Atheism ominously becomes, at 23%, the top US “religion” category

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Epicurus already addressed ancient problems with the idea of a loving Creator.


One in six Americans takes antidepressant drugs, a 65% surge over just 15 years.The problem is particularly acute among younger Americans.TRENDING: Atheism Becomes Largest Religion in AmericaWhile depression diagnoses have increased 33% since 2013, that number is up 47% among Millennials and 63% among teenagers.Coincidentally, suicide rates among American teenagers have increased by 70% since 2006.

As I have written for years, just before the rebirth of national socialism as a vibrant religion, suicides and despair will be soaring.

And that time is now.

It was the same in 1932 before Hitler came to power.


If you have no idea why you are here, what happens when you die, if there is a God or any kind of afterlife, then basically you are lost.

Yes, there many be good moments of money, sex, booze and some laughs, but the drab misery of a meaningless life returns.

A true and credible religon is essential — and it is coming.


Crosses in a cemetery covered up to avoid offending muslims and jews


…..suicides soar among French cops

The article avoids dealing with the real reason: the cops know they are propping up an evil regime that is destroying the white French people!





  1. The Epicurus comment is good but i don’t think it is really the main reason people get suicidal. You don’t have to believe in some all powerful god to be basically happy to some extent, if you realize it is just a fact that the mind is not some ‘illusion’ created by matter, and life, more likely than not, does possess objective meaning. These people become suicidal because they are convinced it is an inescapable fact that their life is meaningless and free will is an illusion. Proving free will is pretty simple to do, with merely showing the incoherence of using free will to make a convuluted argument that the free will you just used doesn’t exist. Meaning in life is harder to prove, but i am convinced it exists. From a utilitarian standpoint, lack of belief in it causes endless problems anyways.

  2. Every loving parent has to allow their child to touch a hot object at least once. How else would they learn?

    How does a collective population learn anything if god(s) constantly intervene?

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