassination…..
Last video on this link also has some information on the Dallas Jewish community’s heavy involvement in JFK’s murder:
Thank you.
What a disgrace Trump is, and Judge Napolitano seemed insulted by the lameness of Trump’s b-s excuse.
Jews killed Huey Long, just like they’ve been doing to popular artists like morrison, weiland, scott, cornell, cobain, moore, van zant, and more. (If you notice, they usually get the smarter renegades). The US is an atomized population with not much in common. No shared worldviews, identity or goals. Our artists are THE ONLY THING that really create a sense of a shared experience here. It is certainly not politicians, judges, professors, media personalities etc. Who else has millions of die hard fans besides our musicians? This is why they’re being killed. They have cultural power no one else has. These cultural connections popular musicians provide must be severed because they are a THREAT to the jew cult.
A profound insight.
I have seen singers get a real cult behind them, and this is why.