Black Washington Post editor named Karen Attiah calls for “revenge” on white women

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WaPo owner and Amazon slave-driver Jeff Bezos  — This hook pretends to be a Lutheran Gentile…

The jewspapers and Forbes magazine lie that this malicious dweeb, at $150 billion, is *the richest man on Earth,” ignoring entirely the TRILLionaires of the Rothschilds family (private central banks) and the Rockefellers (oil).

A comrade sent me this:

A black Washington Post editor named Karen Attiah calls for revenge on white women:

Karen Attiah:


  1. Wow, check out that profile! Jeff Bezos bares a striking resemblance to Jewish actor Martin Short. I no longer doubt Bezos’ Jewish ancestry. 🙂 If it looks like a duck, etc. it is a duck. In this case, a Jew.

    Keep up the great work John!


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