Note the white girl here is named “Aliyah Alonso.” (“Aliyah”in Hebrew means “moving to Israel”)
“Dieversity is our strength” (Barack Hussein Obama)
So the customers, the Black skate-party “organizers,” failed to hire an off-duty deputy (paid) to supervise the event as per the signed contract.
Despite this failure and breach of contract, the skating-rink management actually refunded all tickets.
Yet the Blax rioted anyway….proving management’s whole point that, with Blacks especially, you absolutely must have plenty of paid security.
Btw, Brandon, Florida is only 17% Black. This was an attack by the black minority on WHITE businesses.
Fucking n-s. You can take the negro out Africa, but you can’t take the Africa put of the negro. These savages don’t belong in a civilised country. It was the Jewish slave ships that brought them to America, and we should have picked our own cotton. That’s why we need firearms to protect and defend ourselves when these violent, savage apes have a chimp-out,
and decide to attack and try to kill us.
Typical liberal:
The guy interviewing the cannibal actually looks quite jewish, and yes, the little jews can be sincere, believing, blind-as-a-bat libtards who really believe in all the liberal bleeding heart inanities.
The big exception is the Orthodox jews, who are extremely conservative about nearly everything. Because of their gigantic birthrate, and the tiny fertility of the secular, libtard jews, the Orthodox percentage of jewry, is growing every day.