Beautiful new crop circle in England; spiritual reading

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…spiritual reading for July 12

Today could prove to be shockingly straightforward. Given that to which you have become accustomed, you may be truly surprised by how uncomplicated and open the day could be.

This is a nice break from the intensities you encounter with increasing regularity. Today, you will likely be able to accomplish things—particularly those of a mundane nature– simply by intending, planning and doing. You will not need to grapple with underlying issues or energies.

Things will be pretty much as they seem, and not something more or less or symbolic of something else. And there will be no need for
your activities or goals to have any special relevance. Just do the things you want to do today. They could be things you have wanted to get done, they could be joyous things you tend to put off, they could even be deep exploration of the heart and soul.

But remember that they need not be the latter, and that you should head into etheric realms only because that is precisely where you want to be today.

Perhaps the best way to describe the day is this: energetically, it will resemble a pleasant Saturday of about 25 years ago. You can wake up and get going if there are a lot of things you want to do, or you can sleep late and soak up some relaxation if that is your plan for the day.

It may feel strange to try to switch gears. Many of you will have known this energy well from earlier times in your lives, and yet you have had to move away from expecting it as the pressure and seed of
evolution have made themselves inescapably felt.

So think of it as a vacation into your past (remembered or imagined) and try to enjoy and make good use of the day, whatever that means for you. It won’t last long, and then you’ll be back in the rushing currents.

Have a lovely day and remember, even as you forget a little, that we always send you our love and blessings.


…..Amazing beauty


An English expert on these crop circles makes good points: Some of these CC contain clear messages, and one in 2002 a warning against earthlings being victims of “deceivers.”

He also speculates (correctly, IMO) that one goal of these beautiful designs is to exhibit friendliness toward us so we do not fear them and perhaps listen to their sincere messages.

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