Battle of the Bulge: my unique perspective; Midwest snowmobilers rage darkly at Biden, the Stealection, the Blacks and Covid

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A comrade and repeat generous donor in Florida asked me:

“With your unique insight, what direction would the war have taken if the Battle of the Bulge had been successful?”

First, a quick summary from Wikipedia:


The Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Counteroffensive, was a major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II, and took place from 16 December 1944 to 25 January 1945. It was launched through the densely forested Ardennes region in Belgium and Luxembourg towards the end of the war in Europe. The offensive was intended to stop Allied use of the Belgian port of Antwerp and to split the Allied lines, allowing the Germans to encircle and destroy four Allied armies and force the Western Allies to negotiate a peace treaty in the Axis powers‘ favor.

The Germans achieved a total surprise attack on the morning of 16 December 1944, due to a combination of Allied overconfidence, preoccupation with Allied offensive plans, and poor aerial reconnaissance due to bad weather. American forces bore the brunt of the attack and incurred their highest casualties of any operation during the war. The battle also severely depleted Germany’s armored forces, and they were largely unable to replace them. German personnel and, later, Luftwaffe aircraft (in the concluding stages of the engagement) also sustained heavy losses. The Germans had attacked a weakly defended section of the Allied line, taking advantage of heavily overcast weather conditions that grounded the Allies’ overwhelmingly superior air forces. Fierce resistance on the northern shoulder of the offensive, around Elsenborn Ridge, and in the south, around Bastogne, blocked German access to key roads to the northwest and west that they counted on for success. Columns of armor and infantry that were supposed to advance along parallel routes found themselves on the same roads. This, and terrain that favored the defenders, threw the German advance behind schedule and allowed the Allies to reinforce the thinly placed troops. The farthest west the offensive reached was the village of Foy-Nôtre-Dame, south east of Dinant, being stopped by the U.S. 2nd Armored Division on 24 December 1944.[15][16][17] Improved weather conditions from around 24 December permitted air attacks on German forces and supply lines, which sealed the failure of the offensive. On 26 December the lead element of Patton’s U.S. Third Army reached Bastogne from the south, ending the siege. Although the offensive was effectively broken by 27 December, when the trapped units of 2nd Panzer Division made two break-out attempts with only partial success, the battle continued for another month before the front line was effectively restored to its position prior to the attack. In the wake of the defeat, many experienced German units were left severely depleted of men and equipment, as survivors retreated to the defenses of the Siegfried Line.

The Germans’ initial attack involved 410,000 men; just over 1,400 tanks, tank destroyers, and assault guns; 2,600 artillery pieces; 1,600 anti-tank guns; and over 1,000 combat aircraft, as well as large numbers of other armored fighting vehicles (AFVs).[4] These were reinforced a couple of weeks later, bringing the offensive’s total strength to around 450,000 troops, and 1,500 tanks and assault guns. Between 63,222 and 98,000 of these men were killedmissingwounded in action, or captured. For the Americans, out of a peak of 610,000 troops,[18] 89,000[5] became casualties out of which some 19,000 were killed.[5][19] The “Bulge” was the largest and bloodiest single battle fought by the United States in World War II[20][21][22] and the third-deadliest campaign in American history.


My late, dear friend Hans Schmidt was in this battle as a soldier in the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.


And yes, of course I have some insights on this battle, though, as in almost all reincarnation cases, I basically have just feelings and reactions to certain things, certain claims, to some people and to some places — not exact memories. We learn between lives and then get a fresh start. This life is not here for you to rehash the last one. 😉

I stood here and, as in the lower half of the photo, felt a huge emptiness.


With Patton, now Trump, I just remember how arrogant and unchivalrous he was when I reached out to him as a great warrior on the other side. Huge, huge ego…. Being on the other side does not mean automatically you change. There is free will there, too, to dig your heels in and admit nothing.

Anyway, my goal was indeed to go on the offensive again and break the dismal pattern of being on the defensive and slowly ground down. This, since February 1943, had been the case after the catastrophe of Stalingrad. (This was partly my fault, having appointed a desk general — Paulus planned the brilliant, three-week Polish campaign — for this vital combat campaign).

We needed desperately to win at Stalingrad so we could proceed eastward to Baku and seize the main Soviet oil wells there for our own use.

But not only did we fail to take (and subsequently keep Baku, the reason for the battle of Stalingrad being to wipe out Soviet armies that could have relieved their vital oil city) ….. but then we also lost our own main oil refinery at Ploiesti, Romania to the Red Army in the fall of 1944.

So we began running out of fuel  for our tanks, trucks and planes.

Still, we fought on magnificently:

Allied historians admit: Germans were by far the best soldiers in WWII — even Churchill admitted the Wehrmacht’s excellence!

Now, had we won the Battle of the Bulge, wiping out the Anglo-American armies, and we did not largely from literally running out of gasoline,…

the goal was to

  1. hurl our armies back eastward, stop Stalin for a while, and
  2. THEN bring our fighter-bomber jets and other, FAR more advanced weapons, en masse into the war.

…..the weapons Admiral Byrd encountered in 1947 in the Antarctic.

We lost because our incredibly quality in weapons and men was defeated by the Allies’ unbelievable quantity — not that they had either bad weaponry or cowardly soldiers.

So the Reich is just hunkered down now, we are up to five million people, and we wait for Russia and America to blow each other up under Biden — who is so senile he will literally sign anything the Deep State shoves under his nose.

As for me, I tried to use my interlife well between 1945-54.

I reviewed what we did right (pretty much everything, actually, and my team and the Germans as a whole were wonderful 🙂 ) and what we did wrong:

  1. not developing long-range bombers to smash Soviet arms factories beyond the Urals, and, really,
  2. the entire policy of annexing European Russia to the Reich, with the Slavs as our illiterate serfs. We lost two million of our three million military dead in the east.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

But beyond that, I also realized:

I should never have incarnated as an Austro-German 1889-1945.

In the face of gigantic enemies like the Jewnited Kingdom, the Jewnited States and the Soviet Jewnion, the only way to win was for me to be born and raised in the enormous and powerful America.

And it was and is (I mean the true, white Americans) one-third German anyway.

What a potential! There is no group more sick and tired of hearing about “the Holocaust.” (“God, (((they))) never let up about that, do they?” one snowmobiler said to me.) But people of German DNA are no rabble to be easily stirred up; they must respect their leader — as a doer, not a talker — and understand his master plan. Plan the work; then work the plan.  🙂


We have snowmobilers come up to Ontonagon constantly (from Lower Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, AND ESPECIALLY FROM Illinois — very angry, very disgusted men who revile the hideous, negro, lesbian mayor of Chicago.

And they loathe the fat, jewish, Covid-lockdowning fanatic governor they have, the billionaire Pritzker.


These guys are (and you see it in their square faces, and they tell me it as well) about 90% of German blood, ultra-rightwing, gunning way, way up, pro-Trump, anti-Stealection, and fiercely hate and despise Biden.

Well, I had one of these moments the other day….

I was opening the latest donation envelopes (from both a European and an American) at the propane heat-barrel on the back deck of the local barand grill. (Indooor dining, in the UP a few weeks back, was still being Cohenavirus-banned by our crazed, rabid, jewess governor, “Witchmer.”)

LOL — The heat barrel has warnings in both English and French (for French-Canadians) that some lawyer made them put on there: “HOT/CHAUD” (See, I did not even know flames were hot. 😉 )

And all these snowmobilers were sitting around, all pals, all knowing each other, and some quite interested in having a conversation. I asked one who looked especially intelligent, had a very German face, and was eyeballing me:

Me: “Ever seen Euros?”


Snowmobiler leader: “No, lemme see. Hunh…. Doesn’t look or feel like our paper money. …. Umm [he stirred his hand around, totally puzzled], why do they send you money from Europe?”

😉 😉

Me: “I have a big website, and I say the truths they cannot, in English, French and German. It’s ‘cuz they have no more freedom of speech over there in Europe, and they got no right to own guns.

They are being inundated by violent Muslims who are raping and killing them, and yet they get arrested for ‘hate speech’ if they complain.”

The whole deck is silent.

I told them about General Piquemal in France.

“So the French cops, as ordered by the socialist, jewish president of France, Francois Hollande,

here with (l) the previous jew president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy

….go and arrest, and brutally throw to the ground, the 70-year-old former Commandant of the French Foreign Legion, and they do a George Floyd on his neck,  for the ‘crime’ of having ‘illegally’ demonstrated against illegal immigration!”

General Piquemal

No respect these cops have, not for God or man, not for a vet either, not even for a decorated general of the legendary Foreign Legion. These cops will do ANYTHING they are ordered to do to keep that paycheck coming, keep the wife happy, and get some pussy. Such cops are true humanimals.”



Me: “Yeah, a man who acts like an unreasoning animal with no conscience at all. You know, in the old days we respected our veterans — my dad fought with the Marines at Iwo Jima —  and especially we respected those who fought for their country ….and then they came home, they overcame their PTSD, they never whined about all that death and gore,  and they went out and raised decent families, held down a job, paid their taxes, and respected the flag.”

Total silence — just the sound of the propane flame lightly hissing and whooshing.

Me: “So the Europeans have NO rights now. And they support me because in America I can still tell the truth.”

Snowmobiler: “Hell, we ain’t got many rights left HERE!”

Everyone murmurs approval.

SM: “So you speak German? I’m German, but I don’t speak it.”

Me: “Germany used to be so great before the muslims took it over and the crime wave began. I was there, and also in Austria, which is basically ‘Germany Plus Alps.’ 😉 ”

SM: “I would love to go there, go to Oktoberfest, see the Alps….meet a fräulein.  ;-)”

Me: “I did…good women over there, hard-working, frank, no-bullshit, blunt as hell actually,”  I smiled, ” like all Krauts.”

Everyone smiled and nodded. (Even five generations after the last big wave of Germans came in, before 1914, before WWI, that German blood is still strong in how the German-Americans act to this day.)

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” German-American Clark Gable in “Gone with the Wind.”

 Texan Johnnie Langendorff, a man of action like all true Germans, learned in 2017 a fat, white-trash atheistic a–hole named Devin Kelley had just murdered 26 white people with his AR while at worship in their church. Langendorff took off at 95 miles an hour and ran the killer, escaping in his car, off the road, where the wicked humanimal shot himself.

Johnnie on the spot — when it was time to act


The snowmobile leader said, smiling wrily:

“God, you look German. You look SOOOO German.” 😉

Me: “Yeah, I guess so. 😉  And I felt it when I went over there. It was like going home….. Maybe I was even a German in another life. 😉 ”

SM: “A ‘German’? You must have been a Nazi!  I mean a TOP Nazi! 😉 ”

I smiled. “Yeah, probably guilty as charged. 😉 ”

SM (and very sincerely):

“He [AH] would have been great if he hadn’t gone crazy.”

And he looked right at me, studying me.

I shrugged. “Maybe not as crazy as people think, but he did do some things wrong. Russia was the biggie.”

He came back twice more to chat with me, this guy, and with his whole snowmobile crew. I almost felt like I knew him in another life, over in Germany itself. He was, like, all serious and attentive.

People want a leader and, with Biden in, they want him now.

Fine, since the Americans, this time, are truly ready, and all the fake messiahs (Goldwater, Reagan, Trump, Ted Cruz) have failed to change anything, just slowed the decay a bit.

What they want at this point of utter gloom and desperation is an American Hitler — if he is not a egomaniac, or agianst freedom, which the jews have them thinking he was.

When that snowmobiler leader was studying me, I felt a tremendous obligation.

My election advisor in 1990 in Tennessee, Rick Knox, once asked me:

“Jack, are you THE ONE?”

I replied in 1990: “Yes, but Americans are not ready yet for me, or for the unvarnished truth. They stilll want to give these Republicans a chance.”

I have now waited until the best Americans have had it with the false message and fake leaders.


Gunnery Sergeant Walther in the Corps once said to me:

“A bitchin’ [complaining] Marine is a happy Marine. When they stop bitchin’, then you should start worrying.”

When grown, adult, burly white men get dark and silent, and brood, and stare ahead of them, then you know the soul is making inner decisions.

“This shit can’t go on.”  




…..Who really was and is JdN?

Margi took this shot in May 2019 near the old Franklin Mine in Hancock, Michigan, and you can see — in very, very exaggerated form with the dowward, sideways angle of the harsh sunlight — the unique double bulges over the inner eyebrow area — and the “V” that flares off it onto my side forehead.




Hitler’s Landsberg prison cell in 1924

Why it should be beyond obvious to not look exactly like Hitler


I dyed it black so you maybe, just maybe finally “get it.” 😉 My goal the last time was a worker-and-farmer movement, with even a communist-like red flag, and a party with the name “socialist workers” in it, so I had to look like The Average Man myself — like a working-class man.

Same mindset, same cheekbones, same sloping forehead, same twin bulges over the inside of the eyebrows, same v-ridges in the upper forehead and creases along either sides of the forehead, same height, same DEEP-blue eye color, same marionette facial line back from the chin — and the same military leanings, and an uncanny ability to speak both fluent German and Austrian dialect with no American accent.

Even my compositional style, just as with Mein Kampf back then, is way-too-long paragraphs, and concepts far too advanced for the average Joe. 😉
Hey, I admit it — I am too wordy.
I often actually think in German, and my style in English occasionally shows it. 🙁
And I never kiss my readers’ butt, but instead I openly pour out my scorn like the mustache-guy on all WHITE whiners, WHITE excuse-makers, WHITE cowards and WHITE bumblers!
This was, in fact, the real me coming through in the bitter and sarcastic original title of Mein Kampf!

4.5 Years of Struggle

Against Lies, Stupidity, and Cowardice

— A settling of accounts [with my enemies]

…and a certainty, since age 5 on, that I WAS THAT MAN, AND — gulp —worse, much worse, that I WAS THE REBIRTH (a soul GIVEN A NEW CHANCE) of the MOST HATED MAN on this earth.
Oh, Shit! Here we go again! 😉


with unique, rare, solid, dark blue eyes – not an Irish or Polish light-blue, not a blue-green, and not blue-gray either. Solid, deep blue.


Here is some humor — but the serious point is this: The whole Hitler approach may have turned the Germans on — who are a highly militaristic, stern, soldier-like people, and the Spartans (if not “Klingons”) of the white race — but all those uniforms, heel-clicking, and the sieg-heiling turned the rest of the freedom-craving white world OFF ;-(

The Hitler strongman image, face it, was a huge turnoff to the freedom-loving Americans, who are genetically a heavily keltic people (meaning the common English people, and of course the Irish, Scots, Welsh and the southern Germans).

Hitlerism, the one-man rule, the dictatorship, was seen as a step backward in Western Civilization into the Middle Ages, and as a slap in the face to what the Founding Fathers wanted — freedom of speech and a limited government.

Even the young John Kennedy, secretly very antisemitic like his dad, disliked the Hitler approach, while also admiring the man’s achievements.

One-man rule went very much against our Anglo-Saxon grain, our fear of megalomaniacs, and the famous dictum of Lord Acton:

“All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

We all know the Ancient Romans were no liberal, peacenik hippies. Nor were they opposed to powerful leaders……

But for five hundred years even the Romans banned one-man rule and kings — establishing even a dual presidency, two consuls — two rulers — and even those two were closely supervised by the Roman Senate.

SPQR: Senatus Populusque Romanus — “the Senate and the People of Rome”

So this time around, the flavor of National Socialism has to be modified, but the core ingredients are exactly the same!

The Aryan folk community is invincible — and must live again!

God, guns,guts and glory!

And this time, Jews,

it will be the world!




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