Black Puerto Rican wielding hatchet RELEASED after smashing up McDonalds — over a girl rejecting him — as NYC suffers 40% crime explosion under black mayor and ex-cop Eric Adams

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It is a sign of the illiteracy of even so-called “journalists” under our Idiocracy that they repeatedly call an obvious hatchet an “ax.” An axe is used to fell trees or split logs, a hatchet to chop small branches off!

Let us also keep in mind that Eric Adams ran for mayor as a law-and-order candidate and that for twenty years he himself was a cop!

MTA announces the opening of elevators at the Eastern Parkway-Brooklyn Museum station on the 2/3 lines on Fri., December 17, 2020….Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams…(Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit)

This man is obeying orders to deliberately bring about anarchy — to get a civil/racial/political war going, collapse the country, and then get the long-sought-after Great Reset!


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
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1 Comment

  1. Every British town, village and city has been stained with gimmegrant crimes.
    Either violent crime , drug-related or credit card crime.
    Rape, drunk driving, murder, prostitution….
    When collared, they all play the race card.

    Can the cock ends on the libturds left tell me the joys of this heralded “diversity”?

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