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  1. I don’t think this pedophile conspiracy stuff will last forever, though. It all basically relies on internet free speech being suppressed as it has been for a few years, but if that momentum gets turned around in Trump’s next term it will be a major shift. And the Democrats have run out of ways to try to bring down the presidency as shown with the failed impeachment. The virus is just a way of stalling for time, but in the end, Trump’s response to it was better than the response the Democrats advocated at the time, and the best they can do now is say he should’ve reacted even more quickly than he did, despite them having said the exact opposite earlier when the crisis wasn’t understood. Their next tool is to try to trigger an economic crisis and blame it on him, and beyond that, of course, as Jim Stone frequently mentions on his website there is always the threat of nuclear blackmail lurking in the background, yet Trump has seemingly managed to deal with it for a long time now.

    Quick note, it is just obvious that nuclear blackmail is a legitimate threat and the mainstream people are simply hysterical to not even consider it as a possible conspiracy theory. It’s simply the nature of nuclear weapons that putting them exactly on site where they would cause huge damage is the most dangerous way they could be used, and as long as the Jews can prevent obvious common sense routine checks for radiation from being done in major cities, or at least do them themselves and not let the truth be found out, obviously, it’s a major threat to any country. And obviously, if the nuke is directly in place you can’t trace who set it off since there was nobody to ‘fire’ it from their country or a submarine of theirs, and this makes it technically possible as a form of terrorism the Jews could use without necessarily setting off a nuclear war. Would there be a likely chance of one happening as a result anyways? Of course, but a lot of the people up top seem to just be literally insane and unlikely to care so there’s that.

    Besides all that, though, there is quite a bit against the enemy right now. Yes, they want the mass immigration to turn America blue, yes, they are encouraging hysteria now in relation to China, but none of it is really working anymore. It seems like people are waking up to a large level that didn’t happen before. The excuses the media made in favor of invading Syria would’ve worked in 2001 and didn’t today. The hysteria they triggered around Venezveula to start a war there didn’t work either. And none of their agenda surrounding trying to start a war with Iran has worked either even though they’ve tried for years. Now their main election candidate is literally this senile old dude Biden who nobody can seriously say is a good candidate in the way they tried for Hillary, Bernie, and Obama. And there aren’t any candidates on their level of potential success among all the Democrats who tried to be nominees. It is basically guaranteed he will lose to Trump and there will be another 4 years of Trump presidency, allowing him to turn around the momentum against him.

    Of course, the same problem’s probably happening if Trump doesn’t seriously get something done in those four years like actually building the wall, and if he wastes that time accomplishing nothing the Republican momentum could fall apart too with the threat of demographic change. But i still think there is some real potential there for him to actually do something, assuming he doesn’t let the economy collapse from this virus.

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