Best video yet against the mRNA fake “vaccine” by a Texas MD; “Moderna” stands for “Mod-ified RNA”!!!; the jews making billions off Moderna

A sign marks an entrance to a Moderna, Inc., building, Monday, May 18, 2020, in Cambridge, Mass. Moderna announced Monday, May 18, 2020, that an experimental vaccine against the coronavirus showed encouraging results in very early testing, triggering hoped-for immune responses in eight healthy, middle-aged volunteers.(AP Photo/Bill Sikes)
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Boy, the Deep State really hates Dr. Hotze, who is a traditionalist across the board, and the feeling sure is mutual. 😉 Everything Dr. Hotze says is true.

Steven Forrest Hotze (born in 1950)[1] is an American conservative talk-radio host,[2] physician, and Republican activist in Texas.[3] He is an anti-LGBT rights activist, and has filed lawsuits to strike down COVID-19-related public health measures and invalidate ballots cast in the 2020 US election.

He got his MD degree in 1972 from the University of Texas.

Dr. Steve Hotze: COVID-19 Injections Are NOT Vaccines, But Dangerous Experimental Gene Therapies

by Nolan Barton

A physician in Houston, Texas aired his concerns over the mRNA technology used to make the Pfizer and Moderna Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

dr. steve hotze 2

Dr. Steve Hotze

In a video posted to Rumble on March 15, Dr. Steve Hotze asserted that the first two jabs made available to the Americans don’t really provide immunity against COVID-19.

Hotze’s assertions may help explain why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned the public that it’s still possible for vaccinated people to get and spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Pfizer and Moderna got their emergency use authorization (EUA) from the FDA in December to become the first two COVID-19 vaccines rolled out in the United States. An EUA does not equate to an FDA approval.

Dr. Hotze hinted that the mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna were actually gene therapy drugs designed to minimize symptoms if a person becomes infected with the disease.

By law, pharmaceutical companies are not liable for vaccine-related injuries or deaths.

Excellent captions to the right as he speaks, giving you every word he says!

Moderna’s Top Scientist On mRNA Technology In COVID Shots: ‘We Are Actually Hacking The Software Of Life’

Outspoken MRNA Critic Echoes Hotze’s Claims

Dr. David Martin, an outspoken critic of the mRNA vaccine, offered similar opinion.

“This is not a vaccine … using the term vaccine to sneak this thing under public health exemptions. This is mRNA packaged in a fat envelope that is delivered to a cell. It is a medical device designed to stimulate the human cell into becoming a pathogen creator,” Dr. Martin said, referring to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines being used to inoculate the population in the U.S. and many other countries worldwide.

“They have been abundantly clear in saying that the mRNA strand that is going into the cell is not to stop transmission. It is a treatment. But if it was discussed as a treatment, it would not get the sympathetic ear of public health authorities, because then people would say ‘What other treatments are there?’”

Dr. Martin warned that mRNA vaccines actually induce an illness instead of an immuno-transmissive response.

“In other words, nothing about this is going to stop you transmitting anything. This is about getting you sick, and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick,” he said.

Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How The MRNA Injections Might Cause Mass Deaths 3-6 Months After Being Injected



……Experience last night

I went out last night to a local tavern, part of my community work, and ran into a neighbor. She is very sweet and one of the trusting little people.

She had taken the first Moderna shot and said she felt fine right afterward, but a week later she got diarrhea, headaches and fatigue. I advised her to not get the second shot.


…..the jews behind Moderna

Tal Zaks, an Israeli jew, is the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna.

The CEO, a French jew, is Stéphane Bancel, who just became a BILLIONAIRE when his Moderna stock took off.


Stéphane Bancel

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Stéphane Bancel
Born 1972/1973 (age 48–49)[1]

Education CentraleSupélec
University of Minnesota
Harvard Business School
Occupation Businessman
Known for CEO and 9% owner of Moderna
Net worth US$4.5 billion (December 2020)[2]
Title CEO, Moderna
Term 2013–

Stéphane Bancel (born 1972/1973) is a French billionaire businessman. He is the chief executive officer (CEO) and a 9% owner of Moderna, an American biotechnology company.

Early life[edit]

Bancel was born in France and earned master’s degrees in engineering from CentraleSupélec of Paris-Saclay University (former École Centrale Paris) and the University of Minnesota.[1] He went on to earn an MBA from Harvard Business School.[3]


Bancel was a sales director at Eli Lilly and Company, eventually becoming head of operations for Belgium.[3] In 2007, he became CEO of French diagnostics company BioMérieux.[3]

In 2011, Bancel joined Moderna, becoming CEO. Stat news reported that Bancel led a highly secretive culture with little outside review of its science or research.[3]

Personal life[edit]

Bancel has two children.[4] In April 2020, with the Moderna share price rising on news of imminent phase 2 human trials for its potential COVID-19 vaccine, Bancel’s stake of about 9% became worth over $1 billion.[1]



…..New French book on President Macron exaggerating Covid to transfer all the wealth of France to the super rich 

“The Virus and the President:  Inquest into one of the greatest frauds in history” 


Source: Rivarol, issue 3465, Paris, for which I pay 90 euros a year

(cover story:  A major French antizionist writer Alain Soral [and former popular leftist, tough guy and boxer, so this is big] facing a harsh four years in prison for exposing the jews, and this means they put him in with rapists and murders, not “minimum-security,” which is overcrowded. They throw us WNs in with the worst!)

Anyway, here are just a few key passages from an interview with the two authors:

…le taux de mortalité du virus — c’est-à-dire le nombre de décès rapporté à la population générale — était de 0,1 %
selon les statistiques de Santé publique France au 21 janvier 2021. A titre de comparaison, pour la saison 2018-2019, avec 8100 morts en France la grippe saisonnière avait, selon Santé publique France, un taux de létalité compris entre 0,2 et 0,5 %.


… the [Corona]virus death rate – that is, the number of deaths reported among the general population – was 0.1%
according to statistics from Public Health France on January 21, 2021. For comparison, for the 2018-2019 season, with 8,100 deaths in France, the regular seasonal flu had, according to Public Health France, a case fatality rate of
between 0.2% and 0.5%.

[So the regular flu was more than twice as dangerous as Covid, which has been used to lock France down repeatedly, bankrupting small and midsize businesses and causing many other serious problems. The super-rich jews then scoop up these failing businesses for ten cents on the dollar!]

R. : Le décompte anxiogène des morts et des personnes en réanimation chaque jour avait un but précis ? L’anxiété et la peur furent-elles entretenues par les media ?

C. J. : Nous vivons dans une triste époque où le chiffre est tout, et où la réflexion n’est rien. Les media développent une politique propa- gandiste totalement anxiogène, destinée à plon- ger les gens dans un état de choc, afin de mieux les manipuler et les contrôler. Rappelez-vous : au début de l’épidémie, il y a eu le chiffre des morts. Comme ce n’était pas suffisant et qu’il n’y avait pas une augmentation flagrante, il y a eu le chiffre des gens en réanimation. Puis, il y a eu le chiffre des hospitalisations. Puis, le chiffre des tests en masse et des épidémies de cas, des gens pas malades mais côtoyant le virus. Puis, le chiffre des cas-contacts. Puis le virus Covid-19 variant. Puis le variant Anglais — So British ! Puis le variant Sud-Africain, — Plus chaud ! Puis le virus mutant. Puis le virus mutant hyper-contagieux. Puis le virus mutant hyper-contagieux hors de contrôle. Puis les gens atteint du Covid-19 long… Arrêtez, la coupe est pleine ! Nous pourrions être presque flattés de tant de précisions qui ont l’apparence de prendre soin de vous en vous informant. Malheureusement, cette propagande relève plus du lavage de cerveau que de conseils judicieux pour rester en forme.


R .: In the media, the anxiety-provoking daily count of deaths and people in intensive care every day had what specific purpose? Are anxiety and fear being  deliberately maintained by the media?

C. J .: We live in a sad time when numbers are everything, and where reflection is nothing.

The media are developing a propaganda policy that is totally anxiety-provoking, intended to plunge people into a state of shock in order to better manipulate and control them.

Remember: at the start of the epidemic, there was a statistical figure of the number of [Covid] dead. As it was just not enough and it was not a glaring increase, they had to trumpet the number of people in intensive care. Then, there was the number of hospitalizations. Then, the number of mass tests and epidemics of cases, and of people not actually sick but rubbing shoulders  with the virus. Then, it was the number of cases of contact.

Then came the Covid-19 variant viruses. Then the English variant – So British! Then the South African variant – Hotter! Then the mutant virus. Then the hyper-contagious mutant virus. Then the virus hyper-contagious mutant that is out of control. Then people with long-term Covid-19 …

Stop, the cup is full! We are supposed to feel all flattered to be furnished with so many details that seem to show the media “care” about us.

Unfortunately, this is propaganda and brainwashing, not  sound advice how to stay healthy!

Especially important blogs





  1. Contaminated COVID-19 test swabs from China. Scroll down to the video, in German but with English subtitles, titled “1 – Contaminated Test Kits from China”:

    A video, again in German, but with no English subtitles, of Morgellons fibers in some of the face masks. If you expand to full-screen, you can actually see one of the damned things moving around at about 00:47:

  2. Il suo messaggio era rivolto al futuro,a questo futuro.
    E sapeva che sarebbe “ritornato fisicamente” come Salvatore Illuminato.
    Insomma,lo hai sempre saputo in fondo.
    “Impedite ai figli di Dio di entrare nel suo Regno(Paradiso terreno e Era dorata)”.
    🙂 🙂

    • Transl:

      His message was aimed at the future, at this future we are living in now.

      And he knew that he would “physically return” as the Illuminated Savior.

      In short, you’ve always known it deep down.

      “Prevent God’s children from entering his Kingdom (Earthly Paradise and Golden Era)”.
      🙂 🙂

  3. What if the government, the deciding bodies owned the rights to improved viruses or vaccine technologies, of course we’d say WAIT A MINUTE, how can the share holder of a corporation take decisions concerning the whole process of national medical care, can’t be done you’d say wouldn’t ya? Boy do I have news for you, heh-heh, Dr. Fauci and the NIAID, the agency he -owns- I MEAN works for, own half of the Moderna vaccine, here:

    Now, about the disease enhancement or pathogenic priming, some tests were indeed done on humans, boys in the 1950s, it didn’t go well, 80% ended up in the hospital and 2 died so they quit. I have to assume that they solved that ”problem” it’s not because you’re not liable that you can kill as much as you want can ya! So anyway, this is a rather old paper about this risky business:

    There we go, thank you for your work, Mr. de Nugent, I am a fan of your great topics and wonderful voice.

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