ENGLISH Beautiful expressions and faces under social nationism

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Obama got out of the shower and was drying off when he looked in the mirror — and noticed that he was white from the neck to the top of his head. In a sheer panic, and fearing he was turning white all over, he called his doctor and told him what had happened. The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately.

After an examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to Barack, and told him to drink it all. Barack drank the concoction and said, “That tasted like bulls##t!”

“It was.” the doctor replied, “You were a quart low.”
==============Very weird Rothschild Illuminati party:


=============amazing photo


I found this photo on a French WN website and began circulating it. Now it is making the rounds all over the anglosphere too.

I joked: 

But you know those people were forced to cheer. A little Gestapo midget with a pistol was standing behind every one of them. 😉

On Facebook, these comments came in:

–I love the kids bellowing. 😉

–the folk and a leader who cared….

–LOVE this picture – the kid in the front REALLY had it together – –  he even crossed the line to Sieg-Heil! 😉

–if you click on the photo and enlarge it, both the helmeted Wehrmacht soldiers also have interesting expressions: the one joyful and the other — to me — looking so grateful he is almost moved to tears.



His lip is almost trembling; his eyes are tightening; he is trying to be a good soldier and not “lose it.” 🙂 You know at whom he is looking….. 🙂



–The expression on my face, if I were in their shoes John D. Nugent, would have been BOTH:  joyful AND tearful! 

–They knew they were part of one family, the Reich!

–[I wrote] I knew the great Holocaust revisionist Thies Christophersen, who worked at Auschwitz and in the 1960s broke his silence at huge risk and declared there were NO gas chambers at the camp in his famous booklet “The Auschwitz Lie.” Thies as a boy had climbed up into a tree to get a better look at the Leader over the heads of the adults. Hitler actually ordered the car stopped and greeted the boy jovially up in the branches. This was Hitler’s nature, very much from the heart. Sometimes at night in the rain the grand Mercedes would stop and the car would pick up young people walking home between the villages. The young people were stunned to realize just who was giving them a lift. 😉


“The NSDAP secures the folk community”

Folk community eagle protects family

“Folk comrades, if you need advice or help, turn to your local branch”

Nuremberg Rally of the Arbeitsdienst, the One-Year labor service where the young rich and middle-class kids did manual labor alongside the working class

Third-Reich-Labor-Service-men bare-breasted


Everything was to represent health, pride, beauty, and brotherhood.

Captain Joachim Peiper of the Waffen-SS; Hitler designed the uniforms with Hugo Boss (yes!)




Actor Chuck Connors had played for both the NBA AND Major League Baseball, and THEN was accepted by the Chicago Bears of the NFL – but he achieved stardom when cast as “Lucas McCain” in the ABC television Western series “The Rifleman” (1958-1963).


It is interesting when a man’s very bone structure tells you so much about his essence, in this case a very yang nature indeed.


I think many great actors always play themselves, and quite well, of course. 😉 John Wayne always played John Wayne, Tom Hanks Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood Clint Eastwood. I bet Connors, with that jawline, was as tough in person as on screen. How could he not be and look like that?

Chuck calls out a two-bit gunfighter

In Eastern ideas, your essence at conception creates a body, an “outforming,” that corresponds to the main thrust of your being.

“Man is a fallen god who remembers the heavens.” –Alphonse de Lamartine

Leonardo da Vinci figured out that it is the ideal proportions of the face that creates beauty. Some people with black hair, brown eyes and dark skin (such as Denzel Washington, or Mario Van Peebles, or with olive complections, such as Erik Estrada of the show “CHiPs” are handsome (or, if ladies, beautiful) because the face has great proportions.

Actor Mario Van Peebles in Clint Eastwood’s “Heartbreak Ridge” — beautiful symmetry and proportions in a black man

Erik Estrada in “CHiPs” … He is an actual deputy sheriff today in Virginia.


Many painters use the famous “Golden Ratio,” a mathematical calculation of beautiful natural proportions for both humans and for paintings, temples and buildings of all sorts. (Wikipedia on the Golden Ratio)

The Sacrament of the Last Supper, 1955, Salvador Dali



Salvador Dalí explicitly used the golden ratio in his masterpiece, The Sacrament of the Last Supper. The dimensions of the canvas are a golden rectangle. A huge dodecahedron, with edges in golden ratio to one another, is suspended above and behind Jesus and dominates the composition.

This is a great website… and here are excerpts from it…

The Human Face

 [source: http://www.goldennumber.net/face/]

The human face is based on Phi and Golden Ratio proportions


Human beauty is based on the Divine Proportion

See the photo below which illustrates the following golden ratio proportions in the human face:

  • Center of pupil : Bottom of teeth : Bottom of chin
  • Outer & inner edge of eye: Center of nose
  • Outer edges of lips : Upper ridges of lips
  • Width of center tooth : Width of second tooth
  • Width of eye : Width of iris
Beauty and proportion in human face showing phi and golden ratio

A comrade wrote me today:


John – Your posts — this is actually a book in the making, and a great book at that. You will be publishing it?


I responded:

* * *

Dear white brother,

Thank you for encouraging me with this praise. I am working on a magnum opus which will delineate my whole world view — about race, religion, God and government. I hope it will help provide a basis for a new rebirth of white civilization.

Beyond that, I think your suggestion is excellent that I turn these posts into a book!

Best to you, comrade.

John de Nugent



07/25 @ 02:26 : Switzerland, CH
07/25 @ 02:22 : Riyadh, SA
07/25 @ 02:22 : United States, US
07/25 @ 02:22 : Montréal, CA
Basilica of  Notre Dame
07/25 @ 02:22 : Belo Horizonte, BR
07/25 @ 02:20 : New York, New York, US
Union Station 
100 year anniversary of Grand Central Terminal
100 year anniversary of Grand Central Terminal
Grand Central Station

07/25 @ 02:13 : Lancaster, New York, US

07/25 @ 02:13 : Innsbruck, AT [AUSTRIA]
07/25 @ 02:12 : Lancaster, New York, US
07/25 @ 02:12 : Rennes, FR
07/25 @ 02:11 : Horsham, GB [England]
07/25 @ 02:11 : Padenghe Sul Garda, IT
07/25 @ 02:11 : Rennes, FR[ANCE]
07/25 @ 02:10 : New York, New York, US
07/25 @ 02:10 : Rennes, FR
07/25 @ 02:09 : Ottawa, CA
07/25 @ 02:09 : Woodburn, Oregon, US
07/25 @ 02:09 : Pécs, HU
07/25 @ 02:09 : Redmond, Washington, US
07/25 @ 02:09 : Rennes, FR
07/25 @ 02:08 : Bradford, GB
07/25 @ 02:07 : Berlin, DE
Seat of the Gestapo and the SS
Berlin, Geheimes Staatspolizeihauptamt

07/25 @ 11:15 : Dowagiac, Michigan, US
07/25 @ 11:13 : Birmingham, GB
07/25 @ 11:13 : Cedar Lake, Indiana, US
07/25 @ 11:13 : Guilherand, FR
07/25 @ 11:12 : Malvern, Ohio, US
07/25 @ 11:11 : Essen, DE
07/25 @ 11:10 : Grenoble, FR
07/25 @ 11:10 : Hamburg, DE
07/25 @ 11:09 : Orlando, Florida, US
07/25 @ 11:07 : Arlington, Virginia, US


I died for Israel


07/25 @ 11:07 : Grenoble, FR
07/25 @ 11:07 : Cormeilles-en-parisis, FR
07/25 @ 11:07 : Lyon, FR
07/25 @ 11:06 : Grenoble, FR
07/25 @ 11:06 : Cormeilles-en-parisis, FR
07/25 @ 11:06 : Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
07/25 @ 11:06 : Menlo Park, California, US
07/25 @ 11:05 : Poland, PL
07/25 @ 11:05 : Burnham-on-sea, GB
07/25 @ 11:05 : Cormeilles-en-parisis, FR
07/25 @ 11:04 : Grenoble, FR
07/25 @ 11:04 : Chicago, Illinois, US



07/25 @ 11:04 : Cormeilles-en-Parisis, FR
07/25 @ 11:04 : Malvern, Ohio, US


=============Video “Paradise Lost” about Adolf and the beautiful peacetime years of the Reich, then the war and then a Frenchman sings in German: “Juden raus!” 😉

Le Paradis perdu from ElviraBauer on Vimeo.

=============please donate

we-buy-things-unneeded-with-money-unhad-for people-unliked.jpg

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


 ===========HOW IS IT GOING?

A British comrade wrote:

Hello John
How is progress with your campaign to become Sheriff…I hope that the fight is still on and looking to be in your favour.

Best wishes



On 07/11/13 6:08 PM, John de Nugent wrote:
Hi, Nick.

No, the campaign is over since I never got anything close to the funds needed even to buy a car to campaign in this very rural county where the nearest “city” (of 3,000 people) is 20 miles away. Hits on my name on Google shot up to over 600,000, but the Net produced mostly onlookers, talkers and “well-wishers.”

It is a shame, since the race was winnable.

But I am now embarking on what my real destiny is, not to be a demagogue flattering the demos.

We need what this blog says, an Aryan heroic religion.


I need to write the sacred book of this religion, and financial donations to pay bills while I do so . 


I am so sorry to hear that. I know I sent you a little contribution that may have helped towards buying postage only. I only wish that I had the means to have provided you with a considerably higher amount. I know by your very character that you would have been the Sheriff second-to-none. What a loss, and it was all founded on money.

Ok, sword in hand — how about a Christian religion based upon the Aryan concept. Let’s coordinate it worldwide. Lets collect donations, grow your own TV net on air and WWWeb.

Let me know when you want back up from the white dragon of the Saxons. No time to lose.. the swords are drawn and once sufficient funding is in place–have another go at a Sheriff’s position.

Best wishes



Thanks, Nick. As this blog of mine shows, a new religion founded by a car mechanic and mixing Christianity and Vedanta is flourishing in southern Germany and Switzerland. https://johndenugent.com/english/english-swiss-mechanic-starts-his-own-religion-against-the-nwo-raises-a-beautiful-large-family-and-uplifts-1500-people-through-god-and-wholesome-marriages

I have seen so much infighting within the ranks of WN comrades. We cannot found a movement on hating minorities. It has to be about real brother- and sisterhood of our race, and answering the real questions of life. It has to make us IMMUNE TO THE JEWS.

Immune to envy, divisiveness, gossip, lies, blackmail and bribes. This comes from a soul that recognizes AND SENSES evil in other people and in what they write and say to destroy our Cause.

Derek Black has crawled to the Jews for forgiveness. http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/news/splc-hatewatch-exclusive-activist-son-of-key-racist-leader-renounces-white-nationa  His father, Stormfront owner Don Black, sent Derek to an ultra-liberal, elite college in Florida on donations from naive SFers, and has bashed me via emails and phone calls for five years.


We are not going to win with un-spiritual people like this. Who knows what disillusioning things Derek found out about? Is HE being blackmailed?

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