This is so wrong in every sense. Women (thank God) are not born killers but estrogen-ruled, compassionate nurturers.
Israel tried women in combat — a disaster. The men dropped everything and STOPPED FIGHTING THE ENEMY if a woman was wounded. They just had to care for her, as is their genetic programming: save the damsel in distress.
If you heard a woman or teenage girl moaning or wailing in pain, or emit a piercing scream and start coughing up blood, as a man what would YOU do?
I am just appalled to see even the proud United States Marine Corps — under orders from the illegal usurper-pair Biden-Harris, of course — go delusionally soft.
(Not that either Biden or Harris are nice people; it is all about Demoncrap internal politics and silencing the far-left faction, “the Squad.”)
But God help us in a real war against a “peer enemy” like Russia or China — which is not plagued with male-destroying jews.
I said it in the 1930s and it is as true as ever:
War breaks even the strongest men; it is no place for a female.
“Der Krieg ist noch viel furchtbarer für die Frau.” “It is even more terrible for a woman.”
Women are the soft, gentle, yin force that is half of the energy of the universe.
“War is even more terrible for a woman.
You cannot call yourself a man and send a woman into combat. Then why not send little children!?”
WWI American soldiers who cracked up:
US Marine after Eniwetok assault
Marine cracks up and starts wandering around on the battlefield during the Battle of Peleliu against the Japanese. Death, gore, and temperature 130 – and humid
…Official Chinese-gov’t editorial : America, your total hegemony is well and truly OVER. Stop being greedy to dominate the world!
You should listen to every WORD, because the jew-dominated US is about to get taken down three pegs:
The lessons of all this are huge.
Normal great powers respect the strength of others.
But America is not normal; it is Jewmerica, and that is precisely why it seeks to irrationally dominate the world.
What Russia and China need for their own sake is for America to purge itself of jews, start acting normal again, and cease trying to threaten, dominate, lecture, and sanction others, and tryinf to tell these ancient and wise countries what to do.
1) China and Russia do not want World War Three.
2) The jews are panicking that, using an America they are also idiotically destroying, they cannot achieve their satanic dream of ruling the world any longer, not with a black, brown, degenerate, illiterate America.
Russia and China still cooperate a bit with the Jews because of their strength, but the Jews do not dictate their every move, nor will they ever.
Both countries are basically now national-socialist, and the bottom line is that America needs to join them so there is world peace.
It is in the interests of both Beijing and Moscow for America to become sane, like they are, recognize the new world situation gracefully, and in a nuclear age, for everyone to get along.
This means America must become judenrein.
Do watch that video.
It is as true now as it was in 1921:
John,ma la Cina ha messo in moto tutta questa pandemia con il Deep State,sempre per dominare.
È proprio la Cina il Dragone rosso dell’Apocalisse.
Cosa possiamo salvare di questa Cina?
Non ha un rappresentante giusto e leale come quello della Russia.
Si, perché io credo in Putin.
La Cina è fondamentalmente marcia con questo marxismo degenerato.
Sono diventati padroni di tutto.
Sono pericolosi come il Deep State ebraico.
John, but China has set this whole pandemic in motion with the Deep State, always to dominate.
China, for me. is the red dragon of the Apocalypse.
What can we benefit from dealings with this China?
You don’t have a fair and loyal representative like Russia’s. Yes, because I believe in Putin.
China is basically marching with this degenerate Marxism. They have become masters of everything.
They are as dangerous as the Jewish Deep State.
Thank you for a good comment and question.
The situation is actually very murky, and complicated, including for our enemies.
And this has long been the case.
Mein Kampf advocated an alliance between Germany and England.
Instead, Germany ended up allied with a non-white Japan AGAINST England.
Mussolini was a HUGE help to the Reich in 1938, supporting the unification of the ethnically German Austria and the Sudetenland with Germany, which led to the breakup of a very, very dangerous Czech state in March 1939, a regime which was allied with both France and the Soviet Union. Of equally great importance, the Czech area had uranium to make the atomic bomb!
So the alliance with Mussolini, which required me to allow Italy to italianize by force the purely German and extremely beautiful South Tyrol, up in the High Alps (the area called in Italian “Alto Adige”) paid off.
Then Mussolini committed follies,such as invading Greece, leading to a catastrophe which doomed the entire German attack on Soviet Russia, and he lost battles to the British in Libya, so I had to send Rommel and the Afrika Korps and still it ended up in defeat. Huge amounts of German effort were wasted to try to save Italian troops.
So something starts out good, like a marriage, and then turns bad.
Or something starts out very bad, like the bolsheviks, then Stalin eliminated them and turned against the jews and Israel. (Now, Russia protects Israel’s enemies Syria and Iran, as does China….. “friendly” with the jews but still following its own interests.)
Putin starts out KGB, then becomes a true patriot, restores religion and a stable,semi-free-market economy.
China starts out communist, then drops marxist economics.
Well, I will answer in more depth soon.
Btw, both the Sputnik vaccine by Russia and the Sinopharm vaccine by China do NOT use mRNA.
Maybe they are discreetly thinking:
Just maybe China has the same enemy we do. They are letting the jews destroy us, then they will destroy the jews. What is the source of jewish power once the Western Whites are gone?
Black Lives Matter and Antifa? 😉
Si,ovviamente quei vaccini(russo e cinese) servono per aiutare la loro popolazione.
Infatti sono da tempo fuori dal lockdown…
Noi europei invece stiamo adottando il “suicidio di massa”.
Ormai leggo cose fuori dal normale.
Le reazioni avverse sono talmente evidenti(le persone muoiono anche per strada)e ci sono infermieri che stanno denunciando queste reazioni avverse sui social;”Ci sono tutti i giorni ma non ci è permesso dirlo apertamente”.
Sono tutti complici di questi criminali!!
È vergognoso.
Sono senza parole.
Dio ci mette alla prova tutti i giorni…questa è la verità.
Poi lasciamo perdere gli Antifa e gli uomini delle caverne..neanche con le botte si riprendono.
Instead of women participating in wars, let the political instigators of war participate in combat.
There would be much less wars.
Make also a kind of “affirmative action” forcing a quota of higher-up jews to participate in combat actions.
This would also help greatly in reducing us and british aggressiveness.
George Washington, in his Farewell Address, stated that the United States should have no foreign alliances. It should maintain national sovereignty in an absolute way, that is.
True. The last fully justified war was in 1812!