Best video ever on why Germany lost in the East

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The Russian people, faced with being ruled as subhumans by the foreigner Hitler, or by Stalin, chose not to revolt against their Soviet masters, who at least spoke Russian with them.


Outstanding video on the disastrous failure of the German 1942 offensive in Russia “Case Blue”

It bears out what I have been saying: Hitler WAS much wiser than his own generals.

FALL BLAU 1942 – Examining the Disaster

The last gasp of victory for the Axis in WW2, Fall Blau is a disaster for German Blitzkrieg and a strategic turning point of the war.…
The problem was that no purely military strategy could defeat both the gigantic US and the huge USSR. What Hitler failed to do was get the Russian people, after 25 years of their atrocious suffering under communism, to rise up against Stalin and his Khazar mafia. How? By waging a war of brotherhood and liberation (including loudspeakers and leaflets dropped from planes, plus excellent treatment of prisoners, and forming all-Russian anti-communist units under General Vlassov) for the freeing of the Russian people. Instead, Hitler attempted to conquer the Russians and we see the result.
The fact is that though the Slavs were less disciplined than the Germans, they had huge, brave armies, a gigantic country, pretty good generals, and God was no longer on Germany’s side after 1941, because it was invading to enslave the Russians.

John de Nugent I suggest people R-E-A-D my essay on Hitler’s mistake in Russia BEFORE spouting opinions.

Stephen Wynne I read it while ago
John de Nugent Then you should know from reading it that not only did Hitler explicitly propose to subjugate Russia in “Mein Kampf” in 1925, but that he intended to carry his plan out in 1941.
And you also know that he twice rejected General Vlasov’s urgent offers to create a five-million-man Russian National Liberation Army to fight, not for German domination, but for a free, Western, Christian Russia.
Soviet General Vlasov, captured by the Germans, obviously knew Soviet tactics and strength. Hitler did not let him build his RNLO until after Stalingrad, in 1944, when it was FAR too late.
Stephen Wynne John de Nugent What else were you going to do with Bolshevik Russia? I’m aware of that.
John de Nugent Stephen Wynne Overthrow it using the Russian people — and create a German-Russian alliance against FDR and Churchill.
Stephen Wynne He was selling a preemptive War to his people. I’m not sure that they wanted to hear that they were going to be in Alliance with the Russians after they went to work to defeat them. I understand your argument and it makes a lot of sense but I just have doubts that this turn the gods away from Hitler. We see how bad things have turned out since then. As I always say when I stand up for Adolf Hitler he’s not here to defend himself. So it’s up to us to respect what he tried to do and try to interpret it as well as possible. I know he wasn’t Perfect. If he should listen to the ludendorff couple he might have been able to avoid war all together. A few compromises here and there might have done it.
John de Nugent Stephen Wynne You can stand up for him all you want, brother, as long as you recognize he was not a god, just a sincere, brilliant and brave man who was not fully enlightened.
John de Nugent This is another superb WWII video by the same author



  1. I watched this video a few months ago. Maybe I should watch it again because it’s truly eye opening. But there is one issue: The Germans were short not only of oil, but short of food too. Food was so scarce, they had to ration meat and other supples, and Jews and Poles in the camps received only starvation rations. Doesn’t that argue for the veracity of the Holocaust story? I mean if you have millions of people in captivity and you can’t feed them all (and some of them are too weak or sick to work) then what do you do with those people?

    • Food was rationed during the war in the United States and in Britain also, as was gasoline (petrol). We had “Victory Gardens” in the US, where city and suburban folks grew their own food.

      The French, who of course love food, were unhappy with the meager rations, but basically no one starved.

      Starvation also 100% triggers riots and uprisings………….

      There was no Holocaust, Heinz, because the Germans were not that inhumane, not like the Old Testament Hebrews with the Canaanites, or the Mongols, or the Bolsheviks.

      Perhaps of interest:

  2. What abut the Hunger Plan? This shows that Germany had a motive for liquidating millions of Jews and other people they considered “subhuman.” Whether gas chambers were involved or not is a separate issue that I’m not addressing here. I’m just trying to establish the fact that they needed fewer mouths to feed.

    “The Hunger Plan caused the deaths of millions of citizens in the German-occupied territories of the Soviet Union. The historian Timothy Snyder estimates that “4.2 million Soviet citizens (largely Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians) [were] starved by the German occupiers in 1941–1944.”[14] Among the victims were many Jews, whom the Nazis had forced into ghettos, and Soviet prisoners of war, whose movement was most easily controlled by the Germans and thus easily cut off from food supplies.[15] Jews, for example, were prohibited from purchasing eggs, butter, milk, meat or fruit.[16] The so-called “rations” for Jews in Minsk and other cities within the control of Army Group Centre were no more than 420 calories (1,800 kJ) per day. Tens of thousands of Jews died of hunger and hunger-related causes over the winter of 1941–1942.[1”

    • This is like the rest of the Holocaust: faked documents (often obvious fakes) and confessions produced before or at Nuremberg in 1946 by torture or by threats to send the family members of German officials to the Soviets for rape, torture and murder.

      The only true thing is that for obvious reasons Germany had the highest priority in food supplies, as the main nation fighting the war and producing for the war effort.

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