UPDATED Bergoglio’s infernal church – a paradise for pedophiles, a hell for victims

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….Intro by John de Nugent

I would recommend to you my major article below, a translation by me and with many photos and explanations added, proving we do live (as I have said for 3.5 years, ever since this April 20, 2015 video which has gotten 54,000 views) under a



If the gigantic, powerful,worldly-wise and at times very ruthless Roman Catholic Church can be completely taken over, then so can any institution of society.
(Admittedly the RCC has always offered a special vulnerability to subversion due to it demanding celibacy of its priests, unlike the Orthodox and Protestant clergy. This has had the effect of a magnet, as an excellent German Catholic priest once explained it to me,  attracting homosexuals and pedophiles to a job guaranteed to put them in a living situation with only men and boys.
Here it is in English translation (and found below), with dozens of photos and explanations added by me, John de Nugent, to this article I found in the weekly newspaper Rivarol in Paris, France, to which I subscribe for 80 euros a year:

…..The Rivarol article, translated from the French by me


Homosexual orgies in the Vatican, pedophile scandals: not one continent, not one country has been spared the sex crimes of “priests” and modernist “bishops” — with shattered victims from Ireland to Australia, from the United States to Chile.



Article from this issue of the excellent pro-white French weekly Rivarol, issue number 3,342:

This article in English represents my translation of this article (and, as usual, I added dozens of photos):

FRENCH L’église de l’infernal Bergoglio — paradis des pédophiles, enfer des victimes


From time to time, the denunciation of yet another pedophile priest makes the headlines. Then the indignant clamor begins to peter out, and it is forgotten. Then another case is unveiled, the eternal speeches return, always with the same fluff: the fault lies in [the Church rule for priests of] celibacy; the problem is the refusal of the contraceptive pill; the issue is the old conservatives.

As if marrying priests could solve the problem of pedophilia … unless we are planning to marry them with children?

In all these abominable scandals there are no isolated cases, no bad apples but an entire mafia system, a pedo-criminal, homosexual network and pedoids who have the support, discreet but real, of the highest authorities of the conciliar sect.


This phrase “conciliar sect” means the Vatican Council II Catholic Church, which made nice with the Jews in the 1960s under Pope John XXIII and Paul VI (photo)

The Vatican II Council also scrapped the Latin Mass. Many French reject the council and the modern Church, and see it as infiltrated by homosexuals, Masons and Jews.


We cannot speak any more of “one unworthy priest,” a sort of wart on a body that is whole and holy, or of one undesirable grain of sand in a well-oiled machine in fine working order. No, this is a criminal system that can no longer be concealed — that is how gigantic it is.


On August 25, 2018, an eleven-page letter written by “Monsignor” Carlo Maria Vigano, former Vatican ambassador to the United States, calls into question the highest degrees of the Vatican “hierarchy”.

(All photos added by me, John de Nugent)

Pedophilia is a system, it is camouflaged by “homosexual networks“, and Bergoglio, far from fighting against this “octopus”, is part of the conspiracy.

JdN: The Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jesuit Bergoglio, with his best friend, Rabbi Abraham Skorka

Jorge’s Foto

This is, in summary, what Vigano tells us about his accusations, before calling for Francis’ resignation.

The scandal is unprecedented in its magnitude. Unheard-of, but not completely unexpected.

Since 2017, the vice has been tightening around the debauchees, the depraved and the criminals who populate the Vatican and the high functions of the conciliar church.

It is first of all George Pell, “Archbishop” of Sydney, appointed in 2014 as “Cardinal Prefect” of the Secretariat for the Economy, who has been caught up by accusations of sexual assault.

This secretariat was created for him by Bergoglio; a nice reward for Pell that this new post, whose functions depend directly on Francis, a solid proof of the confidence that Bergoglio had granted him.

Alas, in June 2017, the Australian press reveals the investigation of which he is the target. He will be tried in Australia. He was the number-three man at the Vatican.

The affair no doubt gave some cold sweats to the perverse prelates who haunt the streets of Rome. But that did not prevent the rhythm of their orgies from  resuming.

*** JdN: My major article on the Paul VI audience hall, a post-conciliar church building erected in the 70’s in the Vatican City!

Images of reptilian deities in ancient Iraq

UPDATED Reptilian gloating all over huge Paul VI papal audience hall in Rome; black-magic principle of warning the victim; Book of Enoch: some “humans” are incarnated demons


François emboldened himself to defend a “bishop” who had smothered the truth about pedophile scandals in Chile. On January 22, he declared cynically to journalists:

“You, out of good will, tell me that there are victims, but I did not see any because they never showed up. 

Wrong again.

Victims today have an unfortunate tendency to refuse to keep quiet. In Chile, it is a letter from a victim of a pedophile “priest,” and this victim accuses Francis directly, saying the latter knew all about it from 2015 on.

He knew that the “bishop” [JdN: of Osorno in Chile] that he defends, Juan Barros [photo],

… had repeatedly witnessed sexual assaults committed by “Father” Fernando Karadima [photo].

*** JdN: What Francis says to Chilean Catholics visiting the Vatican:


“Do not be fooled by the leftists who have rigged this,” the pope said in the video, addressing Chilean visitors to the Vatican.

“Osorno suffers from stupidity and has not opened its heart to what God says. And so it has been carried away by the garbage that someone is saying,” he added, according to a translation of the Spanish-language video.

Juan Barros covered for the pedophile “priest” very well, and Francis covered for the “bishop.” “I am convinced that he is innocent,” said Francis, if not with his hand on his heart, at least with his usual air of jovial kindness.

Even though he had known the truth for three years.

In 2015, it was the “archbishop” of Boston who had assured the molestation victim that his testimony had been given to Francis in person.

The testimony was unambiguous. The victim explained that Karadima’s sexual touching was a common thing within his group, over which Karadima reigned as a kind of guru.

Juan Barros, along with four other Chilean “bishops”, come from this same community. The guilt of Barros is not in doubt.

And that of Francis?

Could he have been a victim of the withholding of sexual-abuse information  by Boston’s “archbishop” Sean O’Malley in 2015?

The “Diocese” of Boston is sadly known for organizing the shuttling of parish pedophile”priests” around various parishes, a strategy highlighted by a team of Boston Globe journalists in 2002. This affair even gave rise to a film, “Spotlight”.

*** JdN: The Jews had a great time shooting this docu-drama film about the hard work of their “heroic” (and especially Jewish) journalists to expose the pederast scandal in this big city – all this, no doubt, to bring down the Catholic church, once a local superpower in Boston.

On the right, the malicious and arrogant Jew Martin Baron, a homosexual and atheist, who led the Boston Globe’s journalistic investigation of pedophile priests – and on the left the Jewish actor who played him Liev Schreiber.

The “cardinal” Bernard Law who was the “archbishop” and had thus allowed several “priests” pedophiles to flourish, peacefully died in bed at the age of 86 at the end of 2017.

His consolation prize for the loss of the “diocese” of Boston? He had become “arch-priest” of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.

But not all pastors into pedophilia haven been such smooth operators. The “Father” John Geoghan, of this same infamous “diocese” of Boston, who managed the feat of 130 child victims (sexual assault and rape on minors), was less fortunate, since he was strangled in his cell by a fellow inmate.

JdN: I conducted a brief, compassionate correspondence with this fellow prisoner, Joseph Druce, who strangled Geoghan in the name of his 130 victims. He wrote to me that he was molested himself in his childhood by a pederast.


Some will see in Geoghan’s somber fate the righteous hand of God.

It was in 2003, after the revelations of the Boston Globe.

*** JdN: The prestigious New York Times newspaper – entirely owned by the Jews of the Sulzberger family since 1896 – suddenly became the owner in addition of the Boston Globe — in my opinion, to take down the Catholic church.

New Yorkers and Bostonians do not like each other too much, feeling a certain rivalry in all areas, so this purchase of Boston’s flagship daily newspaper, the property of the Gentile, Christian Taylor family, by New Yorkers (and Jews) surprised and displeased more than one Bostonian.


Excerpt from the Wiki article:

[TheGlobe] was bought by the New York Times Company in 1993 .

In 2002, the Boston Globe revealed the cases of pedophile Catholic priests in the Boston Archdiocese , winning a Pulitzer Prize in 2003.

In 2013, the newspaper and its websites were acquired [from the New York Times] by John W. Henry , a businessman […]


Bernard “Cardinal” Law left his successor, O’Malley, a financially drained diocese, because of the millions of dollars taken out to pay the abuse victims. So it would be the very man who succeeded the infamous, pedophile-protecting Bernard Law who failed to transmit the testimony of the Chilean abuse victim to “Pope” Francis, if anything O’Malley says is true.


The horror does not stop there. In April 2018, the gendarmes surround the palace of the “Holy Office.”

They have just interrupted a real orgy. The secretary of “Mgr” Coccopalmerio (photo), himself an active supporter of Bergoglio — one Luigi Capozzi — is arrested in the middle of his homosexual antics with several consorts, all under the influence of narcotics.


His service BMW sedan served him to carry the white powder incognito. Cocaine, heroin? We may not learn more. It was hard drugs.

This man [Luigi Capozzi], “ordained” in 1992, was about to be “consecrated” as “bishop”, with the blessing of said Coccopalmerio. 

Was the latter aware of the messy personal life of his own secretary? Or was he too busy promoting the [papa] “encyclical” Amoris Laetitia, especially his chapter 8 to which he devoted a book ? In his book, the “cardinal” [Coccopalmerio] (president emeritus of the “Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts”) explains that

“The Church could therefore admit to the Penitence and the Eucharist the faithful who find themselves in an unjustified marital union [ = shacked up, cohabiting, living in sin], but who fulfill two essential conditions: they wish to change their [legal] situation but they cannot realize their desire […].

This intention is exactly the theological element that allows absolution and access to the Eucharist, always, we repeat, in the presence of an impossibility of immediately changing the sinful situation.

[JdN: In other words couples living together can take the bread and wine.]

As for homosexuality, his secretary was undoubtedly encouraged by his boss’s claims that there are “positive aspects” to same-sex unions.

“If I meet a homosexual couple, I immediately notice that their relationship is illegal: that is what the doctrine says, which I reaffirm with absolute certainty, but if I stop at the doctrine, I do not look at the people, but if I see that the two people really love each other,
for example, doing acts of charity towards the needy … I can also say that, if the relationship remains illegal, positive elements also emerge for both people.

Rather than turning a blind eye to these positive realities, I would like to emphasize them. It is about being objective and objectively recognizing the good of a certain relationship, which by itself is illegal. 

Interview given to the website Rossoporpora.org on October 23, 2014,
https://www.rossoporpora.org/rubriche/ interviste-a-cardinali / 430-sinodo-card-coccopalmerio-mi-aspettavo-qualcosa-di-piu. html >.)

In mid-August 2018, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office released
a survey exposing 300 (three hundred!) “predatory priests” who created a thousand child victims over a period of 70 years.

The investigation lasted two years and resulted in a report of nearly 900 pages: among other crimes, the prosecutor discovered sexual abuse of children under ten years.

James Faluszczcak, of Polish descent

*** JdN: Once again, we see energetic, determined Jews who open this hellish can of worms avidly, including the said Pennsylvania AG, Joshua Shapiro:

Each time, the affair was stifled, but certain [good, very shocked and disgusted] “priests” and “bishops” were documenting all this in secret records that were sent over to the Vatican.

“The Vatican was aware of the abuses — and was involved in their concealment,” says the [Shapiro] report, which has exploded like a bombshell.

Bergoglio no doubt hoped to get out of this series of affairs by playing belatedly and hypocritically the card of indignation and humility. Did he not go so far as to admit his mistakes in his assessment of the Chilean situation?

Did not he make a big trip to Dublin on August 25 on the occasion of the 9th
“World Meeting of Families” to express his “suffering” and “shame” “?

In Ireland, pedophilia cases are not the only kinds of scandal which the conciliar sect had to smother.

While “priests” abused children, the nuns of the “Magdalene Sisters” roped in pregnant, single mothers, sold their babies to the Americans, and made the girls work as slaves in laundries where they were locked up as slaves for years. There is something rotten in the Kingdom of Ireland. And of Pennsylvania. Of Boston. Of Chile. Of Australia.

Finally, wherever false pastors, hypocritical criminals, and modernists without faith or law, could with impunity abuse the name of Christian, the status of being a consecrated clergyman, in order to commit sacrilegious impurities and defile and soil for life so many children and innocent teens.

“We [in Ireland] were once the land of the saints … But now I feel that the country is losing its faith”, testified an Irish Catholic on the eve of the visit of Francis.

What could she expect from this intruder, this wolf disguised as a sheep? St. Patrick drove the serpents right out of the Emerald Isle;



….but Francis cuddles them on his breast, for he is one of them, and certainly the most venomous.

While Francis was busy pretending to sympathize with the sufferings of the victims, “Mgr” Vigano published his eleven-page letter, completed on the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This time, Francis cannot escape the shame. It is no longer just individuals close to the “pope” who are being caught with their hands in the bag, or rather in someone’s pants.

It’s him, the self-proclaimed “Bishop of Rome” who is directly involved.


In his letter, Vigano directly accuses Francis of having covered up the sexual abuse which the American “cardinal” Theodore McCarrick committed several decades ago.

President Bush with Cardinal McCarrick

“Corruption has reached the very top of the Church hierarchy,” Vigano writes.

What is McCarrick accused of? The American “prelate” is a bit of a spiritual son of Luigi Capozzi, the connaisseur of gay orgies, and George Pell, the pedomaniac.

The law now [in France under Macron] prohibits establishing any connection between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Does this mean that this combination of these two sexual misbehaviors is completely fortuitous in the person of McCarrick? Maybe, but this is certainly a man where one can check off all the boxes of the list of traits that constitute a sexual predator.

McCarrick, “Archbishop” of Newark, New Jersey, from 1986 to 2000, and a happy owner of a beach house, used to spend the weekend with several seminarians (sometimes up to five) with whom he shared his bed.

With impunity, from the late 1980s to 1996, McCarrick debauched, misled and defiled, in homosexual orgies, over and over again, his seminarians. Some of these young men were later “ordained” for the diocese of Newark.

Denounced in 2000 by the then nuncio to the US, “Monsignor Montalvo”, to the “Holy See” [in Rome], McCarrick was not sanctioned by pseudo-Saint John Paul II. He was even named “Archbishop” of Washington in 2000, and created “Cardinal” by Wojtyla [ = “Pope” John Paul II] in 2001.

In 2006, the new nuncio, “Mgr” Sambi, transmitted to the “Holy See” the testimony of one Gregory Littleton, a “priest” who claimed to have been abused by McCarrick … and who himself was accused of pedophile acts.

According to Vigano, who was responsible for drafting the note that Sambi would go on to send, “the facts attributed to McCarrick by Littleton were of such gravity and ugliness that they cause any reader to feel confusion, disgust, deep pain and bitterness.

It was about

“Offenses of sollicitation, sollicitation specifically of young seminarians and priests to sin against the sixth commandment [ = “thou shalt not kill” [sic!]], repeatedly but also simultaneously and in groups, with the archbishop ridiculing a young seminarian in the presence of two other priests (one who was trying to resist the seductions of the archbishop), the accomplice’s absolution granted for the sin of impure acts, and the sacrilegious celebration of the Eucharist [the bread and wine symbolizing the blood and body of Christ] with priests right after committing unclean acts with them. “

These revelations had no effect on Benedict XVI, the pseudo-champion
of transparency about the pedophile scandals, that is, not until 2009 or 2010 when, finally, “Cardinal” McCarrick was sluggishly and belatedly sanctioned:

He could no longer “celebrate mass in public, participate in public meetings, give lectures, or travel” and had “the obligation to devote himself to a life of prayer and penance.”

He continued to appear in public, however, including with Benedict XVI himself.

And let’s not forget that in May 2012, even though Vigano has been in possession for the preceding six years of the shattering revelations which he serves up today [in July 2018], he was publicly praising McCarrick at a gala, speaking of a man who was “very much loved by us all.”

Vigano, a priest and McCarrick

On May 10, 2013, he concelebrates even the synaxis [ = in this case, a Memorial Mass for] Paul VI with [the known homosexual and seminarian- seducer] McCarrick.

This is why Vigano’s attempt to incriminate François and some prelates while exonerating John Paul II and Benedict XVI does not hold water.


Woytila [ = “Pope John Paul II”] ​​and the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Elie Toaff

Toaff’s son, Ariel Toaff, professor at Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, is the world’s leading expert on Italian Jews in medieval times, admits even a hostile Wikipedia.

His 130-page scholarly book, “Blood Passover” from the year 2007 revealed that Ashkenazi Italian Jews did indeed commit ritual murders of Christian children. (Many have speculated what drove this Jewish world-renowned expert  to confirm the reality of the one crime the Jews fear most — and fanatically, vociferously and fiercely deny and defame as “blood libel”?) 

BLOOD PASSOVER Ariel Toaff 2007


The most recent modernist occupants of [Saint] Peter’s seat [ = the papacy, the Vatican] have all been involved in the conspiracy that Vigano brings to light, and he himself, Vigano, has made compromises with those whom he accuses.

At the general audience on December 15, 2010, Benedict XVI-Ratzinger [ = born Joseph Ratzinger in Germany] presented to thousands of the faithful gathered in the Paul VI Audience Hall of the Vatican an acrobatics number of the Gay Circus, performed by half-nude men, a group with the goal of openly promoting homosexuality

(see http://resistance-catholique.org/articles_html/2011/01/RC_2011-01-24_un-spectacle-revelateur-au-vatican.html ).

*** Yes, in the aforementioned reptiloid Audience Hall of Paul VI!


Shortly before this indecent and disgusting spectacle, Benedict XVI had publicly justified the use “in some cases” of condoms, especially for male “prostitutes”!

A scandalous remark equal to those of his successor (who said “Who am I to judge the gays?”)

Yes, this Bergoglio who ostentatiously shook hands with a homosexual priest (who also is favorable to the marriage of perverts, and demands the ordination of Sodomite clerics),

“Father” Krysztof Olaf Charamsa (left) with “Eduard”

a “pope” who received in the Vatican militant transsexuals in whose company he was happily photographed, who went to visit very formally LGBT lobby organizations, as during his trip in Paraguay in July 2015 where he met publicly the representative of “Somos [ = “We are”] Gay,” a group of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals!

In these circumstances, it can be explained why and how,  after the “election” of Francis in 2013, McCarrick prospered. It must be said that McCarrick and Bergoglio are longtime friends.

In 2014, McCarrick felt ill while celebrating “Mass” and is admitted to the hospital. Immediately, the phone rings: it is Bergoglio on the phone, wanting his news. Joking around, McCarrick know he can get away with anything after Francis says: “Your home with the Devil is not ready yet! 😉 ” That joke now takes on a particularly sinister coloration.

In May 2018, Bergoglio persists. The man in white makes a trip to the Holy Land. McCarrick is invited to go along. Bergoglio sees him, and, affectionately, greets him with: “The wicked never die.” These are not anecdotes taken from any source that is hostile to the Vatican modernists, but from statements by McCarrick himself to complacent journalists who were writing a rousing article about the “cardinal” in 2014 for the National Catholic Reporter
https://www.ncronline.org/news/people/ globe-trotting-cardinal-theodore-mccarrick-almost-84- and-working-harder-ever).

It is not a question of a good man with a corrupt entourage, of a man in white left in the dark, and unable to do the good he would like to do.

Vigano points an accusing finger at Francis, calling for his resignation, for he knows from having spoken to him in person, that Francis knew perfectly well from the day he was “elected” on about the grave crimes of McCarrick.

Vigano therefore asks for “a time of conversion and penance” and continues:

“The virtue of chastity must be restored in the clergy and in seminaries. The misuse of Church resources and the offerings of the faithful for corrupt purposes must be combated. The seriousness of homosexual conduct must be denounced.

We must eradicate the homosexual networks existing within the Church.”

The charge is grave against Francis:

“The supreme pastor of the Church, in the case of McCarrick, not only did not oppose the evil, but associated with a man he knew to be deeply corrupted, followed the advice of this man he knew to be a pervert, and thus multiplied exponentially, by his supreme papal authority, the evil committed by McCarrick.

And how many other wicked pastors has Francis continued to support in their acts of destruction against the Church?!

It is as if Francis had given up the mandate that Christ gave Peter to strengthen his brethren. On the contrary, by his action he divides them, leads them astray, and encourages the wolves to continue scattering the sheep of the flock of Christ.

“Cardinal” McCarrick, 88, resigned on July 28, 2018, when he was charged with sexual abuse of minors in the 1970s when he was only a priest in New York. For good form, Bergoglio has brought in the usual sanction: to retire to a life of prayer and penance. His case is settled, and actually this McCarrick is not the target of Vigano. The revelations of the old nuncio have only one goal: the fall of Francis, for reasons that are known only to Vigano and his camp.

One would have to be very naive to believe that the love of truth guides any high representative these days of the conciliar sect. How, then, does the principal respond to the accusations? At the moment of leaving behind his demagogic visit to Ireland, on the plane that brought him back to the land of homosexual orgies and the use of narcotics, the journalists questioned the man in white about the Vigano scandal.

The answer was staggering:

“Read the document carefully and make your own judgment. I will not say a word about it. I think the document speaks for itself. […] When a little time has passed and you have your conclusions, maybe I will speak.”

Does Bergoglio hope that in our civilization of the instant moment, other scandals will come along and erase this huge new one and thus escape judgment? We find her yet again the scorn and contempt he had expressed when returning from Chile.

At the time of his “election”, a drawing represented him as a superhero, armed with his suitcase on which the word “Valores” [ Latin/Spanish = “values”] was written in big letters, had been reproduced in many newspapers. In fact, with regard to  superheroes, we are dealing here with a real cartoon villain:

…evil, devilish, Machiavellian.

The conciliar sect is a veritable pederastic whorehouse. Will the baptized Catholics be shaken in the faith by this general rot and cynicism? Many, alas, will be, and risk losing faith and hating a Catholic Church they wrongly confused with the conciliar sect.

The torrent of apostasy, already full, may overflow.

But this is not the way to react: these abominable scandals, which are anything but isolated cases, must enable Catholics to open their eyes to the imposture of the conciliar sect. If it is a sewer of impurity, is it not a sign that Truth is not preached in it, that true faith is not taught there and the true sacraments are not dispensed?

How to believe henceforth that a man who, not content to blaspheme and deceive the faithful, promising Heaven to atheists, encouraging fornication in an “encyclical”, warmly receiving sodomites, destroying the indissolubility of marriage, may be the Vicar of Christ?

Even Vigano considers that Bergoglio is unworthy of the function he usurps. Make no mistake: John Paul II and Benedict XVI were not better
than Francis. They too have apostatized, camouflaged pedophiles, engaged in multiple scandals, visited mosques and synagogues complacently, received the B’nai B’rith with gooey praise, and made the false rights-of-man and holocaust cult their own. They “canonize” each other at full speed while they are actually the henchmen of Hell.
These affairs, resounding and disgusting to the ultimate degree, can at least allow the eyes of the faithful to see the fact that, as the Blessed Virgin had announced at La Salette,

“Rome has lost the Faith and became the Seat of the Antichrist. 

It is not surprising that those who destroyed the mass, the missal, the breviary, the faith, the religious constitutions, Catholic doctrine and morality, who threw away the vesture of the priesthood, who chose the world and not Christ,
who fight the known truth, one of the sins against the Holy Ghost, who, in a way sometimes latent, sometimes open, commit the unnatural crimes of which the Catechism of St. Pius X teaches that they cry out for vengeance before God, it is no surprise that they also indulge in the worst abjections.

Their fate is already sealed:

“Whoever scandalizes one of those little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him to hang a donkey wheel around his neck and hurl him to the bottom of the sea.” (Matthew, XVIII, 6).






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