Down in Australia, the banks and Western Union both ban donations — to me

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This bank, the biggest in Australia with US$800 BILLION in assets, sent a CERTIFIED check from a client of theirs which the US Fed refused to cash. It was made out to “John de Nugent.”
Australia, once home of a free-spirited, freedom-loving people known for “Crocodile Dundee” and the daring crocodile-hunter, Steve Irwin,  is now perhaps the most oppressive white nation on earth under its real rulers, rich pedophilic jews and their Freemasonic gentile lackeys, and it has been this way for years.
This is a donation from October 2021 from a long-time, generous Australian supporter.  It is a certified check (issued by the bank itself, not from the account of some private person) for Australian 400 dollars (about US$300).  It was issued by the biggest bank in Australia, with AUS 1.25 trillion dollars ($US800 billion) in assets.
My local bank cashed it — but the US Federal Reserve rejected payment. So my local bank, which had payed me, was out $300!
But after all,  is there really even such a country as “Australia”? 😉 Sounds phoney to me. 😉
I wouldn’t take their check either, what with all those improbable animals: kangaroos, koalas, platypuses, sloths, mini-penguins — Come on, man, it’s all CGI. 😉 Of course the Fed can’t possibly cash a certified check from the largest bank in that country — because it probably has no people, only weird animals…

Recent email correspondence about his most recent attempt to send me funds via 1) bank wires and 2) Western Union:

Dear John,

Since the banks all said no to a wire to you, and now Western Union also, I’ve sent you a $40 donation by mail, and I’ll send another $50 in a few days.

I went to the post office [in Australia, Germany and other countries, Western Union is in the post offices] and asked why my WU money transfer to you phad been rejected. The lady phoned the head office and spoke to them for ten minutes.  She came back puzzled at why it had been rejected. I asked her if this sort of thing happened often and she said no.

I don’t know, John, but I think you’re on some sort of blacklist, unofficial, of course.

Have you had problems with your American supporters sending you money by Western Union?

I’ll sign off for now. Best regards from []

I replied:


Hi,  []!
Thank you so much for this forthcoming donation!
As for Western Union, only in Australia is this problem happening. I have been able to both send and receive money for years now in the States and from the States to Europe with no problem. Yes, Oz has become such a conformist, obedient police state, showing the impressive though evil achievements of the jews and their Masonic lackeys.
If you think how many Aussies are of freedom-loving Irish ancestry, or that the founding Whites were often convicts, people who had flouted the law in England, and Britain brought them to Oz only because it had lost America as a dumping ground, and many Americans had resented that Britrish practice of bringing criminals to our shores.
And we all recall “Crocodile Dundee,” the song “Down Under” (made famous by “Men at Work”, here covered  by Aussie Cunningham….

….and then there is macho, two-fisted wild man Russell Crowe, here winning the 2000 Oscar for Best Actor for “Gladiator”….
…and Steve Irwinm, the Crocodile Hunter…
LOL — this Aussie punches a kangaroo who grabbed his dog:
Not to mention that Mel Gibson, an American wild man, was actually raised in Oz, too.
It is just amazing how even the White Australians have been brought to the point of obeying and conforming. Of all the depressing compliance we saw — and I blogged on America, Canada, Oz, New Zealand England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, etc. — Australia was just about the worst in terms of government threats and brutality toward all resisting Covid masking, lockdowns and vaccinations.

A new proposal by Daniel Andrews, the 48th incumbent Premier of Victoria in Australia, would make it so that residents of the state who violate its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions – or even just spread what the government deems to be “conspiracy theories” about the plandemic – can be locked up or thrown in concentration camps by any “public servant.”

Watch the video that shows the new medical police state brutalizing a young man and choking him unconscious

Watch this video from 7 News Melbourne to see for yourself how non-mask people are being treated in Australia:

Some screen shots from the video:

Of course, I think you Aussies also are being blanketed with chemtrails too to induce anxiety, depression, and fear — and the resultant inability to analyze, scrutinize and verify what they say to us.


They just keep pounding away with all their whoring “authority figures” in the media and government, their sell-out doctors with distinguished grey hair, on how: “We are in an EMERGENCY, People! The old rules no longer apply. It’s Doomsday!” 

As for aliens, another common topic of interest which we share, this can be part of our evolution to see and accept that other beings, in their marvelous spacecrafts, are progressing — and are even telepathic — while most of us earthlings still live like semi-smart wild animals.
Extremely drunken and belligerent white man threatens customers with a knife — and then charges a female cop, who repeatedly retreats, not wanting to shoot him, and tells him over and over and over and  over just to put the knife down. (This is not the first time I have seen a male defy a fully  armed female cop pointing a gun right at the guy, reflecting IMO partly the resentful-male-vs-perceived-feminist-female war the jews have stirred up)

Same  benefits  come with accepting reincarnation, and OBEs (out-of-body experiences) and NDEs….
We begin to see that we are not things, but SOULS! We are thus little pieces of God Himself, using physical bodies, cars, food and clothing to exist down here, playing by the rules of this material game ….before we return to God’s world, as my Margi has done.
Thanks again, comrade!
He responded:
John, this Western Union thing has upset me. just the knowledge that these people can be so petty as to muck me around. They couldn’t give me a direct answer as to why it was rejected.
You know all that talk about the “witch hunts” in America in the 1950s, but this is far worse. I’m so angry with Western Union. As an experiment I might try it in a few months, sending a small amount, and if it is again rejected I’m going to demand answers.
This is so wrong! I only wanted to send 50 American dollars to you, but the way this has panned out, you’d think I was a drug runner laundering money!

…..Recent donors

— 23 August 2023 $115 via CashApp from long-time generous donor K in Massachusetts


— 17 August 2023 $150 via Western Union from B in Georgia

— 15 August 2023 $150 via GabPay from B in Georgia

— 14 August 2023 $210 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France

— 12 August 2023 $50 in cash, wrapped prudently in aluminum foil, from K in California

K asked me in her accompanying note:

“Could the jews be behind your loss of donations?”

My answer is No, I think the mails are honest, and donations did go down because I never pled a financial emergency because there was no dire financial emergency from November 2021 until now.

From around November 2021 to July 2023, I had 1) my own Social Security retirement check for $800 income, plus I was Margi’s paid, full-time (more than full-time) cancer caregiver, meal preparer, driver, etc.

That came to $1,800 a month, plus Margi got $900/monthly in Disability (“SSHI”) and also $200 in food stamps.

Of course, all that ($1,800 + $900 + $200 = $2,900) ceased instantly when my wife passed on, on that dreadful 12th of September, 2022.

I really wanted Margi to make it for so many powerful reasons: my love for her, and she was beautiful to me;

….her intellect and personality; her wonderful companionship and NS comradeship with me; her delicious organic cooking;

her charm and popularity in this town; ….and, yes, also her survival for 4 1/3rd years with cancer (thanks also to supplements) also kept my cancer-caretaker pay flowing and her being alive kept her Social Security income flowing as well. All of this helped keep this website afloat as the jewish hacking increased and I had to pay two people to preotect the site.

Margi also read and critiqued my articles, appeared on many videos on this site, and became a real fixture.

Also, people donated so generously to buy her anti-cancer supplements.

Her passing then forced me to make a huge decision, because of the enormous, pressing monthly bills associated with this hacked and also very elaborate, huge website, with 13 years of articles and THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND PHOTOS.

I sold our snug, sweet, paid-off house and extensive garden, located a block from Lake Superior.

This sale is what enabled me to fund this site for almost ten more months.

Donations did taper off — because I never screamed bloody murder, for I was not in a financial jam.

But now I am. From me you get the truth, as you know.

As I am blogging, being an active white nationalist has been mostly hell since 1978. There were about 20 months of financial stability in all that time, one year and three quarters out of 45 years. I am happy to suffer further for our race and glorious national-socialist cause, with my wife now free of her (suspicious) cancer and giving her blessing from heaven to us fighters.


— 7 August 2023 $210 (163 British pounds) via PayPal from M in France

My French grandson from another life, fathered when I was a soldier in France

— 6 August 2023 $128 (128 euros) via PayPal from B in Denmark

— 6 August 2023 $199 via GabPay from B in Georgia

— 4 August 2023 $50 gift card from Amazon from J in Nevada


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