Black derides all white men as effeminate, pedophile, homo and wimpish; African blacks who hate women and love rats

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Underneath the Red Ice interview with Frank Raymond a “marcus g”, undoubtedly an American black, wrote the  screed reproduced below (which, btw, wrongly calls many Jews, Mexicans or homosexuals who are on his lists “white men”).

It is actually very typical of how black nationalist men do see white men at this point in time,  as contemptible wusses to be crushed, and I know from conversations with blacks that they really do preach to each other the white race is full of contemptible pedophiles and other perverts.

The lack of logic is stunning here. He would be the first to denounce any white who said “because OJ Simpson killed two whites, ALL black men  want to kill whites.” But since it suits his argument he uses the same “logic” here.  You can see why in the Old South it was forbidden to teach blax to read and write — is the blacks’ desire to become more educated and productive, or to read and write anti-white hate and blame whitey for all his own shortcomings?



The white race is full of sick perverted WHITE MALE CRACKAS. Jared Fogle, Dennis Hastert, Sandusky, Bruce Jenner, Josh Duggar, Dylan Roof and etc., etc… YOU are all pathetic, whiney biaaatches! Your FRAGILE CRACKA EGOs lead you to produce other SICK FILTHY WEAK CRACKAS. The Aurora shooter, Sandy Hook shooter, Columbine, Eliott Rodgers, The SICK GermanWings pilot (LUBITZ) that killed 150 people, LaFayette Louisiana shooter..etc.. etc… Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer) Ted Bundy John Wayne Gacy David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) Jeffrey Dahmer Nightside / Zodiac killers Dennis Rader (The BTK Killer) Richard Ramirez (The Night Stalker) Robert Christian Hansen Fred & Rosemary West Richard Speck Gerard John Schaefer Dennis Nilsen John Hughes Joel Rifkin Keith Jesperson Joseph G. Christopher Ricky Kasso Bruce Mendenhall Richard Cottingham… ..etc.. etc…
Your own WOMEN know that you are WEAK and PERVERTED.Your mother knows, your sister knows, your wives/girlfriends know YOU are WEAK and PERVERTED. WHITE WOMEN know and have always known about YOUR pedophillia (CATHOLIC CHURCH, BOY SCOUTS…);
YOUR inherent homosexuality (CUCKOLD PORN, InterRACIAL Porn watched mostly by WHITE MALE CRACKAS). Movies like the JACKASS franchise… NO BLACK MAN would “Dick-Punch” or even think about the SICK Sh*t that YOU “joke” about. Law enforcement knows when looking for a CHILD MOLESTER, the profile is YOU.
Pornographers cater to the SICK PERVERTED WHITE MALE (Cuckold Porn, Beastiality, etc…) When a SERIAL KILLER is profiled; it is YOU. Pervert !!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!
No wonder your RACE is DYING. YOU have CHRONIC LOW Testosterone.. LOW Masculinity. STUPID FILTHY PERVERTED CRACKA … F’ing perverts… pedos… and mass murderers… Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!! PERVERT WHITE CRACKAS !!!! Zoophilia..Search Zoophilia on YouTube !!!


All I can say is he is telling some half-truths. The Jews have destroyed much of our masculinity. Only that can explains this:

…..Black nationalist warns fellow “niggahz” Whitey will easily win any race war – and why

We be the race of ice and snow, and we gots ice chips in our veins when the shooting starts.  This be why all the top quarterbacks who ain’t no m-f- flashes in the pan be white boys.


…..How African blacks hate women and love rats

Hidden Medical Benefits of “Diverse” Immigration…
by Tom Mysiewicz
In all the furor about nonwhite immigrants flooding the formerly white nations, we sometimes forget that this diversity brings beneficial change ”in some cases, medical technologies hitherto unknown in these more-advanced countries. (Never mind that China is not clamoring for its share of these beneficial “migrants”–they just don’t know what benefits they are missing!)
Body piercing, scarification, branding and other forms of self mutilation are becoming increasingly commonplace in formerly white countries. We now even see whites with surgical modifications that allow them to wear lip and ear pucks! But few of the culturally unenlightened realize that we have African immigrants to thank for making us aware of them and, in fact, pioneering the technology in their native lands:
In Canada, for instance, the use of traditional African medical practices by immigrants is also seen as “part of their process of resettlement into Canadian society” and according to Elias Cheboud of the Univ. of Victoria, all but one of the Afro-Canadian immigrants he interviewed wanted to continue traditional medical practice:
Of course, Cheboud speaks in generalities and places importance on healing ceremonies and “traditional” healers that white ethnophobes have insensitively labeled “witch doctors.” But, since this researcher worked in the primitive milleau of the late 1990s, we will examine some of the latest innovations. Among these, brought to countries accepting migrants from Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa is breast ironing. In these cultures it is common for girls to be impregnated as soon as they grow a pair of breasts. The solution: burn the breasts of pubescent young girls with hot rocks, metal hammers or spatulas heated over coals, and even heated coconut shells to produce a “flat chested” appearance:
Why didn’t we in the “West” think of that? I’m thinking it was “cultural centrism” or (God forbid) “white supremacy.” Without sufficient cultural enrichment, whites simply assumed their culture was somehow superior. But they are learning despite wrong-headed outcries in some quarters and even ethnocentric legislation.
Perhaps more controversial ”but assuredly beneficial–are various advanced African surgeries performed to “improve” female functionality and now becoming more common in the “West”. Often with no anesthesia or sanitation and only primitive instruments, they have been performed on millions of females (often infants and toddlers) in 27 countries in Africa, with a rate of 80 “98% in the 15 “49 age group in Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Guinea, Mali, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Sudan.
They include removal of the clitoral hood and glans; removal of the inner labia; and removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva. Chastity belts? Not needed! In this last procedure (known as infibulation) performed in 20% of the above surgeries, a small hole is left for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid; later enlarged for intercourse and then opened further for childbirth:
(Please don’t lecture me about these operations made illegal in Africa ”although they are still widespread ”this is just a legacy of the evil white colonialism and is white supremacist.)
Lest you think migration will bring advances only in the area of human sexuality ”rest easy. There are new developments on the horizon!
A delicacy in Africa ”zambouti or the giant African pouch rat ”is no longer just a good meal. The rats have been sent out on a mission to smell out prisoners with tuberculosis (TB):
While discussing only the potential use of rats to feed to the newly “globalized” white populations of the “West” the BBC is clear we have to get over our white exclusivity and embrace the rat as a new food source (as well as a medical tool):
In Africa, some communities have a long tradition of eating rats. In Nigeria, for instance, the African giant rat is a favourite among all ethnic groups, says Mojisola Oyarekua, from the University of Science and Technology Ifaki-Ekiti (Usti) Nigeria.
“It is regarded as a special delicacy and it is more expensive than equivalent weight of cow meat or fish. It is delicious and can be eaten as roasted, dried or boiled,” he says ¦Rats may not be currently on the menu of your favourite neighbourhood restaurant, but as we move into a more globalised world with more adventurous diners, it is not unreasonable to think that rodents could one day feature on Western menus more frequently. Just give it a try. You might like it. After all, for some, it is the most delicious meat they have ever tasted.
(I concur. Not only can they get a tasty meal, but formerly ethnocentric rat-eating whites can make migrants from Africa and even parts of Asia feel more comfortable integrating into society.)
In Southern Africa, the large heads of the soldiers of the leafcutting ant Atta cephalotes are used by native surgeons in closing wounds. No need for costly surgical sutures, and the heads just rot off so no need to have repeat doctor visits to remove surgical sutures. This could be directly incorporated into Obamacare in the U.S.–the primary limiting factor being the supply of ants. It’s just a case of overcoming racist stereotypic constructs that make us prefer clean, sterile threads over a natural product!

…..This is why we need the coming religion Virtus

1 Comment

  1. John–the “organized” Christian Churches have deviated from the teachings of Christ and are more synagogues (of Satan.) Their adherents need a good kick in the ass for their own good. White Christians are being “set up” as the ultimate KAPROT chickens (chickens swung over the head and then killed to expiate the sins of Orthodox Jews.) Like the Germans, all the guilt for all their Talmudic crimes is being heaped on “whitey”.

    As for the comments about whites by the “heboon” I’d remind him that one of the most superior tribes of Africa (the Masai) does the following: has repeated sex with pre-pubescent girls, is polygamous, performs radical cliterodectomy and sexual mutilation of their prepubescent girls AFTER they reach puberty, covers their heads in red clay and cow dung, washes with urine and subsists mostly on “blood shakes” made of milk and cow blood shaken in a gourd. And these negroids were improved by aliens according to their oral tradition and drawings show their cows coming down gangplanks from UFOs. I forget which star system they claim it was from.

    For those blacks of the Islamic persuasion, I’d remind them Mohammed married a 6-year-old and impregnated her when she was 8. (And, by the way Black Nationalists, Moslems–financed by Sephardic Jews–captured and sold most blacks to the Jewish-owned slave ships–not the “white devil.”)

    The radical black is right that whites have lower testosterone–often lower than the ape-like sheboons they immortalize in their toxic rap songs. This makes complex civilizations possible (along with a 10% larger cranial capacity.) There’s a reason blacks never invented the wheel or progressed beyond grass and mud huts in most of Africa.

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