Beautiful “Cranberries” vocalist dies at just 46 — her incredible down-with-stupid-wars song “Zombies”

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The lead singer and composer, Dolores O’Riordan, has just died ….at a mere 46 years old…. Her voice had a tragic strength in every song.

Bio — the secret woe and joy


(See below for other great white musicians who, molested as little kids, died young.)

This video has almost 700 mio views — “Zombie” — about the sickening madness to rush into bloody war .

“Dreams”: .

“Linger” .


….My July podcast with Jack on the alarming deaths of gifted white musicians who were abused as kids



…..We either destroy them or they destroy us, starting with our best and brightest



…..Richard Spencer advocates giving pedophiles child porn

Thpenther doesn’t seem to understand that the videos or images used in child porn show actual children being sexually abused. Even if there were evidence that viewing such images made pedophiles less likely to offend, there is no ethical way to supply the material. Every instance of child “porn” is photographic/video evidence of a horrific crime. Pedophilia should be a capital crime and pedophiles EXECUTED. (I speak as a survivor.)  Spencer is repulsive.



Nick Gilliam This was a really stupid move on Richard’s part.. why should we even care about helping pedos? They should be executed.
John de Nugent At the least, he is callow. Of course, given his advocacy for gays such as Jack Donovan and Millennial Woes, who have addressed his 2015 and 2016 NPI conferences, his secret funder, a Key West lawyer, and his infamously effeminate voice and mannerisms, there may be more to the story.

John de Nugent “Someone, especially a young person, who is callow behaves in a way that shows they have little experience, confidence, or judgment:

Example: Mark was just a callow youth of 16 when he arrived in Paris.”

Nick Gilliam Thanks for the new word! I will stow this away in my arsenal of vocabulary.
Nick Gilliam There definitely needs to be a house cleaning on the Right.. too many homosexuals and crypto-j3wz have snuck in.
John de Nugent There needs to be a new Aryan religion to entirely remold the sick minds of the decadent whites of today. For every closet gay and crypto-J, there are also the heteros who are toxic narcissists, backstabbers, ingrates, and beyond them, the outright FBI infiltrators or, worse, bribed or blackmailed WNs who are assigned to go forth amongst their comrades to divide and conquer, such as Carlos Porter.
John de Nugent And then you have Jared Taylor, who is in a common-law marriage with a leftist Jewess…/jared-taylors-concubine…/Manage

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