Bavaria’s governor Seehofer on the immigrant flood; AfD cutie wants the word racial back

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Governor Horst Seehofer speaks in German with good English subtitles. This is the same charming Bavarian accent that Adolf Hitler also had when he spoke privately and not in speeches, where he was also reaching out to northern and western Germans.



German comrades are very unhappy with him as being a mere “safety valve” who complains about muslim migrants, but in reality does nothing…. as the person designated to keep voters loyal to the Establishment and the fake conservatives.

Kinda like Reagan-Bush in 1980.. and notice their slogan…. 🙂




God forbid the sheeple vote for the new, much more “radical”” Alternative fuer Deutschland  party of the fetching Frauke Petry, PhD.




Petry’s newest controversy is she dares to use the word “racial” (LOL!).

In German this is völkisch.

“But ze Nazis used ziss vord!” 😉


How cuck can you get…. You cannot even say the Germans have common genes.

Of course, there was one German who used this word in the name of his newspaper, and, yeah, he WAS pretty antisemitic. 🙂






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