Behind the mad race for WWIII

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@theduran I agree with all the profferred theories. They are all correct, IMO.
However, I see something even more sinister.
It goes like this:
The great American chess grand master Bobby Fischer turned radically against the war-mongering imperialistic, neo-con policies of the USA, he defiantly played chess in Serbia, despite a US ban, and then had to flee into exile in Japan and thence to Iceland, where he died.


Well, he several times uttered a fierce condemnation of his own ethno-religious group.
What he said was:

“My basic thesis is that [my ethnic group] is a criminal people, they control the United States, and they are using the US to take over the world.”

But Russia and China refuse to be conquered by these people, Bobby Fischer”s people, that are using the United States against their freedom, civilization, moral values, and prosperity. They want to PILLAGE them as they did with Russia under Yeltsman (Yeltsin) in the 1990s.

But both Russia and China are led by smart, sophisticated patriots who see right through this plan, and have united to defend themselves against the New York-run hyperpower.

@theduran To conclude: The real rulers of America are determined to rule the whole planet or to ruin it.

And so yes, they would risk a war even with Russia and China.

“But they and their families would die too if World War III broke out!”

NO!!!! They have built DUMBs, deep underground military bases, MILES down, with years of food stored away and luxury apartments. “Continuance of government” is how they name it, and the budget is in the billions.

You and I would die, but not our “elites” that would have CAUSED WWIII!
So I see Fischer’s people as absolutely willing to risk total war. They want ro subjugate the WHOLE PLANET, or to destroy it.

And everyone fears to name them. When a few countries did, they were destroyed: Germany, Iraq, Libya, Syria and they tried with Iran.

Here is just the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff speaking at Duke University (from which my daughter Ingrid, btw, has her masters):

And this Marine (and I was one myself) knows the truth may be brutal!


…..See also



  1. First John Lennon, then David Bowie, then Michael Jackson, now Marilyn Manson. How many other “neo-Nazi” rock stars that we don’t know about? I’m surprised Anglin hasn’t picked up on this story – it’s tailor-made for him:

    “Wood, who is Jewish, talked about how he also began to express interest in Nazism while they were together, hanging the words “Kill All the Jews” over their bed.”

    LOL. She probably made this up to ensure that he’ll never get another recording contract. I’m surprised she didn’t also claim that he has homicidal gas chambers in his basement, and that nightly in his living room, Jews are eaten alive by a bear, an eagle, and a snake, and also killed with pedal-powered brain-bashing machines.

  2. Let the Russians have the ukranian. It will only join the EU and more ukranian gimmegrants will flood Britain . Bugger off were full.I’d pay to a crowd fund for a drone strike on useless politicians. An online vote to judge them by their actions = 3 2 1 , missile on its way.

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