Black 8-time violent felon drags white woman walking her dogs to death

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Ruth Dalton was out walking her dogs when she ran into Jahmed Haynes. Image Credit: Facebook / Washington Department of Corrections

8-time violent felon drags white woman walking her dogs to death; Seattle, home of Amazon, Boeing, Microsoft, Starbucks, and Alaska Airlines, was once 95% white and nearly crime-free, a city of honest, hardworking Americans of Scandinavian and German heritage (like Minneapolis USED to also be).

Today, it is a crime and grime jungle, a one-party Demoncrat state, and 8X-felons can roam the streets killing little old ladies and stabbing their dogs. Thanks, Honest Abe Lincoln, for your goofy war, which (as the Southerners warned!!!!!) gave us the murderous mess we are in now.

Prolific Felon Arrested for Killing Elderly Woman and Her Dog During Carjacking in Seattle

by Dan Lyman

80-year-old woman dragged, struck by her own vehicle as suspect fled scene

Victim’s pooch found stabbed to death and dumped in recycling bin

A suspect with a slew of felony convictions has been arrested following a brutal carjacking in Seattle that left an elderly woman and her dog dead, according to reports.

The horrifying string of events unfolded just before 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning in the Madison Valley neighborhood of the Emerald City.

The Seattle Police Department (SPD) was alerted about a carjacking in-progress near the intersection of Martin Luther King Junior Way East and East Harrison Street, and when officers arrived they found 80-year-old Ruth Dalton being given CPR in the street by a Good Samaritan.

A short time later, Dalton succumbed to injuries suffered when she was dragged and run over by her own car as a suspect fled the scene after violently stealing her vehicle.

Dalton’s dog, along with another canine, were inside the car at the time of the attack.

“At 3:05 Seattle Police responded to a report from Seattle Animal Control that the deceased woman’s dog was located in a recycling bin within Brighton Playfield near the 3900 block of South Juneau Street. The dog had been stabbed to death with a knife,” SPD explained in a press release.

Ruth with her granddaughter and her son

“Responding officers located the victim’s unoccupied blue Subaru Forester nearby that was stolen during the earlier carjacking and homicide in the Madison Valley neighborhood.”

Investigators found a fingerprint on Dalton’s phone, which was still inside the stolen Subaru, and used it to identify a suspect.

On Wednesday morning, a SWAT team arrested 48-year-old Jahmed Haynes near his residence and brought him to SPD headquarters.

Haynes was in possession of a bloody knife and keys to Dalton’s vehicle at the time of his apprehension, SPD says.

During a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, SPD Deputy Chief Eric Barden said he expects Haynes to face charges of first-degree murder and first-degree animal cruelty.

Haynes has eight prior felony convictions and a “history of mental health concerns,” Barden explained.

Haynes was reportedly convicted of vehicular homicide and hit and run in 1993, among many other offenses over the years, including first-degree robbery.

Ruth Dalton is described by friends and local residents as “beloved dog walker” and a “neighborhood fixture.”

Dalton’s granddaughter has established a Facebook page to commemorate her grandmother and also provide updates on the case as it develops.

Friends and loved ones left a memorial of flowers, letters, pictures and candles for Ms. Dalton by a tree.

Ms. Dalton was often seen walking a fleet of dogs around the neighborhood or corralling them in and out of the car, said Don and Barbara Coyner, who have known Ms. Dalton for about seven years. She was funny, strong and tall, and had distinctive curly gray hair, they said.


I planned on attending the killer’s first appearance today, but he is refusing to attend court….. so I will not be there. I am told that they will proceed with a short court session today for prosecutors to provide the judge with enough proof to hold him in custody until tomorrow’s rescheduled appearance.
I am again planning on attending tomorrow’s appearance. I will post what I find out here, so all of Grandma’s loved ones and supporters will be as up-to-date as possible.
God bless you all


InfoWars has been documenting the surge of crime across the United States, including carjackings‘street takeovers,’ smash-and-grab loot mobshome invasions, and physical attacks on innocent victims.

Putin Invites Westerners Fleeing Globalist-Leftist Agenda to Seek Refuge in Russia



…… Remembering Kim Hayes, white nurse, also of Seattle


In woke Seattle, Negro “prolific offender” seizes 62-y/o white nurse, flings her down subway stairs for being white, then stomps her in the head; ultra-left Amazon abandoning crime jungle


…… Four US presidents on Mount Rushmore on the Blacks


  1. Yes,it’s our own scumbag, traitorous politicians that created this evil society. They should have listened to Benjamin Franklin and not let the Jews into our country.

    He was spot-on with his prediction that within 200 years they’ll be ruling over us, rubbing their hands. It was not Woodrow Wilson that caused the destruction of America; it was Christian politicians that believe in forgiveness and kept letting jews back into our countries — even after they kidnapped white European children and sacrificed them to baal with their bloody child sacrifice with adrenochrome rituals.

    It’s just utter retardation not dealing with the problem properly and instead just kicking them out of your countries and calling them satanic.

    And then forgiving them and letting them back into countries after they’ve kidnapped and sacrificed your children to Baal, and caused wars and destroyed civilisations.

    • All true, though I do not believe the Franklin quote is real. There is no proof for it (the book was supposedly destroyed) and the language sounds too modern. I also see a fake John Kennedy quote that is simply not the way he expressed himself.

      And there is the fake meme of George Patton saying we fought the wrong enemy. No, he never said that. He was too egotistical to confess that the whole war had been a mistake. What he did say, and his diaries show it, was that the jews and Bolsheviks were the worst people in Europe, that jews controlled the US newspapers, and that the Germans were the best of all the Europeans. But even in his diaries, Patton kept bashing the now dead Hitler. He could not live with, nor face up to, the horrible fact that WWII had been a catastrophe for the West and that he had helped cause it.

      Basically, Patton was at a child’s level of understanding of the jews: the jews as merely arrogant, pushy, obnoxious people, when they are all that but far, far more — a psychopathic race of genocidal monsters who even f–k their own children and ritually murder ours. There is no people on earth like them.

      Truman was the same way, at a kindergarten level on the jewish problem. 

      The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the supposed Harold Rosenthal papers are also IMO pseudepigraphic, that is, fake — meaning that antisemites desperate to alert the world to the urgency of the jewish peril pose as jews to explain the jew master plan to the goyim.

      Btw, both Vincent Reynouard and David Duke, certainly no friends of jewry (and I know them both), say the Protocols are, in effect, a “noble lie,” to use Plato’s phrase.

      As for kicking the jews out, the great German Protestant leader Martin Luther, who had started out as a gullible judeophile and then became antisemitic as he read the Talmud for himself in the original Hebrew, became RADICALLY anti-jewish just before he died.

      He came to feel that merely expelling the jews to yet another Christian kingdom was a wicked and hostile act toward a neighboring people. The jews were to be either put to hard labor — or killed — and their synagogues should be razed to the ground, he wrote.

      In this he came to agree with the theologian Dun Scotus, who basically wanted the jews genocided while leaving ten or so alive on a small and monitored island, this in case the prediction of the “Apostle” Paul should ever actually be fulfilled that the Jews — some day— would “bend the knee” and accept Jesus as their lord and savior.

      After two thousand years the jews are farther than ever from doing so! In fact, jews openly mock Jesus and Christianity, and the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics showed it.

      Btw, there is a prophesy of the Vatican being burned to the ground by a mob, doubtless led by a jew.

      A relative said it well:

  2. Regarding the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, their authorship is unknown, but as Henry Ford observed, what they say fits reality.

    It is claimed that portions of the Protocols were lifted almost word for word from an earlier document.

    Let us assume that is true.

    It follows that the Protocols could easily be proven false subsequent to their publication.

    By inference everything said in the Protocols can be said to be false.

    In this way the truth described by the Protocols is denied.

    Thus the Protocols is a document deliberately intended to deny the Jewish threat. That is its significance.

    • Maybe, but if so, it backfired. It led to a huge upswing in antisemitism, and everyone agreed with Henry Ford and also Adolf Hitler — whatever its origin, its analysis and exposure of the jewish strategy for world domination was perfect.

      And now, seeing the Demoncrats serve up the likes of Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris, we see yet another of the Protocols specifically fulfilled: The jews put goyim into office who are so incompetent and catastrophic that the masses finally turn to the jews and beg them: Rule us directly.

      A one page summary…
      Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:

      — Place our agents and helpers everywhere
      — Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
      — Start fights between different races, classes and religions
      — Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
      — Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
      — Appeal to successful people’s egos
      — Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
      — Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
      — Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
      — Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
      — Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
      — Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
      — Rewrite history to our benefit
      — Create entertaining distractions
      — Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
      — Encourage people to spy on one another
      — Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
      — Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
      — Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
      — Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
      — Replace sound investment with speculation
      — Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
      — Give bad advice to governments and everyone else

      Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over. We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.

      Protocol 9:9-11

      9. In order to destroy the educational institutions of the Goyim while we still can, we have infiltrated them with great cunning, and we have taken hold of their syllabuses. Their syllabuses were once laid out in careful consideration; but we have replaced them by the chaotic ideas of liberalism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the cornerstones of a free existence.

      10. We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the Goyim by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false, and we have taught this through repetition.

      11. We have taken the existing laws and have twisted them into contradictions of interpretations without substantially altering them. Doing this has produced wonderful results. These results are that these laws were effectively destroyed, owing to the fact that the interpretations of the law masked the intent of the law. Eventually these interpretations entirely hid these laws from the eyes of the governments owing to the impossibility of making anything out of the tangled web of legislation.

      Protocol 10:4

      4. When we have accomplished our government overthrow we shall then say to the various peoples: “Everything has gone terribly wrong. Everyone has been worn out with suffering. We are destroying the causes of your torment – nationalities, borders, different currencies. You are free, of course, to pronounce sentence upon us, but can it possibly be a just one if you pronounce it before you properly try out what we are offering you?” … Then the mob will praise us and give us their support in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expectations. Voting, which we have made the instrument that will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make close acquaintance with us before condemning us.

      5. To secure this we must have everybody vote without regard to their social class or qualifications, in order to establish an absolute majority, which we can’t get from the educated wealthy classes.

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