UPDATE Bill Clinton Adviser Found Hanging from Tree with Gunshot Blast to Chest; Hillary humor

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Two genetically white, tall, blue-eyed, northern-European SCUMBAGS!

Mark Middleton arranged Clinton’s secret meetings with Jeffrey Epstein

By: Jay Greenberg on 7th June 2022 @ 3.00pm

[Source: https://neonnettle.com/news/19266-bill-clinton-adviser-found-hanging-from-tree-with-gunshot-blast-to-chest]

Bill Clinton’s adviser Mark Middleton was found on May 7th hanging from a tree with a shotgun hole in his chest ….

It was ridiculously ruled a suicide.

Mark Middleton was Bill Clinton’s special advisor from Little Rock, Arkansas, and was the aide who connected the former president to deceased child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Middleton flew on Epstein’s notorious “Lolita Express” private jet with the ex-POTUS and also arranged secret meetings with the convicted pedophile.

He also admitted Epstein into the Clinton White House for multiple visits.

However, Middleton died suddenly at the age of 59 in early May.

Police and Middleton’s family refused to release any information regarding his sudden passing at the time, but a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for police records has just exposed the bizarre details of his grizzly death.


© press
Mark Middleton arranged the many secret meetings between Bill Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein

“The Middleton family has lost an inspiring and dedicated leader, as well as a son, brother, husband, and father,” a Facebook post announcing his death said.

“Mark leaves behind a company that he helped build from the ground up alongside his family and was proud to run for the last 25 years.”

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“In earlier days, Middleton’s fundraising skills helped land him a job in the White House,” Arkansas Business reported.

“He was finance director for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, and later special assistant to Clinton under chief of staff Thomas ‘Mack’ McLarty.”

The cause of death was not disclosed in any of the reports on his passing.

Now Radar Online is reporting that an investigation into Mark Middleton’s death is now open after the outlet’s FOIA revealed details of the way his body was found.

“The bizarre suicide death of Bill Clinton’s former advisor linked to billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein is now an ‘OPEN’ investigation,” Radar reports.

The report continues:

Now Radar Online is reporting that an investigation into Mark Middleton’s death is now open after the outlet’s FOIA [Freedom of Information revealed details of the way his body was found.

“The bizarre suicide death of Bill Clinton’s former advisor linked to billionaire perv Jeffrey Epstein is now an ‘OPEN’ investigation,” Radar reports

The report continues:

The stunning turn of events comes after a series of explosive RadarOnline.com stories questioning the suicide death of Clinton moneyman, Mark Middleton, who was found May 7 hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast through his chest and an extension cord around his neck. [Emphasis added]

RadarOnline.com learned about the surprise twist after it filed a Freedom of Information request with the Perry County Sheriff’s Department demanding copies of the police report and crime scene photos of grisly death in a 1,100-acre farm linked to the former president just outside Perryville, Arkansas.

© press
Mark Middleton also flew on the ‘Lolita Express’ with Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton

In an email reply, Sheriff Scott Montgomery tells Radar he cannot release the police report because the once open-and-shut case is an active investigation.

“At this time this is an open investigation, and we are not releasing any information,” Montgomery said, without elaborating.

Radar is also reporting that the Perry County Coroner is also refusing to release any details about Middleton’s death.

The coroner also said it is because of the alleged open investigation.

Radar’s investigation was sparked by one of Middleton’s terrified business associates, who anonymously came forward last month to demand an independent investigation.

They claimed the 59-year-old father of two was extremely close to Bill Clinton and incapable of committing an elaborate suicide.

…..Tweet by the German-descended South African Elon Musk



Is Hillary Clinton Sending Hitmen After You? Look For These Troubling Signs


Uh-oh! You just came across something incriminating about Hillary Clinton! Whatever you do, don’t go to the press! They know everything anyway. Trust no one!

Oh wait, you already blabbed to Jerry from marketing? Ugh, okay. Better be on your guard.

Look for the following signs that Hillary has dispatched a team of elite assassins to hunt you down:

1) A piano drops behind you as you walk down the sidewalk: Could be a coincidence…

2) The burrito you were eating was somehow replaced with a stick of dynamite: At least it’s spicy.

3) That Predator Drone has been following you for the last 3 blocks: Poor guy, maybe he’s lost.

4) You find a suicide note you didn’t write: And the poetic verse is all wrong.

5) The spotter for that sniper you saw looks a lot like Hillary Clinton: Might also be strange to see a sniper in a suburban neighborhood.

6) The cable guy introduces himself as Hilgo Clintmann: Hey! What’s in that long black case?

7) Your new roommate, Hillard E. Climpton looks like Hillary in a mustache: You also can’t remember having a roommate.

8) Bill Clinton keeps texting your wife to ask if she has any plans a week from next Tuesday: Suspicious.

9) Your prison guards suddenly turn off the video cameras in your cell and leave the room: Also, you somehow ended up in federal prison without a trial. Weird.

10) She just zoomed past you on explosive ACME rocket skates: You’d think she would have a better assassination budget.

11) Someone keeps leaving Walmart sushi on your doorstep: Gross and mysterious.

12) Your front porch welcome mat has been replaced by sticks and leaves covering a pit with a tiger in it: Probably would’ve fallen for it if the welcome mat covered the pit. Kind of a rookie move, Hillary.

13) There’s someone wrapping piano wire around your neck going “Shhhhhhh shhhhhhh”: At least they’re considerate enough not to wake the neighbors.

14) You’re writing an article making fun of Hillary Clinton when there’s a knock at your door.



…..My observation

Libtards are wrong — race is not nothing.

And at the other extreme, the Creativity and Christian Identity folks are also wrong: race is not everything, either.

Race is SOMETHING, and a very big factor — but certainly not the only one.

We need an organized religion to deprogram and reset the majority of Whites who are now radically degenerate.

And now is the time.


  1. Why is it so many people associated with the Clinton’s die in horrific circumstances or are just murdered. Especially those connected with their business dealings . I’m thinking of their White water project ? Oh and Chelsea’s marriage to the Jewish money lenders family.

    • Thanks very much for this. I just blogged on this info.
      I am just a bit hesitant about this Stew Peters himself.
      His content on many issues is outstanding…. But just who is this guy? What is his background? Where is he from? Is he former military? CIA?
      Why does he have a hooked nose (which is clearly visible in his interviews with Shafer and Gaber? Maybe he is Jewish, or maybe part-Italian, Armenian, Arab, Greek, or something else from the Mediterranean…..
      I have been an activist since 1978, and never heard of the guy — and now he has a big show. Is he controlled opposition? I hope not, because he puts out excellent info and has a strong presence. 🙂
      Thanks again for this.

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