Blackmailed Trump about to have Assange arrested who put him in office with truth about Hillary

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Just despicable!!!

Assange has already lived in a kind of prison — one room in the Ecuadorian embassy — for seven years!

For revealing the TRUTH to voters via Wikileaks about the monster Hillary!



He saved the world from her presidency, and made Trump president! To throw a hero under the bus to please the EVIL CIA — UNSPEAKABLE BETRAYAL!

The German verison of RT wrote today (

The Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno is tryng to exploit the Assange affair as a pretext to distract people from a corruption scandal in which he and his family are involved. In addition, Narvaez [a man with Wikileaks] claims that Ecuadoräs governmetn is even pushing false rumors that Assange hacked Moreno’s phone – despite the lack of evidence and a total lack of access to the Internet [since March of 2018, over a year ago] for Assange.

WikiLeaks fears that the new government under President Lenin Moreno will soon be ending Assange’s asylum at the embassy.

In the case of his expulsion the native Australian is facing immediate arrest by the British police, and likely then his extradition to US authorities.

WikiLeaks is worried that the US [Dee State] is planning to destroy Assange for exposing explosive information and may want to jail him for the rest of his life.

There are just no words of such baseness and evil.

The CIA-FBI-NSA Deep State is so totally out of control.

I continue to have some marginal sympathy still for Trump, who meant well in 2015, but the Deep State is obviously controlling him with death threats, blackmail and maybe a frame-up, possibly linked to his palling around with Jewish mega-pedopbile Jeffrey Epstein…..


Or, some say, Trump supposedly laundered cash for Russian-Jewish mobsters, some of whom supposedly had condos at his Trump Tower in Manhattan. Trump has gone bankrupt several times, and each time, Jews bailed him out.

Michael Cohen, Lanny Davis and the Russian Mafia

It is all so tragic. Worst of all is the outcome in the 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy, where a US presidnet who clearly seems to be Donald Trump  and a mostly good guy nevertheless ends up getting the West into a full nuclear war with Russia, where 90% of the planet dies. (Germans and Boers are about the only whites to survive, down in, very ironically, South Africa.) See that article on Van Rensburg about halfway down here:

Especially important blogs

I plan to release in my next blog the complete audiofile and transcript of my interview with the Southlanders organization spokesman South Africa, where he defends himself against what he says is vicious, lying defamation by a Jan Lamprecht. The soutkllanders want to prepare the Boers (men, women and children) as much as possible to retreat to a desert area in southwestern SA once the inevitable race war begins so that at least some survive.




1 Comment

  1. Dear john yes the world is heading towards a Third World War.

    Many years ago I read the prophecies of Nostradamus and it’s amazing how accurate he was. He was a devout Catholic who loved France and his church. He predicted a new Islamic invasion of Europe that would slaughter millions of Europeans. He even predicted the attack on New York. Check out a documentary on Nostradamus hosted by Orson Welles. There was a good Australian documentary made as well. They both should be on YouTube.

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