Avicci –Waiting for love; spiritual reading — the chakra of the heart;

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Avicii: Waiting for love

October 7

Try to drop your shoulders, deepen your breath and open your heart chakra. It will feel so much better if you do.

There is nothing more important that you can do today. Feel your heart open—no matter what.

Allow your mind to take a rest—don’t task it with anything difficult and make sure that if it gives you any answers or directions, you check them carefully with your heart.

Although this is always good advice, today please be in your heart. No decision made or action taken from the place of the heart will ever give you cause to regret.

Regardless of outcomes, actions which originate in the heart (and here we ask you to differentiate from sentimentalism) can really never be “wrong.” If they allow more love into the world, into your life, into the lives of those around you, then there is no possibility of wrong.

Many of those actions directed by the mind, to ensure your safety and control, your material and temporal well-being, will someday cause you disappointment.

Imagine if everyone all around your planet dropped their minds today and used only their hearts as guides. What beautiful chaos! 😉 Just imagine it….

We, for our part, are pouring our love your way. Know that you are beloved beyond our ability to channel the words. Try to tune in and receive it—that is the best thing. This is unbelievable stuff—this depth of love that you can receive and that you can generate. It is the true fabric of reality and it is there, all around and within you in a measure that leaves even us breathless with awe.

We see you and we love you. — E. West



    • Transl:

      This is what he was denouncing:


      OMG [Oh My God] So Avicci was denouncing the pedo network!

      It is said he killed himself using a broken bottle. That is very unlikely for a REAL suicide!!!

  1. Già, ormai quando sento la parola “suicidio” mi vengono in mente queste cose. La lista è sempre più lunga…anche Chester Bennington stava denunciando la stessa cosa a quanto pare. Uno al giorno (come nel video di Avicii) di questi schifosi bastardi..

    • Transl:

      Yes. Now when I hear the word “suicide” these things come back to mind. The list [of murdered pedo denouncers] is getting longer … Chester Bennington was also reporting the same thing, apparently. One killed a day (as in Avicii’s video) of these lousy bastards ..

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