An Austrian sent me this today in perfect English.
Salve John!
It’s necessary to discuss the current situation since Kanye made his bold move.
But first, there is something important I must say.
I wish I would have wrote you much earlier to say that you have my deepest condolences. Margaret is a noble, brave, and pure soul. It’s sad she has passed away and can’t witness the coming change for the better in this world.
I know the heartfelt pain was excruciating, but I’m relieved to see you were able to handle the grief of her passing and tremendously glad you’re still with us.
You selflessly did everything humanly possible to keep her alive and at your side, but it seems that after her long fight for truth and righteousness and all the pain she has gone through, the angels decided it was time to take her with them.
As you’ve already stated on your website, we must look to the future and ensure that her soul and countless others can see the fruits of your victory, mankind finally improving on a beautiful and just Earth.
Soon I’ll send you a donation and write to “” to inform you of what I believe would be a good step for you to take in the current situation.
Also, forgive me for not writing you earlier, not congratulating you on your birthday, and not sending you sympathies when Margi passed on.
And, John, you must never forget this:
The world needs You! Mankind needs you, because you are the man to lead us.
You’ve got it, the vision, the strength, the will, the intelligence, the resilience, the integrity, the knowledge, the thoughtfulness, the compassion, the courage, the honesty, and the wisdom.
You have all the qualities we need in the man who is to guide us into a better future. No one else is better suited to take up this heavy burden than you are, John de Nugent.
Stay strong and healthy, GOD bless and protect you, and my prayers and thoughts are with you.
I replied:
Dear A[], what a beautiful message, which brought tears of happiness to me. Thank you so very much. You are an Aryan in the true sense, a noble man. 🙂
The jews who financed the African slave trade stipulated that the slave ships be named after their jewish wives or daughters . Or carry male jewish names. An ego boost for them.
John, I feel the same way about your leadership abilities. Did Sabrosky change his mind ? I once asked him if he was anti Hitler and he banned me on facebook.
Msybe he has indeed changed his views. On VK, he writes now like a total white nationalist, and we are friends on this platform.
Austrian TV on Transhumanism:
Ja, wann wacht das deutsche Volke auf?
Bald, Kamerad. Der Führer kommt wieder, besser denn je zuvor, und die ganze weiße Welt wacht mit Deutschland auf. Alle sitzen nun im gleichen Boot.