Austrian and Germans, down but not out; humor

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Austrian and Germans, down but not out; humor

A German comrade wrote to me:

Look at the pretty Austrian girl here at the time 27:50, Herr de Nugent. 🙂

[Video is from the moderate anti-immigrant party in Austria, the Freedom Party.]

And also look at these two FPÖ women 🙂

I answered:

Thank you, yes, so nice. 🙂

The leader, however, this Kickl, chairman of the FPÖ party, wow, gets a looks-grade of C- … and his voice is uncomfortably nasal and high to boot.

I pity the people for having such mediocre leaders. 🙁

And since FPÖ leader Jörg Haider’s murder…. (by arranged car crash)

… ..and then the forced departure of the entrapped FPÖ head Karl-Heinz Strache, set up by the Deep State….

…. t seems to me, in Austria, as if almost only ugly people are left in politics…. 🙁

Once again you can see the consequences of the enormous genetic loss of the two world wars that the Big Jews forced on Germany / Austria.

Not only were millions of good soldiers killed at the front, who by definition were physically and mentally strong and fit….

…..but also many marriages never took place due to war, inflation, the global economic crisis, then again war and again famine years (1945-50), or there were just too few children born of these marriages, and especially the educated had only one child or none at all.

And so many German women even married American negroes and moved to our beloved chewing-gum land. 🙂

I knew several of these good-looking German women who went off with black GIs. Disgusting!

And yet there are still dashing girls in the German/Austrian people….

Here is a lady comrade (single) whom I know from Bavaria on VK…. (the censorship-free Russian reaction to Zuckerberg’s Facebook!)

Me on VK:




The Aryan religion is coming, this month, which will make us into fighters again!




(from the rightwing Babylon Bee)

FBI Admits It’s Really Hard To Solve Crime They Didn’t Make Up Themselves


Oh No! Girl James Bond Is Foiled When Villain Places Details Of His Evil Plans In Pickle Jar

VOLCANO LAIR—Finally, in a triumph of feminism, we have a girl James Bond, Jane Bond, to prove that women are just as capable as, and maybe even more capable than, men. Her first adventure was going well, with Jane Bond sneaking through the villain Silverfoot’s lair, but when she found where Silverfoot kept his evil plans, disaster struck: The plans were sealed inside a pickle jar.

Jane Bond struggled to open the jar to retrieve the plans for ten minutes, finally giving up so she could instead find the temperature controls for the hollowed-out volcano, as she was feeling cold. She shrieked when she saw a spider, though, and was quickly captured.

“So, Silverfoot, do you expect me to talk?” asked Jane Bond while she was strapped to a table with a laser inching toward her to cut her in two.

“No, you’re always talking,” Silverfoot replied. “I just want you to shut up for once.”

“Too bad! We’re talking!”

Jane Bond’s gambit of trying to talk about her relationship with the supervillain worked, causing Silverfoot to flee the room and giving her an opportunity to escape. She caused millions of pounds in property damage, though, in the ensuing car chase, most of it at the very end when she tried to parallel park her Aston Martin.

It was a rough first outing, and she was happy to end it with an appletini (shaken, not stirred).

Think that was funny? It’s got nothing on our newest video. Check it out 👇

Border Patrol Ordered To Chase Immigrants With Segways And Pool Noodles





    Waco Killer, now Biden administration

    Cops and other authority only exist to protect the people that hurt you, enslave you, demean you.

    4chan quote
    “Have you ever been helped by authority? No? Me either. Reject authority. YOU are in control of your OWN life, not them. Reject the ones who hurt you.”

    Some people start to wonder

  2. Angela Merkel made me wonder if she was trying to “suicide” Germany to atone for German leadership of the Jewish ordeal in World War Two

    • I would think that is a good working hypothesis.

      Her father was a communist as was she in East Germany, but the East Germans encouraged a normal German pride.

      Merkel seems to be genuinely anti-German.

  3. John, please, don’t mention east Germany when you mean to say Middle Germany (MittelDeutschland) the real East Germany(Ostdeutschland)is what is now a big part of Poland and Russia. I know you know that and it is so easily said by everyone, even the german people say it to often (Ossies/Wessies).

    • I know and agree.

      But Americans have no idea what Central Germany means.

      After 80 years, they see East Germany as lost, like the Brits with their thirteen American colonies. Lost and gone.

      Same with the Canary Islands and all of northern Africa — once full of blond white Amazigh, the Berbers. Nothing but swarthy Arabs there now!

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