Belarus leader Lukashenko condemned by Israel for antisemitism for chastizing corrupt officials: “Why are half of them jewish?”

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Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has guided Belarus since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and refused to let jewish oligarchs plunder his country as Boris Yeltsin allowed jews to do with Russia.

A big, tough guy (6’2″, 200 pounds), Lukashenko formerly played soccer. He has survived several Western attempts to overthrow him.

The Belarusian coat of arms still looks somewhat Soviet. Lukashenko was unwilling to part with the concept of the state as serving the masses, the people and the working class, not the super-rich, which is also how the leaders of modern China see things. So Belarus is a capitalist economy that is highly supervised to achieve national goals to benefit all classes. 



The originator of this concept of a guided free-market economy was Adolf Hitler.

Hitler did NOT rule by fear. In fact, he was loved and revered.


The YouTube vlogger “TIK” has explained in detail how under Hitler every major business decision in any given company had to be approved by a representative of the workers and by the NSDAP’s German Labor Front. “Under Hitler, I am no longer the boss of my own company,” one fatcat moaned.

But the fatcats could console themselves that under Hitler the Communist Party of Germany, which would have shot the rich, had they come to power, was gone. And the German economy  was booming — in the midst of the Great Depression!

German workers felt respected; they were happy, they worked well, and there were zero strikes and other forms of labor strife.

In jew-run Western countries at the same time, there was constant trouble between workers and management.

But Hitler decreed: “All Germans are now to see themselves as workers, and all work — whether done with the hand or with the head — is highly appreciated.”

Quietly, almost all the once communist countries (except Cuba and North Korea) have switched over to Hitlerian economics — to a supervised free market economy — and are flourishing. (Cuba and North Korea did not switch over and are not flourishing; they still rule instead by fear.)

It is not a crime to be rich, but it is to be selfish and want more than your share.

And there are social programs to help everyone who is honest, not lazy, and is truly in need.  It is demoralizing for a hard worker to see parasites living off the system, so proven welfare bums were punished with a stay in an SS concentration camp.

“No one will freeze or go hungry — Winter Aid Society of the German Folk”


“Winter Aid Society — a folk where we help each other”


Everyone who donated got a cute pin to wear for that year.



Free checkups for mothers and babies



….Luka, baby, you got it all wrong.

See, you big dumb Slav, our god, Yahweh, gave this whole planet to us, His Chosen People, just as He once gave Palestine to Abraham, who was an Iraqi from Ur, a land located a thousand miles away from Ur by caravan.

You goyim were created and born to be the jews’ slaves.

Get this through your head — as our slaves, you have no right to anything.

Whatever a jew takes from a goy like you, it is right.


As I wrote in Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin in 1923, the jews’ megalomania, paranoia and psychopathy — the desire to steal from and murder others — does NOT come from any “reading ofthe Talmud” or of the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament, supposedly written by Moses).

Those vast quasi-religious documents are something which many secular jews, who are at least 50% atheists, especially in the onetime Soviet empire area, where atheism was official state policy, have never read at all.

No, the reading and study of the Talmud, like the Old Testament, the Shulchan Aruch, the Zohar and other jewish documents, do not make jews morally sick.

They come from a  people who are already sick and always were, from the very start.

Jewish supremacism comes the depths of the sicko jewish soul, as did other by-products:

— Illuminism and the French Revolution

— the constant wars, which cost millions of lives, to crush Napoleon (after he had banned the jews from practicing usury)

— the disastrous-for-us/lucrative-for-them African slave trade

— the Civil War with 750,000 dead and a devastated South

— the abrogation of the US Treaty with Russia in 1911

— the rape and murder of Mary Phagan by Leo Frank and the branding of the entire state of Georgia as bigoted and antisemitic for hanging the jewish murderer

— the Federal Reserve, the income tax, and the IRS


— Bolshevism, with at least 20 million dead

— the war-triggering Treaty of Versailles of 1919

— the Great Depression (which indirectly killed three million Americans from its side-effects: hunger, despair, bankruptcy, alcoholism, domestic violence, men turning to crime so they could escape poverty, etc.)


— the torture of captured German prisoners in the Dachau trial by the jewish “Ritchie Boys,” US Army “interrogators” from Camp Ritchie,  Maryland, including, in all cases, systematically kicking their testicles in

The magnificent and heroic Joachim Peiper of the Regular and Waffen-SS ( never could have kids after this. He was burned to death in his own home in France in 1976 — on my birthday, July 14. (He was a francophile.) The Wikipedia article on and against him — — bursting with lies, slanders, and half-truths, reveals the extreme hatred jewry still feels for the Nordic-looking, incredibly brave SS officer Piper. Recalling the phrase “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” one can truly speak of Peiper Derangement Syndrome. This is a man the ugly jews feel they must demonize.

A very moved Waffen-SS colonel Jochen Piper and an equally moved Adolf  Hitler, who awarded him in January 1944 the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves 



— MK-ULTRA and the rape, torture and murder of white children by jews such as Henry Kissinger

— the murder by “suicide” of the first US Secretary of Defense, Admiral James Forrestal, a mentor to the young John Kennedy

*** War hero murdered

Admiral James Forrestal was a prominent and powerful man. Independently wealthy since his days as president of Dillon, Read, and Company on Wall Street, as the US Secretary of the Navy he had graced the cover of Time magazine on October 29, 1945.

In September of 1947, even though he had opposed the legislation that created the Defense Department, Forrestal was made America’s first Secretary of Defense. Widely acclaimed as an extraordinarily dedicated and effective administrator, he rivaled Secretary of State George C. Marshall as the best known member of President Harry Truman’s cabinet.

Admiral Forrestal opposed 1) the US recognition of Israel and 2) Truman government lies that all alien and UFO reports were just weather balloons.

Truman fired the brilliant and capable patriot — and he was then diagnosed as “depressed.” Forrestal was confined to the famous Bethesda Naval Hospital in suburban Washington DC and was pushed out the sixteenth-floor window at about 1:50 A.M. on Sunday, May 22, 1949. There was no police investigation. It was simply stated that he was “depressed.”



They can say I was “crazy” and “depressed” and killed myself.

The Deep State has been “suiciding” truthers

for decades. 


— the murders of President John Kennedy, US Senator Robert Kennedy, and of publisher John Kennedy, Junior

— the ban on school prayer of 1963

— Israel’s USS Liberty attack

—  the 1965 Immigration Reform  Act of  Demoncrat Congressman Emanuel Cellar of Brooklyn

— our two wars against Iraq and our occupation thereof over WMDs  that Iraq did not have — 400,000 Iraqis died

— militant LGBTQ and drag-queen story hours for white kids

— open borders (Soros)

— anti-white hatred,

— the presidency of half-jew and illegal alien Obama

— the war in Ukraine

— climate change hysteria and the carbon tax (a Goldman Sachs invention)

— gun bans


— the 2020 Stealection

— the genocidal Covid vaxx

— the Gaza massacre

— and on a personal note, everything that has happened,  including imprisonment and poverty,  since 1978 to white activists and NS advocates such as my friends and me!

French professor Robert Faurisson, the dean of Holocaust revisionism, and a lovely, witty, honest and brave human being,  was attacked and kicked in the face and ribs by three jews outside his own home in Vichy, France two weeks after I met him in California  at an IHR conference.

So let us correct the record:

For a jew, stealing from the goyim and their governments is moral and correct.

See, the jews by rights own everything; their god Yahweh gave them this planet.

Abraham was willing to human-sacrifice his own son, Isaac so that his descendants, as a reward for absolute obedience, would rule the world.

 What a lovely Bible story!


The jews are profoundly mentally ill.

The longtime Belarusian leader, Alexander Lukashenko, has said un-p.-c. things many times about the jews — and positive things about Hitler’s economic policies….

It is time for me to unfurl the full story of who these jews are — a race of psychopaths descended from neanderthals and, as for the Sephardic jews, from the roaming horde of criminals known as the Habiru (Hebrews).

The Ashkenazi jews descend from other neanderthals and from the barbaric Huns.



… (from RT) Israel accuses Russia ally of anti-Semitism

West Jerusalem’s top diplomat [calling the Israeli government “West Jerusalem” is silly when the capital and the parliament, the Knesset, are located in  Tel Aviv) has condemned Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for his comments on a corruption scandal

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has been criticized by Israel for suggesting that a disproportionate number of officials involved in corruption scandals in his country are ethnic Jews.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Sunday that Lukashenko’s remarks were “unacceptable,”“outrageous,” and clearly sounded “anti-Semitic.”

The rebuke came one day after the Belarusian leader ranted during a government meeting about a scandal implicating dozens of suspects, including former Agriculture Minister Igor Brylo.

*** the corrupt jew Igor Brylo,  Belarusian Minister of Agriculture 2021-22,his%20dismissal%20in%202023.%20Biography%5Bedit%5D



“Here are 36 people on a list involved in corruption,” Lukashenko told the Council of Ministers in Minsk. “Sorry, I don’t consider myself anti-Semitic, but more than half of them are Jewish. Do they have a special, privileged role, that they can steal and do not think about their future? Do they have privileges?”

He added, “All peoples living in Belarus should be equal: Jews, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, and Poles.”

Katz told the Jewish News Syndicate that the head of his ministry’s Eurasia bureau, Yuval Fuchs, had lodged a complaint over the incident with the Belarusian ambassador to Israel.

Lukashenko appointed Brylo as his presidential aide and inspector for Vitebsk Region in July 2023, transferring him from the Agriculture Ministry. The president removed Brylo from his new post last November, citing “an offense incompatible with the civil service.” A media report suggested that the case was tied to an alleged corruption scheme in the country’s dairy industry.

Israeli officials have previously accused Lukashenko of anti-Semitic comments, including a 2007 incident in which he told reporters that Jewish people allowed the places they lived to fall into neglect. Referring to the Belarusian city of Bobruisk, he claimed Jewish residents had turned it into a “pigsty.” He added, “This was founded as a Jewish city, and you know how Jews treat the places they live in.”

West Jerusalem responded by lodging a complaint with the Belarusian ambassador, stopping short of recalling its envoy to Minsk.

Lukashenko was scolded again by the Israeli government after he said in July 2021 that the whole world had been made to “kneel” to the Jewish people because of the Holocaust.




  1. I wish their were interlectuals in power capable of critical thinking, they could just say the word semite is a religious term that means gods chosen people. Which invcludes Arabs, Armenians and Azerberjianis.
    And the word anti semetic is a loose term made up by the subversive jewish writer Moritz Steinschneider in 1860.
    And Jewish bolshaviks such as Vladmir Lenin,Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kagonovich,Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezov,Lev Kamonev Rosenfeld,Naftaly Frenkel,Nikolai Bukharin slaughtered 60 million slavic people in 40 years. Which was financed by jewish bankers Jacob Schiff, Max Warburg, and Walter Rothchild. And that most of todays jews are turkic and descendents of the Khazars and originate from the caucas mountains below Russia.
    So anti semetic is just a word that jews made up so you can’t criticise them because they say their gods chosen people. And the wod jew is an invention thats been around for less then 500 years, which means it’s been the invention of the jewish people.

  2. I wish there were intellectuals in power capable of critical thinking. They could just say the word “semite” is a religious term that means “God’s Chosen People” — which includes Arabs, Armenians and Azerbaijanis.
    And the word “anti-semitic” is a loose term made up by the subversive jewish writer Moritz Steinschneider in 1860.
    Jewish bolsheviks such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Lazar Kagnovich, Genrikh Yagoda, Nikolai Yezov,Lev Kamenev, Rosenfeld, Naftaly Frenkel, and Nikolai Bukharin slaughtered 60 million slavic people in 40 years.
    All this was financed by jewish bankers such as Jacob Schiff, Max Warburg, and Walter Rothschild.
    And most of today’s jews are turkic and descendants of the Khazars and originate from the Caucasus mountains below Russia.
    So “anti-semitic” is just a recent word that jews made up so you can’t criticise them, because they tell themselves and us how they are “God’s Chosen People.”
    And the word “jew” is an invention that’s been around for less then 500 years, which means it’s been the invention of the jewish people.

    • True… but some details are wrong.

      Lenin was “only” one-quarter jewish, via the maternal grandfather, Dr. Alexander Blank, and an atheist who practiced no religion. But he was very pro-jew and spoke in a derogatory way of the slavic Russians. He considered jews as the best and most ruthless of all revolutionaries, and preferred them, especially for work in his dreaded secret police, the Cheka (though headed by a Pole named Dzherzinski).

      And the word “jew” has been around for 2,000 years.

      Of the Roman emperor Claudius, we read that (around AD 51) “Since the Jews [“Judaei”] constantly made disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus [the Roman historian means the jews in Rome engaged in strife with or harassed the Christians in Rome], he expelled them {all the jews in Rome, whether Pharisees or Christians] from Rome.” (, section 25)

      Also the New Testament (completed by around AD 100) uses the Greek words for “the Jews” (“hoi Judaioi”) constantly, and usually in a very negative way, especially in the Gospel of John. There we read over and over: “Jesus said to the jews….”

      In the famous John chapter 8, where Jesus says “You are from the father of the Devil,” He is speaking to “the Jews.”

      In the Book of Acts (early Christian stories, post-Crucifixion, and the missionary work of Saul/Paul), we read this again and again: “for fear of the jews….” and then some group is discussed that wussed out because they were afraid of jewish retaliation.

      And this word “Jew” does NOT refer merely to “Judeans,” that is, to residents of the Roman province of Judea, who could be non-Jews: pagan Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, Arabs, etc. Obviously, the jews residing in Rome whom Emperor Claudius expelled for causing trouble with the Christians were not in Judea. 😉 In fact, the fascinating Israeli book by Professor Shlomo Sand says that most jews did NOT live in Judea, but had spread out all over the Roman Empire and engaged in many lucrative businesses (often dishonest ones).

      The Palestinian people, Dr. Sand says, may have more true Israelite blood coursing through their veins than do the people who say they are Jews! A DNA test would no doubt confirm this eye-popping fact.

      The Christian Identity people say many things that are inaccurate, such as this “Judean” and “Edomite” stuff. But they have no real scholars, and just wing it. Some of them are good folks, but they are overwhelmingly high school graduates (if that) with no scholarly studies. I would never tell a good roofer how to do a roof, nor should a roofer (who has not read a book in five years and just flirted with girls and threw spitballs during history class) tell me about ancient Middle Eastern history. 😉

      I read Latin, I read Greek, I read the entire Bible four times, and I read the New Testament in the original Greek.

      A good thing about having the military draft is it is the quintessential example of a society of ranks: higher, middle and lower. Any private would want his general to be brilliant, educated, organized, confident, and a graduate of officer school — a superior specimen. And the military especially, being dangerous by nature, must remain under the control of our most civilized men, not rowdy Joe Sixpack. 😉

      Just the Christian identity idea that White people are Israelites ( = neanderthalic semites) is absurd on its face. And all this talk about “ruddy” does not refer to the white race, which is actually a pink race 😉 or rosy-complected, but instead to the fact that all adult men in all races have ruddy facial skin. Their faces possess far more and bigger blood vessels than female faces. I have seen Japanese couples from the north of Japan (with Ainu blood) where he was very ruddy and she had skin whiter than a sheet of paper.

      It is simply more blood in the male’s facial skin. Women ARE paler (less vascularized in the face) and men ruddier, especially when angry. 😉

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