Rodney Sanders murdered two nuns living among poor blacks and helping them with medical care — because they were white.
Articles like this are systematically censored from google and facebook. I’ve read frontpagemag for a long time, and most is spot on:
February 13, 2017 Daniel Greenfield Unexpectedly, the co-founder of a racist hate group is a racist. The media has praised and promoted Black Lives Matter. The ¦
This is a storm that is brewing up, and “politically correct”, “Christian”, “multicultural”, “modern”, “progressive”, “tolerant”, jew-loving, nazi-hating and/or simply “cool” whites don’t see it coming.
They are self-righteous in their attitudes, and that blinds them to the ominous facts.
The Jew has been stoking up racial tension for some time. He wants a race war so he can declare martial law.
And here it comes again: “without repentance there is no healing”.
hey black people this is a battle you cant ever win maybe in some inner city areas where the cuck white millenials (and criminal types of white crime families and groups who sell out to jew money/interest) may live you cant imagine how much weapons and training await you, you are a people who have been propped up by the jewish media demons and the communist(((human rights))) hoax programs. death truly awaits you, again and again. it will get so bad for negroids if they follow this path that they will willingly escape back to africa.