Biden congratulated by irrelevant Russian opposition leader, NOT by Vladimir Putin, who KNOWS the election is NOT done

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By contributing writer François Arouet

Would you congratulate someone who cheated to win at chess or poker?
Or toss your vodka in their face!


President Donald Trump has rightly refused to concede, claiming that the Demoncrats won the election through widespread voter fraud. While many world leaders have congratulated Biden and Harris in an attempt to suck up to the criminals, Putin has rightly not.


One such buffoon is [Russian Putin opponent] Navalny who tweeted:

“Congratulations to @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris on the victory and to the Americans on defining the new leadership in a free and fair election. This is a privilege which is not available to all countries. Looking forward to the new level of cooperation between Russia and the US — Alexei Navalny (@navalny) November 8, 2020.”


Putin has been repeatedly approached (harassed) by the mainstream media for comment, but like the BOSS that he is, has refused to say anything.  Why?


He knows the American mainstream media has NO authority to call elections, especially one that is being contested in the courts!

Newsweek, which reached out to the Kremlin, also stated that they tried to communicate with the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C. for comment, but were also told to stuff it (the sort of thing Biden operatives were doing with ballot boxes across Michigan and Pennsylvania one short week ago!)

Newsweek also reached out to the Biden campaign for comment on Navalny’s congratulatory tweet and Putin’s lack of interest, but he forgot where he was, asking if Russia was still part of the Soviet Union and if Gorbachev was still president (I am, of course, joking, or am I?)

Here’s how the fake-news hacks at Newsweek reported it:

“Mikhail Gorbachev, the last president of the Soviet Union, spoke favorably of Biden in comments to Russia’s Tass news agency on Sunday.

He described the president-elect as “a well-known person with a lot of experience both in domestic and foreign policy.”

“I hope that Joe Biden will strive to normalize relations and recover trust between our countries. I am confident that this is in the interest of both America and Russia,” Gorbachev said.

Following the 2016 election, Putin quickly congratulated Trump on his win over Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. “Putin expressed hope for joint work to restore Russian-American relations from their state of crisis, and also to address pressing international issues and search for effective responses to challenges concerning global security,” the Kremlin said in a statement at the time.

Trump has repeatedly spoken favorably of Putin and was pursuing a major real estate project in Moscow during his 2016 campaign—despite denying that he had business interests in the country.


The first two years of his presidency were overshadowed by an investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller into whether the president’s campaign conspired with the Russians to interfere in the 2016 election.

That investigation, along with U.S. intelligence agencies, concluded that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump’s campaign. Although multiple Trump campaign officials and associates were charged and convicted as a result of Mueller’s probe, the special counsel’s investigation did not conclude that Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russians.

Other world leaders, including the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, France’s President Emmanuel Macron, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia’s royal family have all congratulated Biden. China’s President Xi Jinping has not shared a congratulatory message.”

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