FRANÇOIS AROUET Biden flushes ‘America First’ down the toilet with first fortnight of society-killing executive orders that firmly put the military industrial complex, illegals and transgenders FIRST

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by François M Arouet
If you like this exclusive article by François, and others that we publish on a daily basis – that John is paying for while he develops his new spiritual organization – then please write to John at to learn how you can help us. John would genuinely love to hear from you so that you can set up a private SKYPE conversation where he can explain his vision, and you can help him achieve his goals. We are this close to a new noble age.
Our people need you NOW more than ever.
*** JdN
This is another great article by Francois.
I will just add that now the WH under the senile Biden wants questions submitted in advance!
By now most of you have read or heard that President Joe Biden spent the better part of his first fortnight as President signing a series of disastrous executive orders into law – in essence reversing many of President Trump’s most important America-First policies.  
Out of spite and in an attempt to pander to his party’s “base”.
Although many of the executive orders were symbolic and enacted hastily in an attempt to appease said far Left wing of the Establishment, there’s no denying that some of the orders enacted with malice will prove catastrophic for Americans and the wider world in the years to come.
In this article I will try to break down what Biden’s been up to in his first fortnight in power and how it will impact us moving forward.
The Democrats are now – as we pointed out in the run-up to the fraudulent election – the party of the ultra-rich, powerful and most ignorant, and as such the enemy of decent people from northernmost Maine to rural San Diego County, and all points in between.
The Democrat Party is, in fact, as Marjorie Taylor Greene opined when she talked about blacks being hoodwinked by their overseers, one big-ass plantation – representing the needs of a motley crew of filthy-rich, powerful and superficially “woke” Jews and WASPs, and the base-level interests of their blindingly ignorant Black, Hispanic and immigrant slaves. 
Still, let’s be honest here – with ALL that said, and in spite of Trump’s failed campaign rhetoric about Biden being some sort of Antifa agent – Biden could not care less about pushing a Left wing agenda.
For Biden it’s never been ideological – it’s always been about power and putting the military-industrial complex back in control of our nation’s foreign policy – so he and his low-class family can get rich, powerful and high as “f”.

Nothing more.
In spite of what CNN has been spewing for four years, and the Antifa BLM nonsense President Trump tried to hock to housewives, worried BLM might eventually come knocking on their door, Biden’s in power so the American war machine can get back on track.

One need only look at his Cabinet appointments for confirmation.
Then there’s the fact that Antifa has been all but shut down, the far Left wing of the Democrat Party has been pushed back into the margins, the socialists calling for our collective death and cancellation in December have now seen their accounts taken down by mid-January and BLM is but a distant black-ass memory.
Like COVID, Blacks Loot and Murder is SO.. 2020, don’t ya know?
As long as the far Left in Congress get a few table scraps from Marie Antoinette Pelosi, and in turn supports the Biden ADMINISTRATION’S overseas warmongering, all’s good in DC.
Before we look at Biden’s orders, let’s start with something I transcribed verbatim from a recent Tucker Carlson program which, I think, sums up Biden’s first fortnight very well. 
This past weekend, Tucker Carlson opined that
“In less than a month into his presidency Joe Biden has ended immigration enforcement, sent American troops back into armed conflict, crippled the last independent sector of our economy, and officially, for the first time in human history, denied human sex differences exist. And all of this happened in three and half business days. Google certainly got its money’s worth.”

Tucker concluded by saying,


“And if that’s not bad enough, we are only perhaps days away from passing laws that will allow mail-in balloting without signature verification and identity checks – when liberal nations like Canada don’t even allow mail-in voting!”  
So, let’s look at a few of Biden’s most egregiously damaging first 42 Executive Orders, as of February 22 – whereas the last 5 Presidents combined enacted less in the first month of office.

Firstly, there’s Biden’s executive order revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline’s construction that alone will result in:

  • The loss of some 11,000 jobs paying American workers an estimated $1.6 billion in wages — at a time when jobs are at a premium.
  • The distrust of Canada, America’s No. 1 trading partner, which has been backing Biden for months.
  • The loss of regulatory certainty, which will prevent future investment in similar projects.
  • The increase of CO2 emissions: instead of sending 800,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta to the Texas Gulf by pipeline, it will now have to arrive by truck or rail.

Similarly, Biden’s 60-day moratorium on drilling permits and new oil and natural-gas leases will result in:

  • The loss of thousands of high-paying jobs and the income that would result.
  • A blow to state budgets. In New Mexico alone, oil and gas development added $2.8 billion into state coffers during the 2020 fiscal year.
  • The United States no longer being energy independent — a blow to national security.

Biden also re-entered the United States into the destructive Paris Climate agreements, ignoring the reason former President Trump withdrew from the international agreement – its heavy toll on Americans with no corresponding benefit. 
The Heritage Foundation estimates that America’s return to the agreement will “decrease the national GDP by $2.5 trillion by 2035, and cost an American family of four $20,000.”

To get some perspective, that’s more than we spent (per year) on Iraq at the height of the disastrous overseas war.
Other orders Biden signed include:

  • Reversing the travel ban from African and Middle Eastern countries that have elevated terrorism concerns, posing another blow to national security.
  • Revoking the Trump administration’s plan to exclude non-citizens from the 2020 Census.
  • Ordering schools to allow biological males who claim to identify as females to compete in women’s sports and use women’s locker rooms, thus putting an end to high school and collegiate women’s sports.
  • Pausing construction of the Southeastern border wall, raising a number of concerns including COVID infection and national security


Yep, Biden’s also literally scrapped The Wall.

*** JdN: Of course, not this one….around the White House

…or this one around the Capitol — still up

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed this past Wednesday that construction of The Wall at the southern border had literally been “suspended” — less than a week after Biden had already signed an order halting President Trump’s incredibly successful “border security project”.
FOX News reported that, “CBP, in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has suspended wall construction projects except for activities that are safety related,” CBP said in a statement. “All projects are in compliance with the President’s Proclamation.”
Biden literally ordered “the construction pause” when he signed the order on Inauguration Day “by no later than seven days after it was signed”, so there could be assessments made of “the legality of the funding, contracting methods, as well as the consequences of stopping the projects” – again as per FOX News, January 28 report.
Trump had made construction of the Wall the mainstay of his 2016 campaign promises, and in 2020 agreed to build an additional 450 miles by the end of the year — something his administration accomplished just a few days before Biden was sworn in.
Let’s hope Biden and his trust-fund baby and fake Mexican, Bet(a) O’Rourke, don’t try and tear it down….
“Like every nation, the United States has a right and a duty to secure its borders and protect its people against threats. But building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution,” Biden said in his order. “It is a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.”
Trump officials tried in vain to warn the Biden administration against the dangers of halting the Wall, claiming it “would not only damage the ability of the U.S. to protect its borders, but would also cost money and jobs in canceled contracts.”
Not to mention the fact that much of the construction had already been mostly paid for and there were hundreds of workers waiting on site to finish the job!


Can you imagine being so spiteful and evil that you’d put the lives of American citizens at risk – by cancelling work on the wall that had ALREADY been paid for – just to spit at the former President? That’s what this Biden scumbag is, in fact, doing.

“It’ll cost taxpayers billions of dollars, billions of dollars in settlement fees,” CBP chief Mark Morgan said. “We’re going to walk away from areas of the wall that have already been constructed but are not yet fully operational.” 
Many Democrats welcomed the development on Wednesday, with chicano Congressman Henry Cuellar, (D-Texas), calling Biden’s order heroic and a “promising step in our work to halt construction of the ineffective and wasteful border wall and undo the damage that borderlands have experienced these past four years.” 
If it’s saved one American life and kept one compadre of Congressman Cuellar’s OUT of the US, it’s been ANYTHING  but ineffective.
Although FOX News – the same bastards that called Arizona for Biden before a large percentage of the votes had even been “counted” – reported that “most of the orders were an attempt to distinguish Biden from the previous administration”, make no mistake this was more about pandering to Congressmen his admin will need when they demand authorization for conflict in Syria (and with Russia) and a personal slap in the face for President Trump.
And the contempt the illegitimate President and his wife have shown Donald Trump and his family since stealing the White House doesn’t end there. In fact, their contempt for all things Trump has extended to the cooks and maids that served the Trump family.  
One of the first things the Bidens did when seizing the White House was to fire President Donald Trump’s head usher, SOLELY because the man was hired by President Trump.

Shortly after that, the Bidens found themselves locked out of the White House because….quite comically, there was no head usher to let them in. 
I wonder if they called Michelle to barrel down the door with her massive shoulders or Barack to pick the locks? You KNOW Hunter is incapable of doing much of anything apart from tokin’ up on his crack pipe and bangin’ “nappy-headed hoes” (a former MSNBC host uttered those words about black females LONG before I penned this – so cancel HIM. 😉 )

If the mess we’re in wasn’t so distressing, I’d laugh at this Biden clown, his borderline illiterate tart of a wife and scumbag progeny. But sadly, we are in a real dark place, and I’m not much in the mood for smiling.
[End article]

…..See also


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–had a security clearance in Marine Corps intelligence and rapid promotions,

–had a father who was a friend of several Republican presidents, and

–combines genuine spirituality with white nationalism and the vital extraterrestrial context of our whole problem



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Inside –l oops for your trouser belt


.Ready for attacks by BLM, Antifa, local thugs or anyone else who lusts to harm me and my loved ones 


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Created with GIMP

–13 January 2021 $50 via Amazon gift card from T in Florida

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(There you see again how in indoor light my dark-blue eyes, like those of AH, seem grayish-brown) 

M wrote:

Dear John and dear Margi,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Thanks for bringing light into this darkest of times.


–2 January 2021 100 US dollars from W in northern Virginia


This comrade wrote:

To John and Margi,


for all that you do and have done for our Folk andCause

Aurë Entuluva! (Daylight will come again!)

All the Best,




–1 January 2020 $75 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

–27 December 2020 $50 via Amazon gift card from a former Green Beret


  1. ” The arseholes who said walls don’t work have just put one up to defend themselves ” haha good one. Another informative article. Biden and his PC appointed freak show will turn America into another Syria or Haiti. Biden won’t run America, he’s too flaky. His unelected idiots will make the decisions

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